Азбука мировой фантастики и приключений : виртуальная выставкаАгния Книгина2015 год стал юбилейным для множества замечательных писателей, работавших в жанре фантастики, приключений и детектива. Предлагаемая виртуальная выставка, посвящена жизни и творчеству некоторых из них.
птица счастья детская презентация о творчестве учащихсяOlga-stДетская презентация о творчестве учащихся в рамках мастер-класса "Птица счастья" по изготовлению традиционной народной игрушки в технике художественного выжигания по шелку, подробнее на сайте http://stazaeva.ru
May 2009 IAPH WB: state of the port sector Michel_DonnerThe document summarizes the state of the global port and maritime sectors in 2009 in the wake of the global financial crisis. It notes that global trade volumes declined sharply in 2009 but were expected to recover in 2010. Many ports saw significant declines in container throughput of 20% or more in early 2009 compared to the previous year. The crisis led private capital flows to developing countries for infrastructure to drop significantly. Most port operators and shipping lines froze investments in new projects and cut costs to weather the downturn. The future of port infrastructure financing was expected to involve more modest projects that could be realistically financed. The crisis had wide impacts across the maritime transport industry through loss of cargo volumes and freight rates, with some major shipping lines reporting losses of
"Fighting for funding" Iaph p&h article July 2010Michel_DonnerThe document discusses various topics related to ports and shipping, including the use of biometric scanning for port security, efforts by ports in the Gulf of Mexico to prevent oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill from entering their harbors, and recent developments at ports around the world such as terminal deals in Virginia and Finland. It also previews upcoming issues to be discussed at the IAPH meeting in Savannah, Georgia.
Extreme Affordability 2009: Footprint MicrofuelgwaitzkinExcerpt from Final Presentation for Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability at Stanford's d.school, Spring 2009. Team members include Carissa Carter, Christina Caciopo, Graeme Waitzkin and Seth Silverman.
Sra Pou Vocational School For The TeamhillarudankoThis document outlines the design process for a vocational school in the Sra Pou relocation site in Cambodia. It describes how the architects visited the site and worked with the community to understand their needs. They developed a room program and preliminary design for the school, using locally sourced materials like soil blocks. The final design was presented, showing exterior views, plans, and details of the proposed school building to provide vocational training opportunities for the community.
Port Projects Funding After The Crisis Toc Americas, Rio Nov 2010Michel_DonnerThe document discusses challenges facing port project funding after the economic crisis. It notes that while trade volumes have rebounded, financing is less abundant and more expensive. Several regions are experiencing port capacity issues and congestion due to increased ship and cargo volumes. Attracting private financing for new port development projects will require clear regulations, mitigation of investment risks, and facilitating projects that attract investors and operators.
20080410 OAS CIP Presentation: The World Bank and Port SecurityMichel_DonnerPresentation at the IIIrd Hemispheric Conference on port security - Organization of American States OAS/CIP - April 2008
May 2009 IAPH WB: state of the port sector Michel_DonnerThe document summarizes the state of the global port and maritime sectors in 2009 in the wake of the global financial crisis. It notes that global trade volumes declined sharply in 2009 but were expected to recover in 2010. Many ports saw significant declines in container throughput of 20% or more in early 2009 compared to the previous year. The crisis led private capital flows to developing countries for infrastructure to drop significantly. Most port operators and shipping lines froze investments in new projects and cut costs to weather the downturn. The future of port infrastructure financing was expected to involve more modest projects that could be realistically financed. The crisis had wide impacts across the maritime transport industry through loss of cargo volumes and freight rates, with some major shipping lines reporting losses of
"Fighting for funding" Iaph p&h article July 2010Michel_DonnerThe document discusses various topics related to ports and shipping, including the use of biometric scanning for port security, efforts by ports in the Gulf of Mexico to prevent oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill from entering their harbors, and recent developments at ports around the world such as terminal deals in Virginia and Finland. It also previews upcoming issues to be discussed at the IAPH meeting in Savannah, Georgia.
Extreme Affordability 2009: Footprint MicrofuelgwaitzkinExcerpt from Final Presentation for Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability at Stanford's d.school, Spring 2009. Team members include Carissa Carter, Christina Caciopo, Graeme Waitzkin and Seth Silverman.
Sra Pou Vocational School For The TeamhillarudankoThis document outlines the design process for a vocational school in the Sra Pou relocation site in Cambodia. It describes how the architects visited the site and worked with the community to understand their needs. They developed a room program and preliminary design for the school, using locally sourced materials like soil blocks. The final design was presented, showing exterior views, plans, and details of the proposed school building to provide vocational training opportunities for the community.
Port Projects Funding After The Crisis Toc Americas, Rio Nov 2010Michel_DonnerThe document discusses challenges facing port project funding after the economic crisis. It notes that while trade volumes have rebounded, financing is less abundant and more expensive. Several regions are experiencing port capacity issues and congestion due to increased ship and cargo volumes. Attracting private financing for new port development projects will require clear regulations, mitigation of investment risks, and facilitating projects that attract investors and operators.
20080410 OAS CIP Presentation: The World Bank and Port SecurityMichel_DonnerPresentation at the IIIrd Hemispheric Conference on port security - Organization of American States OAS/CIP - April 2008
14. Галчата
На заборе снег мохнатый толстой грядочкой лежит.
Налетели вмиг галчата… Ух, какой серьезный вид!
Ходят боком вдоль забора, головенки изогнув,
И друг дружку скоро-скоро клювом цапают за клюв.
Что вы ссоритесь, пичужки? Мало ль места вам кругом
На березовой макушке, на крыльце и под крыльцом.
Эх, когда б я сам был галкой — через форточку б
И веселою нырялкой в синем небе потонул…
Саша Чёрный