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and Child
NURSING: Care of the
Childbearing & Childrearing
 Goals & Philosophies
 Goals & Standard
 Roles & Responsibilities
 WHOs 17 Sustainable
Development Goals
 the care of women
during childbirth, is
derived from the
Greek word obstare,
which means to keep
The promotion
and maintenance
of optimal family
health to ensure
cycles of optimal
and childrearing.
 To have healthy adults, you must
have healthy children.
 To have healthy children, it is
important to promote the health
of the childbearing woman and
her family from the time before
children are born until they
reach adulthood.
The care of childbearing and childrearing
families is a
major focus of nursing practice.
 PRIMARY GOAL- the promotion and maintenance
of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and
 Scopes of practice includes:
 Preconceptual health care
 Care of women during three trimesters of pregnancy and the puerperium
 Care of infants during the perinatal period
 Care of children from birth through late adolescence
 Care in a variety of hospital and home care settings
Goals & Philosophies of Maternal & Child Health Nursing
Maternal and child health nursing is family
centered; assessment must include both
family and individual assessment data.
Maternal and child health nursing is
community centered; the health of families
depends on and influences the health of
Philosophy of Maternal and Child
Health Nursing
Maternal and child health nursing is evidence
based, because this is the means whereby
critical knowledge increases.
A maternal and child health nurse serves as an
advocate to protect the rights of all family
members, including the fetus.
Philosophy of Maternal and Child
Health Nursing
Maternal and child health nursing includes a
high degree of independent nursing functions,
because teaching and counseling are major
Promoting health and disease prevention
are important nursing roles because these
protect the health of the next generation.
Philosophy of Maternal and Child
Health Nursing
Maternal and child health nurses serve as
important resources for families during
childbearing and childrearing as these can be
extremely stressful times in a life cycle.
Personal, cultural, and religious attitudes and
beliefs influence the meaning and impact of
childbearing and childrearing on families.
Philosophy of Maternal and Child
Health Nursing
Circumstances such as illness or pregnancy are
meaningful only in the context of a total life.
Maternal and child health nursing is a
challenging role for nurses and a major factor
in keeping families well and optimally
Philosophy of Maternal and Child
Health Nursing
 The preferred focus of nursing care
 Enables nurses to better
understand individuals and their
effect on others, in turn, provides
more holistic care.
 Nurses provide guidance and
monitor the interaction between
family members to promote the
health and well-being of the family
Family Centered Approached
Definitions and Examples of Phases of Health
Educating clients to be
aware of good health
through teaching and
role modeling
Teaching women the importance
of rubella immunization before
pregnancy; teaching children the
importance of safer sex practices
Intervening to maintain
health when risk of
illness is present
Encouraging women to come for
prenatal care; teaching parents
the importance of safeguarding
their home by childproofing it
against poisoning.
Definitions and Examples of Phases of Health
Promptly diagnosing and
treating illness using
interventions that will
return client to wellness
most rapidly
Caring for a woman during
complication of pregnancy or
a child during an acute illness
Preventing further
complications from an
illness; bringing an ill client
back to an optimal state of
wellness or helping a client
to accept inevitable death
Encouraging a woman with
gestational trophoblastic
disease to continue therapy or
a child with a renal transplant
to continue to take necessary
 A form of problem solving based
on the scientific method, serves as
the basis for assessing, making a
nursing diagnosis, planning,
implementing, and evaluating
 Multidisciplinary care maps
The Nursing Process
Evidence-Based Practice
 The conscientious, explicit, and
judicious use of current best evidence
in making decisions about the care of
 Evidence can be a combination of
research, clinical expertise, and
patient preferences when all three
combine in decision making.
Trends in
Maternal and
Child Health
Families are not as extended
so are smaller than
Fewer family members are present as
support people in a time of crisis.
Nurses are called on to fulfill this role
more than ever before.
Single parents have become
the most common type of
A single parent may have fewer
financial resources than dual
employed parents; this is more likely
if the parent is a woman.
90% of women work outside
the home at least part-time.
