Pillars presentationdrdxpThis document outlines a 3-day lesson plan for teaching anti-bullying to high school students. Day 1 introduces the topic through a YouTube video, journaling, and class discussion. Day 2 is a web quest where students research statistics and prevention strategies. Day 3 involves a marble activity to demonstrate how difficult it can be to identify others when characteristics are unknown. The overall goal is to promote character education principles like citizenship, relationships, and ethical decision making.
4.6 use congruent trianglesdetwilerr1. The document provides examples and explanations of using congruent triangles to prove other triangles are congruent or that corresponding parts are equal. It gives examples of using angle-angle-side congruence, side-side-side congruence, and angle-side-angle congruence.
2. One example explains how to use congruent triangles to measure the distance across a river by constructing triangles with a known length and using properties of congruence.
3. Another example works through a proof to show two angles are congruent based on a diagram of triangles constructed with equal lengths from a compass setting. It uses given statements and congruence postulates to prove the corresponding angles are equal.
Regional IdentityJoe ToyerThis document discusses regional identities and stereotypes of characters from different parts of the UK, including Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, the North of England, the South of England, and the South West of England. It describes characteristics like accents, backgrounds, behaviors, fashion, and locations that are commonly associated with or exemplified by each region.
A message to_my_eye_colored_flyer_in_a_printable_formQalbunJameel The document discusses the importance of lowering one's gaze according to Islamic teachings. It notes that the eye was created to see the signs of Allah but can also lead to fitnah if not properly guarded. The Prophet said that unlawful gazing is a form of zina, or adultery of the eyes, and that it often leads to further desires if not avoided. The document outlines many benefits of lowering one's gaze mentioned by scholars, such as obedience to Allah, protection of one's faith, and strengthening of one's will. It concludes by citing relevant verses from the Quran and hadiths emphasizing the importance of modesty and controlling one's eyesight according to Islamic law.
Marketing Trends 2013Ankit SawhneyThis document discusses upcoming marketing trends for 2013, including the growth of digital wallets, big data analytics, social media and reputation management, mobile marketing, inbound marketing, electronic ads targeted through social media and location data, and expanded uses of QR codes. Marketers are advised to focus on creating engaging content, optimizing websites and apps for mobile, integrating data and technologies, and targeting customers through new digital channels.
Pillars presentation (character education)drdxpThis document outlines an approach to character education with 6 pillars: morals, citizenship, relationships, communication, functionality, and ethical decision making. It discusses implementing technology like QR codes, blogs, and Photoshop to teach concepts like kindness, manners, and citizenship. A 3-day lesson on anti-bullying is described, using a YouTube video on the first day, a web quest on the second, and a marble activity on the third to illustrate how bullying feels. The importance of character education is discussed, with citations for a video presentation on bullying.
Evaluation- Question 3cw00531169The document summarizes feedback received from audiences on a documentary about sweets. The feedback was overall positive and showed that the documentary was more informative than entertaining, though the main purpose was to inform. Some negative feedback noted that cutaways sometimes lacked relevance and the print ad was less professional than other parts. Going forward, the creator would conduct more research, improve cutaway relevance, and ensure consistent professional quality across productions.
Mobility - Expect Connectivity Anywhere, AnytimeAlcatel-Lucent EnterpriseWelcome to a new age of continuous connectivity where multiple devices make ‘always on, always available’ mobility more than just a trend, but a critical part of the corporate DNA. Is Your Network Built For the Mobile Enterprise?
Get Your Complementary Network Assessment: http://bit.ly/network-assessment
7.7 solve right trianglesdetwilerrThis document contains examples and exercises about solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios and inverse trigonometric functions with a calculator. It includes examples finding unknown side lengths and angle measures of right triangles given certain ratios. Students are guided through setting up and solving right triangle problems. Practice problems are provided for students to work through on their own.
Pdhpe rationaleRarasea28The document discusses the importance of PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education). It notes that according to the WHO, children should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. PDHPE teaches important life skills like interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, and developing an active lifestyle. While sometimes thought of as only about sports, PDHPE also focuses on developing positive attitudes towards healthy living, understanding growth and development, and acquiring safe living skills. The document encourages parental participation to help establish a meaningful PDHPE program.
