Weight ManagementMint BoonthidaThis document provides pricing and value information for several Nutrilite supplement products, including Nutri Fiber Powder, Chewable Fiber Blend, Fish Oil Capsule, Positrim, Nutrilite Calow, and α-Lipoic Acid. For each product, the document lists the product value code (PV) and business volume (BV) values, with BV ranging from 708 to 2,968 for the different supplements.
Media Pitchsalesianas20111) A hit man hits a woman over the head with a baseball bat in a foggy graveyard, only to discover that the victim is his wife.
2) The document outlines ideas for a thriller genre film including stock characters, settings, narrative structure, and potential actors like Danny Dyer, Jessica Alba, and Jason Statham.
3) The proposed budget for the film is £100 million, with £10 million each for Jessica Alba and Danny Dyer, and £20 million for Jason Statham.
Uitzonderlijke beweringen vereisen uitzonderlijk bewijsMaarten KollerPresentatie Dap Hartmann (astronoom en universitair hoofddocent innovation management and entrepreneurship aan de TU Delft) tijdens het Skepsis congres 2013.
Are you getting your fair digital share?KantarDigital share of voice (SOV) matters for brand growth according to a new analysis. Brands that increased their digital SOV were more likely to grow their market share over time. Brands that increased both their overall SOV and digital SOV were particularly likely to see increased market share. The analysis provides evidence that digital SOV should be considered an essential part of a brand's overall communications strategy.
Creating the Improvement-Minded OrganizationTKMG, Inc.To subscribe: http://www.ksmartin.com/subscribe
To learn about Karen's books and products, please visit: http://www.ksmartin.com/books-products/.
These are the slides from my keynote talk at the ASQ Lean and Six Sigma conference on February 28, 2012 in Phoenix.
Cultura de Massas no Século XX. Danielle Rachid VianaA empresa está enfrentando desafios financeiros devido à queda nas vendas e precisa cortar custos. O diretor financeiro recomenda demitir funcionários para economizar em folha de pagamento ou negociar reduções salariais para evitar demissões. Também sugere adiar investimentos não essenciais para preservar caixa.
Millward Brown's Media Presentation - GhanaKantarThis document discusses advertising across borders in Africa. It finds that while transference of advertising executions within Africa is only 43%, certain techniques tend to work better, such as emotional messaging focusing on family and community, optimism, and simplicity. However, there are also cultural differences between countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and East Africa that must be considered. The document provides recommendations for ensuring advertising travels well, such as understanding category development, brand meaning, and cultural factors. It also discusses how Millward Brown's LINK testing solution can help optimize ads and maximize their effectiveness and sales impact.
La estructura genetica de la inteligencia…….Ana AzuelaEste documento discute la estructura genética de la inteligencia. Explica que la inteligencia tiene una base genética y que existen diversas formas de obtener respuestas. También describe algunas características comunes en personas con inteligencia altamente desarrollada o creativa, como la observación detallada, la abstracción y la flexibilidad. Finalmente, señala que es un error asumir que los estudiantes más talentosos siempre sacarán las mejores notas, ya que algunos pueden esconder discapacidades compensadas y necesitan
Lecture 14 the monetary systemGale PooleyThis document discusses the monetary system and the Federal Reserve. It defines money and its key functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It describes different types of money like commodity and fiat money. It then explains the role of the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the US that regulates banks and controls the money supply through tools like setting interest rates and conducting open market operations. The Federal Reserve aims to balance economic growth and stability through its monetary policy decisions.
The Touble With PineBill LaytonThis powerpoint is based on research and trials compiled in 2013 by Suzanne Simard, Jean Heineman, Jean Mather and Don Sachs via the BC Forest Innovations Investment group. It recommends curtailing the widespread planting of lodgepole pine (pinus contorta) throughout the BC interior, especially in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) and Englemann Spruce Subalpine Fir (ESSF) biogeoclimatic zones.
The study also recommends that climate change is likely to exacerbate the effects of pests and disease on lodgepole pine.