Health care must be scheduled at
times a working parent can come for
care for herself or bring a child for
Families are more mobile
than previously; there is an
increase in the number of
homeless women and
Good interviewing and health
monitoring are necessary with mobile
families so a health database can be
established and there can be
continuity of care.
Both child and intimate
partner abuse is increasing in
Screening for child or intimate
partner abuse should be included in
all family contacts. Nurses must be
aware of the legal responsibilities for
reporting abuse.
Families are more health
conscious than ever before.
Families are ripe for health education;
providing this can be a major nursing
Healthcare must respect cost
Comprehensive care is necessary in
primary care settings because referral
to specialists may no longer be an
option. Health insurance is not
available for all families.
 Initiating Cost Containment
 systems of health care delivery that
focus on reducing the cost of health
care by closely monitoring the cost
of personnel, use and brands of
supplies, length of hospital stays,
number of procedures carried out,
and number of referrals requested
while maintaining quality care.
Trends in Health Care Environment
 Increasing Alternative Settings and
Styles for Health Care
 Advanced-practice nurses: nurse-
midwife, nurse practitioner
 Home births
 Home care
 Ambulatory clinics
Trends in Health Care Environment
 Including the Family in Health Care
 Increasing Use of Alternative Treatment
 Increasing Reliance on Home Care
 Increasing Use of Technology
 Women giving birth without any
health care provider present.
Trends in Health Care Environment
Health Care Concerns and Attitudes
emphasis on
preventive care
Increasing concern
for quality of life
Increase awareness
of the individuality
of clients
Empowerment of
health care
Legal and
Ethical Issues in
Maternal and
Child Health
Ethical Principles
 Ethical and social issues affecting the health of
pregnant women and their fetus are
increasingly complex.
 Some of the complexity arises from
technological advances in reproductive
technology, maternity care, and neonatal care.
 Nurses are autonomous professionals who are
required to provide ethically competent care.
Ethical Principles
 The right to self-determination
 Principle that all persons are equally valued
Respect for others
 Obligation to do good
 Obligation to do no harm
Ethical Principles
 Principle of equal treatment of others or that
others be treated fairly
 Faithfulness or obligation to keep promises
 Obligation to tell the truth
 The greatest good for the individual or an
action that is valued
Ethical Approaches
The Rights Approach
 The focus is on the
individuals right to
choose, and the rights
include the right to
privacy, to know the
truth, and to be free
from injury or harm.
The Utilitarian Approach
 This approach posits
that ethical actions are
those that provide the
greatest balance of
good over evil and
provides for the greatest
good for the greatest
 An ethical dilemma is a choice that has the potential
to violate ethical principles.
 In nursing it is often based on the nurses commitment
to advocacy.
 Patient advocacy - Action taken in response to our
ethical responsibility to intervene on behalf of those in
our care.
 Advocacy also involves accountability for nurses
responses to patients needs.
Ethical Dilemma
 Withdrawal of life support
 Harvesting of fetal organs or tissue
 In vitro fertilization and decisions for disposal of remaining fertilized
 Allocation of resources in pregnancy care during the previable period
 Fetal surgery
 Treatment of genetic disorders or fetal abnormalities found on
prenatal screening
 Equal access to prenatal care
 Maternal rights versus fetal rights
 Extraordinary medical treatment for pregnancy complications
Clinical Examples of Perinatal Ethical
 Using organs from an anencephalic infant
 Genetic engineering
 Drug testing in pregnancy
 Sanctity of life versus quality of life for extremely premature or
severely disabled infants
 Substance abuse in pregnancy
 Borderline viability: to resuscitate or not
 Fetal reduction
 Preconception gender selection
Clinical Examples of Perinatal Ethical
 Maternal and child health nursing carries some
legal concerns that extend above and beyond
other areas of nursing, because care is often
given to:
 an unseen clientthe fetus
 clients who are not of legal age for giving
consent for medical procedures.
 Contributing to this is the complexity of caring
for two patients, the mother and the fetus.
Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
 Nurses are legally responsible for protecting
the rights of their clients, including
confidentiality, and are accountable for the
quality of their individual nursing care and
that of other health care team members.
 Understanding the scope of practice and
standards of care can help nurses practice
within appropriate legal parameters.
Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
 Documentation is essential for protecting a
nurse and justifying his or her actions.
 Nurses need to be conscientious about
obtaining informed consent for invasive
procedures and determining that pregnant
women are aware of any risk to the fetus
associated with a procedure or test.
Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
 The birth of a disabled child when the parents would have chosen to end the
pregnancy if they had been informed about the disability during pregnancy.
Wrongful birth
 A claim that negligent prenatal testing on the part of a health care provider
resulted in the birth of an unperfect child.
Wrongful life
 Denotes a contraceptive measure that failed, allowing an unwanted child to
be conceived and born.
Wrongful conception
Five Common Clinical Situations Of Fetal and
Neonatal Injuries and Obstetric Litigation
 Inability to recognize and/or inability to appropriately respond to
intrapartum fetal compromise
 Inability to affect a timely cesarean birth (30 minutes from decision to
incision) when indicated by fetal or maternal condition
 Inability to appropriately initiate resuscitation of a depressed neonate
 Inappropriate use of oxytocin or misoprostol leading to uterine
hyperstimulation, uterine rupture, and fetal intolerance of labor and/or fetal
 Inappropriate use of forceps/vacuum and/or preventable shoulder dystocia
Allegations related to fetal monitoring:
 Failure to accurately assess maternal and fetal status
 Failure to appreciate a deteriorating fetal status
 Failure to treat a nonreassuring FHR
 Failure to correctly communicate maternal/fetal status to the care provider
 Failure to institute the chain of command when there is a clinical
Allegations related to fetal monitoring:
 The nurse must initiate the course of action when the clinical situation is a
matter of maternal or fetal well-being.
 In a case of a primary care provider not responding to an abnormal FHR or
a deteriorating clinical situation, the nurse should use the chain of
command to resolve the situation, advocate for the patients safety, and
seek necessary interventions to avoid a potentially adverse outcome.
 At the first level, notify the immediate supervisor to provide assistance.
Further steps are defined by the structure of the institution, and a policy
outlining communication for the chain of command should be present.
 Reducing Maternal & Child Mortality
 Implementing Health Reforms for the Rapid Reduction of Maternal and
Neonatal Mortality.
 Administrative Order 2008-0029 DOH
 MOP- Maternal Neonatal & Child Health & Nutrition Strategy
MNCHN strategy is intended to guide Local Government Units (LGUs) in designing
approaches to deliver MNCHN services especially to populations that are most at risk
from maternal and child deaths.
Maternal & Child Health Goals and Standards
 National Safe Motherhood Program
 Guided by the DOH FOURmula One Plus thrust and the Universal Health Care
 Vision  For Filipino Women to have full access to health services towards
making their pregnancy and delivery safe.
Goals & Standards
 BeMONC  Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care
 It refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn
conditions/complications being provided by a health facility or professional to
include the following services:
 Administration of parenteral oxytocic drugs (uterotonic)
 Administration of parenteral anticonvulsants
 Administration of parenteral antibiotics
 Administration of maternal steroids for preterm labor
 Performance of assisted vaginal deliveries
 Removal of retained placental products
 Manual removal of retained placenta
Goals & Standards
Cont. BeMONC
 Neonatal Interventions
 Newborn resuscitation
 Provision to warmth
 Blood Transfusion
 1  Medical Doctor
 1  Registered Nurse
 1  Registered Midwife
 To increase quality and years of healthy life
 To eliminate health disparities
 A new objective added in 2010  recommends that 100% of prelicensure programs in
nursing include core content on counseling
 For health promotion
 Disease prevention
 Cultural diversity  including for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations
 Evaluation of health sciences literature
 Environmental health
 Public health system and global health
 And all important areas of maternal and child health
2020 National Health Goals
Concentrate on improving the health of women
and children.
 To end poverty & hunger
 To achieve universal primary education
 To promote gender equality & empower
 To reduce child mortality
 To improve maternal health
 To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
 To ensure environmental sustainability
 To develop a global partnership for
Global Health Goals
Theoretical basis can help us appreciate the significant effect of a childs
illness or the introduction of a new member on the total family.