Unit 3 health and dietBlancaMeizosoThe document discusses health and healthy habits. It states that health is the general condition of a person's mind and body. When health is good, one feels well physically and mentally with plenty of energy, and when health is poor one feels tired and often ill. It emphasizes the importance of healthy habits for good health, such as getting sufficient sleep, eating a varied diet with meals and limiting sweets, maintaining eye and dental health, washing hands, showering, and exercising daily.
Pexip Infinity 9 - adding 30 new featuresAnders LøkkePexip Infinity 9 adds 30 new features, including numerous industry-first Microsoft Lync integration enhancements, outbound media to enable streaming through YouTube, Wowza, Microsoft Azure, Vbrick and many others. In addition, Infinity 9 adds group chat and Instant Messaging, a completely redesigned and improved interface and user experience, as well as more than 30 other features for the end user and administrator.
AustralopithecusBachicmc1AAustralopithecus was an early hominin genus that evolved in eastern Africa around 4 million years ago. They stood between 1.2 to 1.4 meters tall and had brains that were about 35% the size of modern humans. Australopithecus was bipedal and ate fruits, vegetables, and tubers. One species of Australopithecus is believed to have evolved into the genus Homo around 2 million years ago in Africa, playing an important role in human evolution.
Ideas for short filmsrhiannashleyThe document discusses the author's ideas for potential short film projects in different genres. For a comedy short film, the author proposes a story about a young woman who still plays with toys and imagines they have matured along with her. For horror, the author mentions filming at a nearby graveyard but is unsure of their ability since they do not enjoy horror films. The author's preferred idea is a short film with meaning, such as about a teenage girl dealing with insecurities, though worries about scheduling with one main character.
Pdhpe rationaleRarasea28This document discusses the importance of PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education). It notes that PDHPE teaches important life skills like interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, and developing an active lifestyle. PDHPE is more than just sports - it promotes overall well-being and teaches skills to make better choices. The document urges parents to recognize the value of PDHPE and participate in decisions about the PDHPE program to help students.
HNC | HND Graphic Design course summarysullivanlauraThis document summarizes the development of a logo and branding for an HNC/HND Graphic Design course. It describes refining wordmark logos using different fonts and layouts. It then discusses experimenting with icon logos and receiving feedback to develop 8 refined options. The final logo uses orange to represent qualities like creativity and enthusiasm, and a circular shape to appear professional on various media like banners and business cards. Accompanying elements were also created, including the slogan "Start designing your future today" and applying the logo branding to a Facebook page, leaflet, and poster.
Plane figures1Juan Apolinario ReyesThe document defines and describes different types of polygons. It explains that a polygon is a plane shape with three or more straight sides and angles. It identifies key parts of polygons like sides, vertices, and interior/exterior angles. The document distinguishes between regular polygons that have equal sides and angles and irregular polygons that do not. It also defines concave polygons that have interior angles larger than 180 degrees versus convex polygons that do not.
Twitter and Facebook, 1time Lecture _ in Seoul Women University _ 20101022Chung Hyo Park
트위터와 페이스북 중심,
서울여자대학교 언론홍보학부 10월 22일
강연 내용
By Sociallink (Ronanpark)
UXDS_Naver me UX 개선안 프로젝트_최종Yeji Cho2012년 UXDS 3기 Naver me 개선안 프로젝트
* 개선안 동영상 보기 - http://vimeo.com/78827020
* 1차 슬라이드 보기 - http://www.slideshare.net/rorymai/naver-mewhole
Evaluation- Question 3cw00531169The document summarizes feedback received from audiences on a documentary about sweets. The feedback was overall positive and showed that the documentary was more informative than entertaining, though the main purpose was to inform. Some negative feedback noted that cutaways sometimes lacked relevance and the print ad was less professional than other parts. Going forward, the creator would conduct more research, improve cutaway relevance, and ensure consistent professional quality across productions.