VISITA AL AULA ARQUEOLÓGICA DEL NEOLÍTICO Y EL MEGALITISMO. Morales del Rey (...Manuela Romera SalasEl documento trata sobre un aula arqueológica dedicada al Neolítico y el Megalitismo ubicada en Morales del Rey, Zamora. El aula ofrece información sobre los períodos Neolítico y Megalítico, así como sobre los yacimientos arqueológicos de la zona de Morales del Rey que datan de esas épocas.
374 7Gale PooleyThis document summarizes key concepts from a real estate analysis course. It includes definitions of market value, highest and best use, and the steps of the appraisal process. Market research techniques like GIS mapping and excluding irrelevant data are discussed. The sales comparison and cost approaches to estimating property value are outlined, including adjustments for location, size, and date of sale. Land and improvement values are calculated considering depreciation factors.
Workshop i Google Fusion Tables, Gräv 2014Lotta HolmstromIntroduktionskurs till enkla kartvisualiseringar med hjälp av verktyget Google Fusion Tables. För journalister.
Successful Ads in Saudi ArabiaKantarThe document discusses how Firefly used its Ideablog platform to explore effective advertising themes in Saudi Arabia. Participants engaged online for 10 days, exploring themes of humor, celebrity, music, and "slice of life". For humor, participants responded best to satire and self-deprecating humor grounded in local culture. Local celebrities were preferred over international stars as they seemed more accessible and a better fit. Modern Arabic pop music was popular. Ads showing realistic "slices of life" had high engagement when the brand fit naturally into the situation and inspired positive rather than negative emotions. Firefly advocates evolving with consumers by giving brands a local feel through relevant stories that audiences can identify with.
Media Pitchsalesianas20111) A hit man hits a woman over the head with a baseball bat in a foggy graveyard, only to discover that the victim is his wife.
2) The document outlines ideas for a thriller genre film including stock characters, settings, narrative structure, and potential actors like Danny Dyer, Jessica Alba, and Jason Statham.
3) The proposed budget for the film is £100 million, with £10 million each for Jessica Alba and Danny Dyer, and £20 million for Jason Statham.
Uitzonderlijke beweringen vereisen uitzonderlijk bewijsMaarten KollerPresentatie Dap Hartmann (astronoom en universitair hoofddocent innovation management and entrepreneurship aan de TU Delft) tijdens het Skepsis congres 2013.
Are you getting your fair digital share?KantarDigital share of voice (SOV) matters for brand growth according to a new analysis. Brands that increased their digital SOV were more likely to grow their market share over time. Brands that increased both their overall SOV and digital SOV were particularly likely to see increased market share. The analysis provides evidence that digital SOV should be considered an essential part of a brand's overall communications strategy.
Creating the Improvement-Minded OrganizationTKMG, Inc.To subscribe: http://www.ksmartin.com/subscribe
To learn about Karen's books and products, please visit: http://www.ksmartin.com/books-products/.
These are the slides from my keynote talk at the ASQ Lean and Six Sigma conference on February 28, 2012 in Phoenix.
Cultura de Massas no Século XX. Danielle Rachid VianaA empresa está enfrentando desafios financeiros devido à queda nas vendas e precisa cortar custos. O diretor financeiro recomenda demitir funcionários para economizar em folha de pagamento ou negociar reduções salariais para evitar demissões. Também sugere adiar investimentos não essenciais para preservar caixa.
Millward Brown's Media Presentation - GhanaKantarThis document discusses advertising across borders in Africa. It finds that while transference of advertising executions within Africa is only 43%, certain techniques tend to work better, such as emotional messaging focusing on family and community, optimism, and simplicity. However, there are also cultural differences between countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and East Africa that must be considered. The document provides recommendations for ensuring advertising travels well, such as understanding category development, brand meaning, and cultural factors. It also discusses how Millward Brown's LINK testing solution can help optimize ads and maximize their effectiveness and sales impact.
