Prefeitura divulga resultado preliminar da primeira fase do Processo de Seleç...Kárison MesquitaEste documento apresenta o resultado preliminar da primeira fase da seleção pública simplificada para contratação temporária de profissionais de saúde na Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral. A lista contém os nomes dos candidatos, suas categorias e cargos, e as respectivas pontuações obtidas nesta fase. Foram listados mais de 150 candidatos de diversas categorias como enfermagem, assistente social, educador físico e outros.
Perspective: interior designColleen BabbelThis document provides a trend report on interior design trends for 2015. It identifies two major trends: Elevated Eco and Inspired by Fashion. The Elevated Eco trend focuses on more refined eco-friendly products using materials like indigo and new types of succulents. The Inspired by Fashion trend is influenced by the feminine aesthetics seen on recent fashion runways, featuring themes of feminine movement, lush textiles, and curvaceous furniture shapes. The document provides examples and visuals for each trend topic to illustrate the concepts.
Virus informaticoCorina Del ValleEste documento describe los virus informáticos, que son programas maliciosos que se propagan infectando otros archivos y sistemas. Se transmiten a través de redes sociales, correos electrónicos, dispositivos de almacenamiento y sitios web fraudulentos o comprometidos. Existen varios tipos de virus como troyanos, gusanos, bombas de tiempo y hoaxes, cada uno con características y efectos dañinos diferentes.
Final Presentationjimmy91826Jimmy Chen presented on carbon management and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The presentation covered:
1. Carbon management principles including measuring carbon footprints through life cycle assessments, managing supply chain emissions, and standards like ISO.
2. How ERP systems can integrate carbon management by tracking emissions data and performing carbon calculations throughout the supply chain and business processes.
3. Open research issues like developing carbon management software that interfaces with existing ERP systems with minimal disruption and validating prototypes to evaluate feasibility.
evolucion de la teoria neutralmmayuryEste documento presenta varias teorías evolutivas como la teoría neutral de Motoo Kimura, la teoría de los equilibrios punteados de Stephen Jay Gould y Niels Eldredge, la sociobiología de Richard Dawkins y la simbiogénesis de Lynn Margulis. Propone que la evolución no es siempre un proceso gradual sino que también incluye cambios puntuales y asociaciones simbióticas entre organismos.
Iron Iron-Carbide Diagram(MSM)University of WindsorThis document defines and describes the various phases that appear on the iron-carbon phase diagram. It defines ferrite, austenite, pearlite, cementite, martensite, and ledeburite. It describes their crystal structures, carbon content, properties, and how they form during heating and cooling processes. The key reactions on the iron-carbon phase diagram are the peritectic reaction at 1490°C, the eutectic reaction at 1130°C, and the eutectoid reaction at 723°C. The transformation of austenite to ferrite and cementite upon cooling is also explained for hypo-eutectoid, eutectoid, and hyper-
Series solution to ordinary differential equations University of WindsorThis document discusses power series solutions and the Frobenius method for solving ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. It explains that power series can be used to find solutions around ordinary points, while the Frobenius method extends this approach to regular singular points through generalized power series involving an index term. The Frobenius method involves making an ansatz for the solution as a power series with an unknown index, then determining the index and coefficients by substituting into the differential equation and setting terms of different powers of x equal to zero.
Hydraulic Machines Fluid coupling, Fluid torque converterUniversity of WindsorThis document discusses hydraulic machines, specifically fluid couplings and fluid torque converters. It describes how fluid couplings work by using a pump impeller and turbine runner to transfer rotational energy between two shafts without a direct mechanical connection. The driven shaft speed is typically 2-4% lower than the driving shaft due to losses. Fluid couplings are 98% efficient and isolate vibrations. Fluid torque converters build on this design by adding a stationary reaction member, allowing variable torque transfer between shafts. They are commonly used in automatic transmissions for vehicles, marine propulsion, industrial machinery, and locomotives.
Second law of thermodynamic University of WindsorThis document discusses the second law of thermodynamics, including its statements and limitations of the first law. It defines the Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements of the second law, which state that it is impossible for a heat engine to convert all heat absorbed into work or for a heat pump to operate without an external work input. Reversible processes and sources of irreversibility are described. The Carnot cycle and its assumptions are explained, along with Carnot's theorem that no engine can be more efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same temperatures.