Mobility - Expect Connectivity Anywhere, AnytimeAlcatel-Lucent EnterpriseWelcome to a new age of continuous connectivity where multiple devices make ‘always on, always available’ mobility more than just a trend, but a critical part of the corporate DNA. Is Your Network Built For the Mobile Enterprise?
Get Your Complementary Network Assessment: http://bit.ly/network-assessment
7.7 solve right trianglesdetwilerrThis document contains examples and exercises about solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios and inverse trigonometric functions with a calculator. It includes examples finding unknown side lengths and angle measures of right triangles given certain ratios. Students are guided through setting up and solving right triangle problems. Practice problems are provided for students to work through on their own.
Pdhpe rationaleRarasea28The document discusses the importance of PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education). It notes that according to the WHO, children should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. PDHPE teaches important life skills like interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, and developing an active lifestyle. While sometimes thought of as only about sports, PDHPE also focuses on developing positive attitudes towards healthy living, understanding growth and development, and acquiring safe living skills. The document encourages parental participation to help establish a meaningful PDHPE program.
Unit 3 health and dietBlancaMeizosoThe document discusses health and healthy habits. It states that health is the general condition of a person's mind and body. When health is good, one feels well physically and mentally with plenty of energy, and when health is poor one feels tired and often ill. It emphasizes the importance of healthy habits for good health, such as getting sufficient sleep, eating a varied diet with meals and limiting sweets, maintaining eye and dental health, washing hands, showering, and exercising daily.
Pexip Infinity 9 - adding 30 new featuresAnders LøkkePexip Infinity 9 adds 30 new features, including numerous industry-first Microsoft Lync integration enhancements, outbound media to enable streaming through YouTube, Wowza, Microsoft Azure, Vbrick and many others. In addition, Infinity 9 adds group chat and Instant Messaging, a completely redesigned and improved interface and user experience, as well as more than 30 other features for the end user and administrator.
AustralopithecusBachicmc1AAustralopithecus was an early hominin genus that evolved in eastern Africa around 4 million years ago. They stood between 1.2 to 1.4 meters tall and had brains that were about 35% the size of modern humans. Australopithecus was bipedal and ate fruits, vegetables, and tubers. One species of Australopithecus is believed to have evolved into the genus Homo around 2 million years ago in Africa, playing an important role in human evolution.
Ideas for short filmsrhiannashleyThe document discusses the author's ideas for potential short film projects in different genres. For a comedy short film, the author proposes a story about a young woman who still plays with toys and imagines they have matured along with her. For horror, the author mentions filming at a nearby graveyard but is unsure of their ability since they do not enjoy horror films. The author's preferred idea is a short film with meaning, such as about a teenage girl dealing with insecurities, though worries about scheduling with one main character.
Pdhpe rationaleRarasea28This document discusses the importance of PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education). It notes that PDHPE teaches important life skills like interpersonal relationships, personal health choices, and developing an active lifestyle. PDHPE is more than just sports - it promotes overall well-being and teaches skills to make better choices. The document urges parents to recognize the value of PDHPE and participate in decisions about the PDHPE program to help students.
HNC | HND Graphic Design course summarysullivanlauraThis document summarizes the development of a logo and branding for an HNC/HND Graphic Design course. It describes refining wordmark logos using different fonts and layouts. It then discusses experimenting with icon logos and receiving feedback to develop 8 refined options. The final logo uses orange to represent qualities like creativity and enthusiasm, and a circular shape to appear professional on various media like banners and business cards. Accompanying elements were also created, including the slogan "Start designing your future today" and applying the logo branding to a Facebook page, leaflet, and poster.
Plane figures1Juan Apolinario ReyesThe document defines and describes different types of polygons. It explains that a polygon is a plane shape with three or more straight sides and angles. It identifies key parts of polygons like sides, vertices, and interior/exterior angles. The document distinguishes between regular polygons that have equal sides and angles and irregular polygons that do not. It also defines concave polygons that have interior angles larger than 180 degrees versus convex polygons that do not.
