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New Media and Communication Fall 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 12

       Vanity slides about me

       The aim for this course: theory, method and research question

       What is new media (dry as dust but hang on!)

       Computing as new media


       The Internet and networks as new media

       Inspiration for research question to come

       Reading plan and other practical stu鍖
Wednesday, August 29, 12
The low down...

       I work as an advisor and product strategist at the start-up A Close Shave

       Master of Science in IT, Digital Design and Communication, 2012 ITU
        Thesis: Civic culture and Anonymity - a study on Anonymous

       TA in this course last year (Fall 2011)

       I 鍖nd interest in everything digital, mobile and social

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
In a days work I...

  Do customer service
                                                                            Social business, gami鍖cation
                                                                            and social media marketing
                    Act as community manager


      Do strategic workshops with clients

                                                                             Do social design

           Plan the product and business strategy
               for our social learning product

                                                    ...and I do a lot of presentations (sort of like this one)

Wednesday, August 29, 12
My aim for this course is...

       Introduction to the 鍖eld

       Theory, both practical and meta

       Methods, concrete tools for media and communication analysis

       Research question training

       A lot of exercises. I believe in practice and experience, not in reciting
        theoretical work.

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Theory - whats that?

       Media and Communication is a broad 鍖eld as it rarely works alone.
        You usually need a supplementary theoretical focus to make your research
        relevant, eg. sociology, psychology, business - you name it

       Theory is the what and why to the Research question

       A theory is just that, a theory - you should always question it!

       Thats why we will train in formulating research questions; to get a feeling of
        the media and communication 鍖eld and di鍖erent theoretical approaches

       New media is new - new is a relative term - so lets just call it media

Wednesday, August 29, 12

       Methods are the How to the Research question
        eg. Ethnography, interviews, observations, analysis, quantitative, qualitative

       This course is introductory and we will mostly discuss methods.
        You will have plenty of time to do projects and actually work with methods
        later on.

       Discuss theories, re鍖ect deeply on methods.

       We will do exercises that introduce you to di鍖erent methods.

Wednesday, August 29, 12
All existing media are translated into numerical
                           data accessible for the computer.
                           The result: graphics, moving images, sounds,
                           shapes, spaces, and texts become computable,
                           that is, simply sets of computer data.
                           In short media, becomes new media.

                                                                 - Manovich

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Numerical representation

Wednesday, August 29, 12
The newness of new media makes it
                           particularly dif鍖cult to write about, or at
                           least to say anything useful. Most writers
                           lapse into futurology, or remain mired in
                           ungrounded theory.
                                                                - Manovich

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Arthur C. Clarke Predicting the Future - BBC 1964
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Research is always de鍖ned by a
                           Research question,
                           which always takes it standpoint in
                           certain methods
                           and certain theory

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Above the wave
                           Utopians: New media changes everything.
                           Everything is new.
                           Technological hype...you know the type.

             Even if we cant take
             pictures of the wave,
             we can still ride it.
             Investigate it.
             Research it.
             You wanna be this guy!

                           Below the wave
                           Dystopians: critical about all things new, says
                           everything is the same, bussiness as usual and so

Wednesday, August 29, 12
This is your research question.

Wednesday, August 29, 12
What is new media to you?

Wednesday, August 29, 12

Wednesday, August 29, 12
today we are in the middle of a
                           new media revolution -- the shift of
                           all culture to computer- mediated
                           forms of production, distribution,
                           and communication.

Wednesday, August 29, 12

                     Production             Consumption

Wednesday, August 29, 12
1613: 鍖rst use of the word Computer

Wednesday, August 29, 12
A computer is a general purpose device
                     that can be programmed to carry out a
                     鍖nite set of arithmetic or logical
                     Since a sequence of operations can be
                     readily changed, the computer can solve
                     more than one kind of problem.
                                                  - Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 29, 12
She programmed for this:
                 Worlds 鍖rst programmer:   The Analytical Engine (1837)
                 Ada Lovelace, 1815-1852   by Charles Babbage

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Allan Turing (1912-1954)   Arti鍖cial representation of
                  The father of modern       the Turing Machine -
                  computer science and AI.   This thing was never built

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Content = Information

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Communication is the
                           exchange of thoughts,
                           messages, or information,
                           as by speech, visuals,
                           signals, writing, or behavior.
                                              - Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12

Wednesday, August 29, 12

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
But how are the networks
                           affecting culture and society?

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Commerce is changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12


                           CONSIDER                          BUY

                              ADVOCACY              EXPERIENCE

Wednesday, August 29, 12
If you look five years out,
                           every industry is going to
                           be rethought in a social
                           way. You can remake
                           whole industries.
                           Thats the big thing.
                                                - Marc Zuckerberg
                                            CEO & Founder af Facebook
                                             til TIME Magazine, Dec 2010

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Journalism is changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Politics are changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Organizations are changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Took approx 100 mio hours to make

Wednesday, August 29, 12
The same number of hours Americans
                           spend watching TV in a weekend.