 Calista Roy  the important role of the nurse is to help the patient
adopt to change caused by illness or other stressor.
 Dorothea Orem  concentrates on examining patients ability to
perform self-care.
 Patricia Benner  describes the way nurses move from novice to expert
as they become more experienced and prepared to give
interprofessional care.
Nursing Theories
Service Provider
 Provision of ante natal care
 Monitoring the growth of the fetus & its well being
 Supplementation of requisite vitamins & micro nutrients
 Provision of health aspects related to new born
 Promotion of good delivery practices
 Promotion of breast feeding & maternal bonding
 Promotion of optimal new born care
 Ensuring appropriate immunization services
 Screening for mal formations, congenital anomalies & other deviations
Roles & Responsibilities of MCN
 Promotion of child rearing practices
 Periodic growth, development & milestone monitoring
 Promotion of school enrolment
 Provision of de-worming services & nutritional supplementation services
Role As An Administrator
 Evolve policy related to MCH
 Serve as an information provider to policy makers in relation to MCH
 Serves as liaison with the Govt, community & NGO in organizing &
implementing MCH services
 Develop counseling & MCH assistance network in the state
 Organize training program for health care professionals
 Conduct workshops & conferences relating to MCH care & sensitize the
community, health care professionals & policy makers
 Design curriculum in medical & para medical curriculum incorporating
aspects of MCH services
 Design health education materials & distribute
 Develop separate channels in order to sensitize the public on MCH
 Identify researchable areas in MCH & conduct research
 Pool grant in aids to support research activities in the areas of
MCH services
 Support research scholars undertaking research in the area of
 Coordinate & network research activities
 Design models based on research findings
(1st lesson) FRAMEWORK FOR MATERNAL & CHILD NURSING [Autosaved].pptx

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(1st lesson) FRAMEWORK FOR MATERNAL & CHILD NURSING [Autosaved].pptx

  • 1. Maternal and Child Health NURSING: Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing Family
  • 2. Goals & Philosophies Goals & Standard Theories Roles & Responsibilities WHOs 17 Sustainable Development Goals FRAMEWORK FOR MATERNAL & CHILD NURSING
  • 3. the care of women during childbirth, is derived from the Greek word obstare, which means to keep watch. OBSTETRICS
  • 5. PRIMARY GOAL OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING The promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing.
  • 6. To have healthy adults, you must have healthy children. To have healthy children, it is important to promote the health of the childbearing woman and her family from the time before children are born until they reach adulthood. The care of childbearing and childrearing families is a major focus of nursing practice.
  • 7. PRIMARY GOAL- the promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing. Scopes of practice includes: Preconceptual health care Care of women during three trimesters of pregnancy and the puerperium Care of infants during the perinatal period Care of children from birth through late adolescence Care in a variety of hospital and home care settings Goals & Philosophies of Maternal & Child Health Nursing
  • 8. Maternal and child health nursing is family centered; assessment must include both family and individual assessment data. Maternal and child health nursing is community centered; the health of families depends on and influences the health of communities. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 9. Maternal and child health nursing is evidence based, because this is the means whereby critical knowledge increases. A maternal and child health nurse serves as an advocate to protect the rights of all family members, including the fetus. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 10. Maternal and child health nursing includes a high degree of independent nursing functions, because teaching and counseling are major interventions. Promoting health and disease prevention are important nursing roles because these protect the health of the next generation. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 11. Maternal and child health nurses serve as important resources for families during childbearing and childrearing as these can be extremely stressful times in a life cycle. Personal, cultural, and religious attitudes and beliefs influence the meaning and impact of childbearing and childrearing on families. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 12. Circumstances such as illness or pregnancy are meaningful only in the context of a total life. Maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for nurses and a major factor in keeping families well and optimally functioning. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 13. The preferred focus of nursing care Enables nurses to better understand individuals and their effect on others, in turn, provides more holistic care. Nurses provide guidance and monitor the interaction between family members to promote the health and well-being of the family unit. Family Centered Approached
  • 14. FOUR PHASES OF HEALTH CARE Health Promotion Health Maintenance Health Restoration Health Rehabilitatio n
  • 15. Definitions and Examples of Phases of Health Care TERM DEFINITION EXAMPLES Health Promotion Educating clients to be aware of good health through teaching and role modeling Teaching women the importance of rubella immunization before pregnancy; teaching children the importance of safer sex practices Health Maintenance Intervening to maintain health when risk of illness is present Encouraging women to come for prenatal care; teaching parents the importance of safeguarding their home by childproofing it against poisoning.
