Anemia is a common nutritional problem in pediatric patients that can have wide-ranging physiological and developmental impacts depending on severity, duration, and onset. Effects of anemia may include decreased oxygen carrying capacity, increased cardiac output, changes in oxygen dissociation curves, and reduced physical activity. Iron deficiency before anemia onset can permanently impact brain development and cognition. Anemia has also been linked to increased risk of IUGR, seizures, developmental delays, and behavioral problems. Timely prevention and treatment of anemia is important for physical, cognitive, and social development in children.
2. - Anemia and Iron deficiency are common
global nutritional problems
- Physiological changes will depend on
Onset- rapid or slow onset
Associated comorbid conditions and
other deficiencies.
4. Effects of Iron Deficiency may develop before
onset of Anemia
- Brain enzymes involved in cognition and
- Permanent adverse effects on learning and
- The changes in infancy may be irreversible.
- Beyond infancy also there is impact on
learning capacity and intelligence
- Linear growth may also be affected.
(Nutri research Vol 18,1998)
5. In Intrauterine Life.
Maternal malnutrition and Anemia:
- Increased risk of IUGR
- High perinatal and childhood morbidity.
(Endorine research vol 30,2004, Supriya D
Mahajan AIIMS Delhi.
6. Most Remain Asymptomatic
- Even pallor appears when Hb is below 7-8
- Gradual onset-good compensation
- Child limits his physical actives within his
- Breathlessness level deveops only when
other comorbid conditions are present or there is
sudden unaccustomed physical exertion.
7. Impact on physical Activities:
- Significantly reduced
- May appear as lack of interest
- Easy fatiguability
- Dyspnea
- Effort intolerance.
8. Non-hematologic Effects of iron deficiency, may
be before onset of anemia .
- May be irreversible effect on cognition and
- Risk of seizures.
- Strokes
- Pica- Lead ingestion
- Pagophagia
9. Other effects
- Hair loss and thining
- Nails brittle and grooved
- Impaired immune functions
- Developmental delay
- Growth faltering
- Behavior problems.
10. Iron had other functions
- Hb
- As transport medium for electrons within the
cells in the form of cytochromes.
- Facilitates various oxygen enzyme
14. Neurologic features of Cobalmin deficiency.
- Paresthesias
- Sensory deficits
- Hypotonia
- Seizures
- Development delay and regression
- Neuropsychiatric changes
- They may appear before fall in Hb.
Classic traid: Weakness , sore tongue and
16. Conclusion
- Physical activities
- Participation in sports / group play
- Learning capacity.
- Physical Growth
- Development Delay
- Changes may be permanent
- Prevention and early identification.