Η βία στη σύγχρονη κοινωνία: από το άτομο στο σύνολοDimitris AgorastosΣύντομη εισήγηση για την ανάπτυξη βίαιων συμπεριφορών από το επίπεδο του ατόμου έως το συλλογικό επίπεδο. Ενδοοικογενειακή βία, ενδοσχολική βία, κοινωνική βία.
Tι θα γίνει όταν μεγαλώσει;Irini Andrioti, PMP, GCDFΔιαμόρφωση της ταυτότητας του εφήβου και γονεϊκός ρόλος, το ευρύτερο πολιτισμικό πλαίσιο στο οποίο η οικογένεια ολοκληρώνει την κοινωνικοποίηση των εφήβων, η δυναμική της οικογένειας
How To Make A Great Pbjguest8bf4aaThis document provides a recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with some additional context. It lists the ingredients as crunchy peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam along with two slices of white bread and milk. The directions explain how to spread the peanut butter and jam on separate slices of bread and then put them together to make the sandwich. Some additional details provided include the results of a survey showing strawberry jam is the most popular pairing with peanut butter, as well as occasions when peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are commonly eaten such as school lunches, picnics, and birthday parties.
Permitting Geothermal Exploration And Development Projects On Public And Trib...awaltner1. The document discusses permitting requirements for geothermal exploration and development projects on public and tribal lands. It outlines the typical stages of a geothermal project and environmental impacts.
2. Key regulatory programs that may apply include the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and regulations overseen by the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, and other agencies depending on the land ownership.
3. Special considerations apply for projects on federal, state, tribal, and private lands. The document provides strategies for navigating the complex permitting process such as preparing core environmental documents, integrating planning, and involving agencies early.
Special Protections And Areas Of Special Biological Significance Casqa Powerp...awaltnerThe document discusses the ongoing controversy around regulating stormwater discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) in California. It provides background on the designation of ASBSs in the 1970s, the history of prohibiting "waste" discharges to them, a 2003 inventory that found over 1,600 direct discharges, and recent efforts to issue exceptions allowing certain discharges if special conditions are met. Stakeholders disagree on how to balance protecting natural water quality in ASBSs with the technical and economic feasibility of completely prohibiting stormwater discharges.
Permitting Solar, Wind And Geothermal Projects On Public And Tribal LandsawaltnerPermitting Solar, Wind and Geothermal Projects on Public and Tribal Lands
Evaluates the Bureau of Land Management, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and other regulatory programs that apply to alternative energy developments
Medicine20Eileen GasparThis document discusses the concept of Medicine 2.0 and how doctors can utilize various online tools and platforms. It defines Medicine 2.0 as using web tools like blogs, podcasts, and social media to personalize healthcare, collaborate, and promote health education. It provides examples of how hospitals are using social media for customer service, education, recruitment and more. It also discusses specific tools in Medicine 2.0 like RSS feeds, podcasts, blogging, and social networks and how doctors can leverage them.
Ψυχικές Διαταραχές: Ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα Δημόσιας ΥγείαςPetros SkapinakisΜια παρουσίαση που έγινε στα Ιωάννινα (13/5/2015) στο Παράρτημα Ιωαννίνων του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού.
How To Make A Great Pbjguest8bf4aaThis document provides a recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with some additional context. It lists the ingredients as crunchy peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam along with two slices of white bread and milk. The directions explain how to spread the peanut butter and jam on separate slices of bread and then put them together to make the sandwich. Some additional details provided include the results of a survey showing strawberry jam is the most popular pairing with peanut butter, as well as occasions when peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are commonly eaten such as school lunches, picnics, and birthday parties.
Permitting Geothermal Exploration And Development Projects On Public And Trib...awaltner1. The document discusses permitting requirements for geothermal exploration and development projects on public and tribal lands. It outlines the typical stages of a geothermal project and environmental impacts.
2. Key regulatory programs that may apply include the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and regulations overseen by the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, and other agencies depending on the land ownership.
3. Special considerations apply for projects on federal, state, tribal, and private lands. The document provides strategies for navigating the complex permitting process such as preparing core environmental documents, integrating planning, and involving agencies early.
Special Protections And Areas Of Special Biological Significance Casqa Powerp...awaltnerThe document discusses the ongoing controversy around regulating stormwater discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) in California. It provides background on the designation of ASBSs in the 1970s, the history of prohibiting "waste" discharges to them, a 2003 inventory that found over 1,600 direct discharges, and recent efforts to issue exceptions allowing certain discharges if special conditions are met. Stakeholders disagree on how to balance protecting natural water quality in ASBSs with the technical and economic feasibility of completely prohibiting stormwater discharges.
Permitting Solar, Wind And Geothermal Projects On Public And Tribal LandsawaltnerPermitting Solar, Wind and Geothermal Projects on Public and Tribal Lands
Evaluates the Bureau of Land Management, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and other regulatory programs that apply to alternative energy developments
Medicine20Eileen GasparThis document discusses the concept of Medicine 2.0 and how doctors can utilize various online tools and platforms. It defines Medicine 2.0 as using web tools like blogs, podcasts, and social media to personalize healthcare, collaborate, and promote health education. It provides examples of how hospitals are using social media for customer service, education, recruitment and more. It also discusses specific tools in Medicine 2.0 like RSS feeds, podcasts, blogging, and social networks and how doctors can leverage them.
Ψυχικές Διαταραχές: Ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα Δημόσιας ΥγείαςPetros SkapinakisΜια παρουσίαση που έγινε στα Ιωάννινα (13/5/2015) στο Παράρτημα Ιωαννίνων του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού.
2. Σκοπός της σεξουαλικής αγωγής: διατήρηση της ισορροπίας μεταξύ των 3 διαστάσεων της υγείας Της σωματικής υγείας ( αποφυγή μολύνσεων & ανεπιθύμητων κυήσεων ) Της Συναισθηματικής υγείας ( απαλλαγή από αρνητικά συναισθήματα όπως φόβο, ντροπή, ενοχές). Της Κοινωνικής υγείας ( επιλογές στις σχέσεις μας σύμφωνα με τις προσωπικές αξίες μας και πεποιθήσεις).
4. Αυτοεκτίμηση Δεξιότητες επι-κοινωνίας Δικαιώματα και Υποχρεώσεις Αυτογνωσία Λήψη θετικών Αποφάσεων Αποφασιστικό- τητα Αξίες και στάσεις Πληροφορίες Ισότιμες σχέσεις
5. προέφηβοι και έφηβοι μαθητές Η ήβη αρχίζει ως βιοσωματικό φαινόμενο το οποίο επηρεάζει στη συνέχεια το νοητικό και συναισθηματικό πεδίο
7. Ήβη είναι ένα στάδιο ανάπτυξης και ωρίμανσης του ανθρώπινου οργανισμού που βρίσκεται ανάμεσα στην παιδική και την αναπαραγωγική ηλικία Έναρξη στα κορίτσια γύρω στα 10-12 χρόνια, στα αγόρια 12-14 . Διαρκεί 3-4 χρόνια
8. Κατανόηση των αναπτυξιακών ιδιαιτεροτήτων τη εφηβείας Βιωματικές αλλαγές, εδραίωση της ταυτότητας του φύλου Ψυχολογική διάσταση συντροφικότητα –μοναξιά, χαρά –θλίψη, μαχητικότητα-παραίτηση Κοινωνική διάσταση