  • 16. Definitions and Examples of Phases of Health Care TERM DEFINITION EXAMPLES Health Restoration Promptly diagnosing and treating illness using interventions that will return client to wellness most rapidly Caring for a woman during complication of pregnancy or a child during an acute illness Health Rehabilitation Preventing further complications from an illness; bringing an ill client back to an optimal state of wellness or helping a client to accept inevitable death Encouraging a woman with gestational trophoblastic disease to continue therapy or a child with a renal transplant to continue to take necessary medications
  • 17. A form of problem solving based on the scientific method, serves as the basis for assessing, making a nursing diagnosis, planning, implementing, and evaluating care. Multidisciplinary care maps The Nursing Process
  • 18. Evidence-Based Practice The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of patients. Evidence can be a combination of research, clinical expertise, and patient preferences when all three combine in decision making.
  • 20. TRENDS IMPLICATION FOR NURSING Families are not as extended so are smaller than previously. Fewer family members are present as support people in a time of crisis. Nurses are called on to fulfill this role more than ever before. Single parents have become the most common type of parent. A single parent may have fewer financial resources than dual employed parents; this is more likely if the parent is a woman. 90% of women work outside the home at least part-time. Health care must be scheduled at times a working parent can come for care for herself or bring a child for
  • 21. TRENDS IMPLICATION FOR NURSING Families are more mobile than previously; there is an increase in the number of homeless women and children. Good interviewing and health monitoring are necessary with mobile families so a health database can be established and there can be continuity of care. Both child and intimate partner abuse is increasing in incidence Screening for child or intimate partner abuse should be included in all family contacts. Nurses must be aware of the legal responsibilities for reporting abuse.
  • 22. TRENDS IMPLICATION FOR NURSING Families are more health conscious than ever before. Families are ripe for health education; providing this can be a major nursing role. Healthcare must respect cost containment Comprehensive care is necessary in primary care settings because referral to specialists may no longer be an option. Health insurance is not available for all families.
  • 23. Initiating Cost Containment systems of health care delivery that focus on reducing the cost of health care by closely monitoring the cost of personnel, use and brands of supplies, length of hospital stays, number of procedures carried out, and number of referrals requested while maintaining quality care. Trends in Health Care Environment
  • 24. Increasing Alternative Settings and Styles for Health Care Lying-in Advanced-practice nurses: nurse- midwife, nurse practitioner Home births Home care Ambulatory clinics Trends in Health Care Environment
  • 25. Including the Family in Health Care Increasing Use of Alternative Treatment Modalities Increasing Reliance on Home Care Increasing Use of Technology Freebirthing Women giving birth without any health care provider present. Trends in Health Care Environment
  • 26. Health Care Concerns and Attitudes Increasing emphasis on preventive care Increasing concern for quality of life Increase awareness of the individuality of clients Empowerment of health care consumers
  • 27. Legal and Ethical Issues in Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  • 28. Ethical Principles Ethical and social issues affecting the health of pregnant women and their fetus are increasingly complex. Some of the complexity arises from technological advances in reproductive technology, maternity care, and neonatal care. Nurses are autonomous professionals who are required to provide ethically competent care.
  • 29. Ethical Principles The right to self-determination Autonomy Principle that all persons are equally valued Respect for others Obligation to do good Beneficence Obligation to do no harm Non-maleficence
  • 30. Ethical Principles Principle of equal treatment of others or that others be treated fairly Justice Faithfulness or obligation to keep promises Fidelity Obligation to tell the truth Veracity The greatest good for the individual or an action that is valued Utility
  • 31. Ethical Approaches The Rights Approach The focus is on the individuals right to choose, and the rights include the right to privacy, to know the truth, and to be free from injury or harm. The Utilitarian Approach This approach posits that ethical actions are those that provide the greatest balance of good over evil and provides for the greatest good for the greatest number.