Twitter and Facebook, 1time Lecture _ in Seoul Women University _ 20101022Chung Hyo Park
트위터와 페이스북 중심,
서울여자대학교 언론홍보학부 10월 22일
강연 내용
By Sociallink (Ronanpark)
UXDS_Naver me UX 개선안 프로젝트_최종Yeji Cho2012년 UXDS 3기 Naver me 개선안 프로젝트
* 개선안 동영상 보기 - http://vimeo.com/78827020
* 1차 슬라이드 보기 - http://www.slideshare.net/rorymai/naver-mewhole
3. 1.기본기능
지인들의 주요 활동(댓글, 친구요
청수락, 프로필 정보 수정 등)과
관계된 주요 업데이트 정보를 최
근 발생한 시간 순서대로 알려줌
나에게 친구 요청한 사람들의 목록
이름을 클릭하면 나의
타임라인을 볼 수 있습니다.
친구들의 상태표시 영역
4. 2.타임라인
커버사진: 내 프로필을 방문하는 사람들이 가장 먼저 보게 되는 대문 사진.
자신을 잘 표현하는 사진이나 이미지를 설정하여 한 눈에 보여줄 수 있다.
프로필사진: 글이나 사진을
업데이트할 때, 게시물에서 내
이름 옆에 나타나는 이미지.
정보: 현재 학교 또는
직장, 거주지, 출신지,
혼인여부, 구사 언어 등
공개된 개인 정보와 친
구목록, 사진 등을 표시
하는 영역
포스트 작성 영역
타임라인 화면에서 상태
업데이트할 때 사용하는
입력 창
볼 수 있음
다음과 같이 장소 설정 가능
각 이벤트 항목별로 선택하여 손쉽게
소식을 업데이트할 수 있음.
5. 3.페이지 만들기
(1) http://www.facebook.com/page에 접속
또는 하단과 같이 페이스북 첫 화면 하단에 있는 페이지 만들기
(3)페이지 소개 입력 후 정보저장
(2)페이지 분류 선택 ->카테고리 선택 및 페이지 이름 입력
동의합니다 체크 후 시작하기
(4)페이지 프로필 사진 저장(건너뛰기 하더라도 추후에 [관리자 패
널]-[관리]-[페이지 관리]에서 프로필 이미지등록 가능
즐겨찾기에 추가-더 많은 사람
들에게 도달하기(캡쳐생략)
건너뛰기 후 페이지 개설완료!
6. 4.관리자 패널 살펴보기
1.알림: 페이지와 연관된 모든 활동이 보여지며 5개 이상일 경우
모두 보기를 눌러 확인할 수 있음
5.페이지 타임라인(프로필 타임라인과 동일함)
1.게시물보기옵션 하이라이트
[하이라이트] 기본설정옵션. 상호교류가 활성화된 게시물을 우선적으로 보여줌
2.메시지: 관리자에게 온 1:1 메시지 확인하는 영역.
[페이지 게시물]클릭하면 페이지 이름으로 올린 게시물 모두 볼 수 있음
3.새로운 좋아요 최근에 [좋아요]를 클릭한 팬의 목록
[다른 사람의 게시물]클릭하면 팬들이 올린 글 볼 수 있음
4.인사이트 페이지에 [좋아요]를 클릭한 사람의 수가 30명을 넘어야
인사이트 정보가 그래프로 표시됨.