La estructura genetica de la inteligencia…….Ana AzuelaEste documento discute la estructura genética de la inteligencia. Explica que la inteligencia tiene una base genética y que existen diversas formas de obtener respuestas. También describe algunas características comunes en personas con inteligencia altamente desarrollada o creativa, como la observación detallada, la abstracción y la flexibilidad. Finalmente, señala que es un error asumir que los estudiantes más talentosos siempre sacarán las mejores notas, ya que algunos pueden esconder discapacidades compensadas y necesitan
Lecture 14 the monetary systemGale PooleyThis document discusses the monetary system and the Federal Reserve. It defines money and its key functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It describes different types of money like commodity and fiat money. It then explains the role of the Federal Reserve as the central bank of the US that regulates banks and controls the money supply through tools like setting interest rates and conducting open market operations. The Federal Reserve aims to balance economic growth and stability through its monetary policy decisions.
The Touble With PineBill LaytonThis powerpoint is based on research and trials compiled in 2013 by Suzanne Simard, Jean Heineman, Jean Mather and Don Sachs via the BC Forest Innovations Investment group. It recommends curtailing the widespread planting of lodgepole pine (pinus contorta) throughout the BC interior, especially in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) and Englemann Spruce Subalpine Fir (ESSF) biogeoclimatic zones.
The study also recommends that climate change is likely to exacerbate the effects of pests and disease on lodgepole pine.
VISITA AL AULA ARQUEOLÓGICA DEL NEOLÍTICO Y EL MEGALITISMO. Morales del Rey (...Manuela Romera SalasEl documento trata sobre un aula arqueológica dedicada al Neolítico y el Megalitismo ubicada en Morales del Rey, Zamora. El aula ofrece información sobre los períodos Neolítico y Megalítico, así como sobre los yacimientos arqueológicos de la zona de Morales del Rey que datan de esas épocas.
374 7Gale PooleyThis document summarizes key concepts from a real estate analysis course. It includes definitions of market value, highest and best use, and the steps of the appraisal process. Market research techniques like GIS mapping and excluding irrelevant data are discussed. The sales comparison and cost approaches to estimating property value are outlined, including adjustments for location, size, and date of sale. Land and improvement values are calculated considering depreciation factors.
Workshop i Google Fusion Tables, Gräv 2014Lotta HolmstromIntroduktionskurs till enkla kartvisualiseringar med hjälp av verktyget Google Fusion Tables. För journalister.
Successful Ads in Saudi ArabiaKantarThe document discusses how Firefly used its Ideablog platform to explore effective advertising themes in Saudi Arabia. Participants engaged online for 10 days, exploring themes of humor, celebrity, music, and "slice of life". For humor, participants responded best to satire and self-deprecating humor grounded in local culture. Local celebrities were preferred over international stars as they seemed more accessible and a better fit. Modern Arabic pop music was popular. Ads showing realistic "slices of life" had high engagement when the brand fit naturally into the situation and inspired positive rather than negative emotions. Firefly advocates evolving with consumers by giving brands a local feel through relevant stories that audiences can identify with.
6. บรรณานุกรม(2552, กรกฎาคม). เค้กชาเขียวมะรุม. Health & Cuisine. 9(102): สืบค้นเมื่อ 30 ธันวาคม2553, จาก http://healthandcuisine.com/cuisine.aspx?cId=11&aId=1416(2548).หมั่นโถวร้อนๆ อาหารนิยมของคนจีน.สืบค้นเมื่อ 30 ธันวาคม 2553, จาก http://www.manager.co.th/China/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9480000008551Sangchay, A; Kaveera, K; and Limroongreungrat, K. (2010). Agricultural Sci. 41(3/1)(suppl.): 349-352. Retrieved January 7,2011, from http://www.crdc.kmutt.ac.th/Data%202010/J.%20CRDC4/CRDC%204/PDF/349-352.pdf
7. บรรณานุกรม (ต่อ)Arti R. Verma; et al. (2009). In vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of different fractions of Moringaoleifera leaves. Retrieved January 7 2011, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T6P-4WGMB9Y49&_cdi=5036&_user=1750333&_pii=S0278691509002774&_origin=search&_coverDate=09%2F30%2F2009&_sk=999529990&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlzzSkzS&md5=34982ef8951890ba4767accbf892c9d9&ie=/sdarticle.pdfสุวิมล โต่นวุธ. (2552). กินมะรุม ลืมมะเร็ง. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 4. กรุงเทพฯ:กรีน-ปัญญาญาณ