  • 32. An ethical dilemma is a choice that has the potential to violate ethical principles. In nursing it is often based on the nurses commitment to advocacy. Patient advocacy - Action taken in response to our ethical responsibility to intervene on behalf of those in our care. Advocacy also involves accountability for nurses responses to patients needs. Ethical Dilemma
  • 33. Withdrawal of life support Harvesting of fetal organs or tissue In vitro fertilization and decisions for disposal of remaining fertilized ova Allocation of resources in pregnancy care during the previable period Fetal surgery Treatment of genetic disorders or fetal abnormalities found on prenatal screening Equal access to prenatal care Maternal rights versus fetal rights Extraordinary medical treatment for pregnancy complications Clinical Examples of Perinatal Ethical Dilemmas
  • 34. Using organs from an anencephalic infant Genetic engineering Cloning Surrogacy Drug testing in pregnancy Sanctity of life versus quality of life for extremely premature or severely disabled infants Substance abuse in pregnancy Borderline viability: to resuscitate or not Fetal reduction Preconception gender selection Clinical Examples of Perinatal Ethical Dilemmas
  • 35. Maternal and child health nursing carries some legal concerns that extend above and beyond other areas of nursing, because care is often given to: an unseen clientthe fetus clients who are not of legal age for giving consent for medical procedures. Contributing to this is the complexity of caring for two patients, the mother and the fetus. Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
  • 36. Nurses are legally responsible for protecting the rights of their clients, including confidentiality, and are accountable for the quality of their individual nursing care and that of other health care team members. Understanding the scope of practice and standards of care can help nurses practice within appropriate legal parameters. Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
  • 37. Documentation is essential for protecting a nurse and justifying his or her actions. Nurses need to be conscientious about obtaining informed consent for invasive procedures and determining that pregnant women are aware of any risk to the fetus associated with a procedure or test. Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care
  • 38. Legal Issues in the Delivery of Care The birth of a disabled child when the parents would have chosen to end the pregnancy if they had been informed about the disability during pregnancy. Wrongful birth A claim that negligent prenatal testing on the part of a health care provider resulted in the birth of an unperfect child. Wrongful life Denotes a contraceptive measure that failed, allowing an unwanted child to be conceived and born. Wrongful conception
  • 39. Five Common Clinical Situations Of Fetal and Neonatal Injuries and Obstetric Litigation Inability to recognize and/or inability to appropriately respond to intrapartum fetal compromise Inability to affect a timely cesarean birth (30 minutes from decision to incision) when indicated by fetal or maternal condition Inability to appropriately initiate resuscitation of a depressed neonate Inappropriate use of oxytocin or misoprostol leading to uterine hyperstimulation, uterine rupture, and fetal intolerance of labor and/or fetal death Inappropriate use of forceps/vacuum and/or preventable shoulder dystocia
  • 40. Allegations related to fetal monitoring: Failure to accurately assess maternal and fetal status Failure to appreciate a deteriorating fetal status Failure to treat a nonreassuring FHR Failure to correctly communicate maternal/fetal status to the care provider Failure to institute the chain of command when there is a clinical disagreement
  • 41. Allegations related to fetal monitoring: The nurse must initiate the course of action when the clinical situation is a matter of maternal or fetal well-being. In a case of a primary care provider not responding to an abnormal FHR or a deteriorating clinical situation, the nurse should use the chain of command to resolve the situation, advocate for the patients safety, and seek necessary interventions to avoid a potentially adverse outcome. At the first level, notify the immediate supervisor to provide assistance. Further steps are defined by the structure of the institution, and a policy outlining communication for the chain of command should be present.