*페이지관리메뉴 -> 인사이트 보기
게시물을 본 사람들 수, 클릭한 사람 수, 이야기하고 있는
사람들 등의 수치 확인 가능
2.게시글 관리하기 – 중요한 소식을 하이라이트와 맨 위에 고정하기
게시된 글 위에 아래 방향 화살표 클릭하면
[맨 위에 고정하기] 강조하고 싶은 글을 타임라인 상단에 고정
[페이지에서 숨기기] 페이지에서 해당 글을 삭제하거나 숨길 때
7. 6.기본 메뉴 등록하기
7.페이지관리 메뉴 마스터하기
[페이지관리] – [활동 로그 보기]
활동 로그는 사용자가 페이스북에서 공유한 모든 활동 내역을 검토하
고 관리할 수 있게 해주는 기능으로 본인(관리자)만 볼 수 있음
1. 우측
아이콘 클릭 후,
버튼 클
릭하면 아래와 활성 가능한 3개 메뉴가 나
타남, 여기서 앱 추가 가능
7.페이지관리 메뉴 마스터하기
[페이지 관리] – [설정 편집]
페이지 게시 권한, 태그 권한, 공개 범위, 비속어 필터 사용 여부 등
을 설정 가능
8. 8.기본 기능으로 페이지 홍보하기
1)[공유하기]로 페이지 홍보하기
[좋아요 늘리기] – [페이지 공유하기] – 공유위치 지정(내 타임라인 또는
친구의 타임라인, 그룹, 내 페이지 중 설정 가능) – 공개설정(친구만 또는
전체공개 등 메뉴 중 설정가능) – [페이지 공유] 클릭
2) [내 페이지가 좋아하는 페이지로 추가]로 페이지 홍보하기
연관된 페이지를 함께 통합적으로 관리할 때 유용한 기능
(Ex. 회사 페이지에 제품 페이지를 연결시키거나
본사 페이지에 자회사의 페이지를 함께 연동할 때)
3) [좋아요 늘리기] – [친구초대]로 페이지 홍보하기
페이지의 팬과 [좋아요] 클릭을 늘리기 위해 친구를 초대하려면,
위 캡쳐의 [좋아요 늘리기] – [친구초대] 또는
[이메일 연락처로 초대하기] 메뉴를 활용한다.
단, [친구초대]는 개인(관리자) 계정으로 사용할 때만 나타난다.
10. 1.페이스북에 앱 추가하기
페이스북 앱 : 페이스북 내에서 다른 미디어와 연동되는 게임이나 유틸리티 목적의 어플리케이션
앱을 이용하려면 먼저 사용자가 앱이 요구하는 특정 권한(예를 들어 프로필 정보에 대한 접근 권한) 등을 허용해주어야 함
[특정 앱의 권한을 허용하시겠습니까?]라고 묻는 팝업 창에서 [허가]버튼만 누르면 됨
1) 페이스북 검색 창에 키워드 검색
2) 공개 추천 앱: 앱 추천 목록에서 추가
②특정 키워드 입력 후 검색
3) 외부 사이트: 앱 개발사 사이트 내 앱 목록 링크
페이스북 내에서 앱을 제공하는 사이트나 페이지를 이미 알고 있다면 따로 개별 사이트에 로그인하지 않아도 페이스북 플러그인으로
로그인 한 후 간단한 인증 절차만 거치면 페이지에 앱을 추가할 수 있음.
11. 2.트위터 앱으로 페이지에서 트위터 정보 공유하기
트위터에 올려진 정보를 페이스북과 연동시키면 페이스북의 타임라인 또는 뉴스피드 업데이트 내용을 확인할 수 있다.
1)페이지의 업데이트를 트위터로 내보내기 : [페이지관리]메뉴의 하나로 제공된다.
① www.facebook.com/twitter 접속하여 연동할 페이지 선택 후 [페이지를 Twitter에 연결] 클릭
②[트위터 연결] 버튼을 클릭하면 트위터 계정의 사용승인 요청 화면이 나타남. 트위터 계정의 username과 password를 입력 후 authorize app버튼 클릭!
(단, 초기 가입 단계에서 이미 계정을 연동했다면 계정입력단계는 생략됨)
③페이스북 콘텐츠 중 트위터로 연동할 항목을 선택
④저장완료메시지가 나타남 – 페이지의 신규 업데이트 내용이 트위터로 연동됨
12. 2.트위터 앱으로 페이지에서 트위터 정보 공유하기
2) Twitter 앱 설정하기 : 트위터에 글(트윗)을 올릴 때 같은 내용이 페이스북의 페이지 담벼락에도 노출되도록 설정하는 앱
① 페이스북 검색 창에 Twitter를 입력하고 앱을 찾아서 클릭 – [앱으로 가기] - Go to your twitter profile settings to start 클릭
② 내 facebook과 연동하기
③ 트위터의 트윗을 페이스북 타임라인에 올릴지, 페이지에 올릴지 선택
13. 3.블로그 앱으로 페이지에서 포스트 확인하기
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