Wednesday, August 29, 12
One thing that makes the current age
                           remarkable is that we can now treat free time
                           as a general social asset that can be
                           harnessed for large, communally created
                           projects, rather than as a set of individual
                           minutes to be whiled away one person at a
                                                           - Clay Shirky

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Citizenship is changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
Economics are changing

Wednesday, August 29, 12
The world is becoming
                                            too fast, too complex and
                                            too networked for one
                                            company to have all the
                                            answers inside.
                           Yochai Benkler

Wednesday, August 29, 12
Wednesday, August 29, 12
We will be covering much of this in class.
                     But 鍖rst we need to understand research.

Wednesday, August 29, 12

        Technology                 Society

Wednesday, August 29, 12
The plan and contents of this course
      An overview of what we will be working with each time.
      And why it is relevant to you.

Wednesday, August 29, 12

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1st. (inspirational) lecture @ New media and communication 2012

  • 1. New Media and Communication Fall 2012 Welcome. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 2. Today Vanity slides about me The aim for this course: theory, method and research question What is new media (dry as dust but hang on!) Computing as new media [Break] The Internet and networks as new media Inspiration for research question to come Reading plan and other practical stu鍖 Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 3. The low down... I work as an advisor and product strategist at the start-up A Close Shave Master of Science in IT, Digital Design and Communication, 2012 ITU Thesis: Civic culture and Anonymity - a study on Anonymous TA in this course last year (Fall 2011) I 鍖nd interest in everything digital, mobile and social Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 5. In a days work I... Do customer service Social business, gami鍖cation and social media marketing Act as community manager Blog Do strategic workshops with clients Do social design Plan the product and business strategy for our social learning product ...and I do a lot of presentations (sort of like this one) Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 6. My aim for this course is... Introduction to the 鍖eld Theory, both practical and meta Methods, concrete tools for media and communication analysis Research question training A lot of exercises. I believe in practice and experience, not in reciting theoretical work. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 7. Theory - whats that? Media and Communication is a broad 鍖eld as it rarely works alone. You usually need a supplementary theoretical focus to make your research relevant, eg. sociology, psychology, business - you name it Theory is the what and why to the Research question A theory is just that, a theory - you should always question it! Thats why we will train in formulating research questions; to get a feeling of the media and communication 鍖eld and di鍖erent theoretical approaches New media is new - new is a relative term - so lets just call it media Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 8. Methods Methods are the How to the Research question eg. Ethnography, interviews, observations, analysis, quantitative, qualitative This course is introductory and we will mostly discuss methods. You will have plenty of time to do projects and actually work with methods later on. Discuss theories, re鍖ect deeply on methods. We will do exercises that introduce you to di鍖erent methods. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 9. All existing media are translated into numerical data accessible for the computer. The result: graphics, moving images, sounds, shapes, spaces, and texts become computable, that is, simply sets of computer data. In short media, becomes new media. - Manovich Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 10. Numerical representation Modularity Automation Variability Transcoding Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 11. The newness of new media makes it particularly dif鍖cult to write about, or at least to say anything useful. Most writers lapse into futurology, or remain mired in ungrounded theory. - Manovich Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 12. Arthur C. Clarke Predicting the Future - BBC 1964 http://youtu.be/FxYgdX2PxyQ Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 13. Research is always de鍖ned by a Research question, which always takes it standpoint in certain methods and certain theory Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 14. Above the wave Utopians: New media changes everything. Everything is new. Technological hype...you know the type. Us Even if we cant take pictures of the wave, we can still ride it. Investigate it. Research it. You wanna be this guy! Below the wave Dystopians: critical about all things new, says everything is the same, bussiness as usual and so on. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 15. This is your research question. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 16. What is new media to you? Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 18. today we are in the middle of a new media revolution -- the shift of all culture to computer- mediated forms of production, distribution, and communication. -Manovich Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 19. Distribution Production Consumption Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 20. 1613: 鍖rst use of the word Computer Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 21. A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a 鍖nite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. - Wikipedia Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 22. She programmed for this: Worlds 鍖rst programmer: The Analytical Engine (1837) Ada Lovelace, 1815-1852 by Charles Babbage Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 23. Allan Turing (1912-1954) Arti鍖cial representation of The father of modern the Turing Machine - computer science and AI. This thing was never built Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 25. Communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. - Wikipedia Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 34. But how are the networks affecting culture and society? Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 39. If you look five years out, every industry is going to be rethought in a social way. You can remake whole industries. Thats the big thing. - Marc Zuckerberg CEO & Founder af Facebook til TIME Magazine, Dec 2010 Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 46. Took approx 100 mio hours to make Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 47. The same number of hours Americans spend watching TV in a weekend. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 48. One thing that makes the current age remarkable is that we can now treat free time as a general social asset that can be harnessed for large, communally created projects, rather than as a set of individual minutes to be whiled away one person at a time. - Clay Shirky Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 52. The world is becoming too fast, too complex and too networked for one company to have all the answers inside. Yochai Benkler Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 54. We will be covering much of this in class. But 鍖rst we need to understand research. Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 55. Media Technology Society Wednesday, August 29, 12
  • 56. The plan and contents of this course An overview of what we will be working with each time. And why it is relevant to you. Wednesday, August 29, 12