  • 42. Reducing Maternal & Child Mortality Implementing Health Reforms for the Rapid Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality. Administrative Order 2008-0029 DOH MOP- Maternal Neonatal & Child Health & Nutrition Strategy MNCHN strategy is intended to guide Local Government Units (LGUs) in designing approaches to deliver MNCHN services especially to populations that are most at risk from maternal and child deaths. Maternal & Child Health Goals and Standards
  • 43. National Safe Motherhood Program Guided by the DOH FOURmula One Plus thrust and the Universal Health Care Frame Vision For Filipino Women to have full access to health services towards making their pregnancy and delivery safe. Goals & Standards
  • 44. BeMONC Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care It refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications being provided by a health facility or professional to include the following services: Administration of parenteral oxytocic drugs (uterotonic) Administration of parenteral anticonvulsants Administration of parenteral antibiotics Administration of maternal steroids for preterm labor Performance of assisted vaginal deliveries Removal of retained placental products Manual removal of retained placenta Goals & Standards
  • 45. Cont. BeMONC Neonatal Interventions Newborn resuscitation Provision to warmth Referral Blood Transfusion Staffs 1 Medical Doctor 1 Registered Nurse 1 Registered Midwife
  • 46. To increase quality and years of healthy life To eliminate health disparities A new objective added in 2010 recommends that 100% of prelicensure programs in nursing include core content on counseling For health promotion Disease prevention Cultural diversity including for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations Evaluation of health sciences literature Environmental health Public health system and global health And all important areas of maternal and child health 2020 National Health Goals
  • 47. Concentrate on improving the health of women and children. To end poverty & hunger To achieve universal primary education To promote gender equality & empower women To reduce child mortality To improve maternal health To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases To ensure environmental sustainability To develop a global partnership for development Global Health Goals
  • 48. Theoretical basis can help us appreciate the significant effect of a childs illness or the introduction of a new member on the total family. Calista Roy the important role of the nurse is to help the patient adopt to change caused by illness or other stressor. Dorothea Orem concentrates on examining patients ability to perform self-care. Patricia Benner describes the way nurses move from novice to expert as they become more experienced and prepared to give interprofessional care. Nursing Theories
  • 49. Service Provider Provision of ante natal care Monitoring the growth of the fetus & its well being Supplementation of requisite vitamins & micro nutrients Provision of health aspects related to new born Promotion of good delivery practices Promotion of breast feeding & maternal bonding Promotion of optimal new born care Ensuring appropriate immunization services Screening for mal formations, congenital anomalies & other deviations Roles & Responsibilities of MCN
  • 50. Promotion of child rearing practices Periodic growth, development & milestone monitoring Promotion of school enrolment Provision of de-worming services & nutritional supplementation services Role As An Administrator Evolve policy related to MCH Serve as an information provider to policy makers in relation to MCH services Serves as liaison with the Govt, community & NGO in organizing & implementing MCH services Develop counseling & MCH assistance network in the state
  • 51. Educationist Organize training program for health care professionals Conduct workshops & conferences relating to MCH care & sensitize the community, health care professionals & policy makers Design curriculum in medical & para medical curriculum incorporating aspects of MCH services Design health education materials & distribute Develop separate channels in order to sensitize the public on MCH services.
  • 52. Researcher Identify researchable areas in MCH & conduct research Pool grant in aids to support research activities in the areas of MCH services Support research scholars undertaking research in the area of MCH Coordinate & network research activities Design models based on research findings

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Define Childbearing- is to have children Childrearing- is to raise children.
  • #13: Regardless of the setting, a family-centered approach is the preferred focus of nursing care. The health of an individual and his or her ability to function as a member of a family can strongly influence and improve overall family functioning.
  • #24: telemedicine
  • #25: Zoom meeting check up
  • #34: Fetal reduction- to reduce the number of fetuses in a pregnancy.
  • #42: Maternal Mortality Rate The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births that occur as a direct result of the reproductive process. Fetal Death Rate- The number of fetal deaths (over 500 g) per 1,000 live births. Neonatal Death Rate- The number of deaths per 1,000 live births occurring at birth or in the first 28 days of life. Perinatal death Rate- The number of deaths during the perinatal time period (beginning when the fetus reaches 500 g, about week 20 of pregnancy, and ending about 4 to 6 weeks after birth); it is the sum of the fetal and neonatal rates. Infant Mortality Rate- The number of deaths per 1,000 live births occurring at birth or in the first 12 months of life.