This document discusses the various uses of computers including communications, entertainment, education, jobs, and business. It outlines the qualifications needed to use a computer including a minimum 8th grade education and skills like confidence, patience, and interest. The document then describes the two main types of computers - branded computers which are assembled by companies and carry company seals, and assembled computers which are built by individuals from parts purchased separately. It provides details on specific computer components like hard drives, CD drives, and floppy disk drives. The document concludes with tips for proper computer handling and important tools needed.
5. 1.Branded Computers (Five Star
Hotel Coffee)
1. It is also Assembled Computers by
Company Workers
2.Different Peripherals is
manufactured by different. But
One particular company seal is put.
it so is called Branded computers.
6. 2.Assembled Computers (Home
1.It is done by individuals
2.All things is sold in market in minimum
one year Guarantee .
3.Based on assembling, there is no
different. But Price is different.
4.Branded Computers-price is higher than
Assembled Computers . Because
7. Because
1.Workers Salary
2.Advertisement Salary
5.Marketing Expenses
6.Minimum One year Service.
8. Pheripheral Specifications
1.Based on the computer language,
Computers-specification is called System
2. Different Peripherals is manufactured by
different companies.
HDD Seagate, Samsung etc.
CD-ROM-Creative,Samsung,Acer etc.
Floppy Disk Drive Teak,Sony,Samsung etc.
10. 4.Service Engineer
So Service Engineer can go any counties
for not only service but also Assembling.
11. Important Things to be remember
when Computer Handling.
1.Wrong connections except one does not
affect computers. Computer not
2.To avoid Wrong Connections, Guide is
3.Wrong connection in Ribbon Cable,
Speaker has no problem.
But wrong connection in AT
will cause damaging mother board and
12. 4.But In market,AT cabinet is not available.
5.But AT cabinet that is already used is
6.Use and throw .if one card is fault ,it will be
thrown.Because if repair, It may occur
fault again and again.
1.Your Hands
2.Magnetic star Screw Driver