Kinemetic chains, Pairs, Joints, Four bar Mechanisms (KOM)University of WindsorBasic Definitions and ideas about KOM, Overview of types of joints, links, motions, mechanisms with diagrams and suitable figures.
Prefeitura divulga resultado preliminar da primeira fase do Processo de Seleç...Kárison MesquitaEste documento apresenta o resultado preliminar da primeira fase da seleção pública simplificada para contratação temporária de profissionais de saúde na Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral. A lista contém os nomes dos candidatos, suas categorias e cargos, e as respectivas pontuações obtidas nesta fase. Foram listados mais de 150 candidatos de diversas categorias como enfermagem, assistente social, educador físico e outros.
Perspective: interior designColleen BabbelThis document provides a trend report on interior design trends for 2015. It identifies two major trends: Elevated Eco and Inspired by Fashion. The Elevated Eco trend focuses on more refined eco-friendly products using materials like indigo and new types of succulents. The Inspired by Fashion trend is influenced by the feminine aesthetics seen on recent fashion runways, featuring themes of feminine movement, lush textiles, and curvaceous furniture shapes. The document provides examples and visuals for each trend topic to illustrate the concepts.
Virus informaticoCorina Del ValleEste documento describe los virus informáticos, que son programas maliciosos que se propagan infectando otros archivos y sistemas. Se transmiten a través de redes sociales, correos electrónicos, dispositivos de almacenamiento y sitios web fraudulentos o comprometidos. Existen varios tipos de virus como troyanos, gusanos, bombas de tiempo y hoaxes, cada uno con características y efectos dañinos diferentes.
Final Presentationjimmy91826Jimmy Chen presented on carbon management and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The presentation covered:
1. Carbon management principles including measuring carbon footprints through life cycle assessments, managing supply chain emissions, and standards like ISO.
2. How ERP systems can integrate carbon management by tracking emissions data and performing carbon calculations throughout the supply chain and business processes.
3. Open research issues like developing carbon management software that interfaces with existing ERP systems with minimal disruption and validating prototypes to evaluate feasibility.
evolucion de la teoria neutralmmayuryEste documento presenta varias teorías evolutivas como la teoría neutral de Motoo Kimura, la teoría de los equilibrios punteados de Stephen Jay Gould y Niels Eldredge, la sociobiología de Richard Dawkins y la simbiogénesis de Lynn Margulis. Propone que la evolución no es siempre un proceso gradual sino que también incluye cambios puntuales y asociaciones simbióticas entre organismos.
Iron Iron-Carbide Diagram(MSM)University of WindsorThis document defines and describes the various phases that appear on the iron-carbon phase diagram. It defines ferrite, austenite, pearlite, cementite, martensite, and ledeburite. It describes their crystal structures, carbon content, properties, and how they form during heating and cooling processes. The key reactions on the iron-carbon phase diagram are the peritectic reaction at 1490°C, the eutectic reaction at 1130°C, and the eutectoid reaction at 723°C. The transformation of austenite to ferrite and cementite upon cooling is also explained for hypo-eutectoid, eutectoid, and hyper-
Series solution to ordinary differential equations University of WindsorThis document discusses power series solutions and the Frobenius method for solving ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. It explains that power series can be used to find solutions around ordinary points, while the Frobenius method extends this approach to regular singular points through generalized power series involving an index term. The Frobenius method involves making an ansatz for the solution as a power series with an unknown index, then determining the index and coefficients by substituting into the differential equation and setting terms of different powers of x equal to zero.
Hydraulic Machines Fluid coupling, Fluid torque converterUniversity of WindsorThis document discusses hydraulic machines, specifically fluid couplings and fluid torque converters. It describes how fluid couplings work by using a pump impeller and turbine runner to transfer rotational energy between two shafts without a direct mechanical connection. The driven shaft speed is typically 2-4% lower than the driving shaft due to losses. Fluid couplings are 98% efficient and isolate vibrations. Fluid torque converters build on this design by adding a stationary reaction member, allowing variable torque transfer between shafts. They are commonly used in automatic transmissions for vehicles, marine propulsion, industrial machinery, and locomotives.
Second law of thermodynamic University of WindsorThis document discusses the second law of thermodynamics, including its statements and limitations of the first law. It defines the Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements of the second law, which state that it is impossible for a heat engine to convert all heat absorbed into work or for a heat pump to operate without an external work input. Reversible processes and sources of irreversibility are described. The Carnot cycle and its assumptions are explained, along with Carnot's theorem that no engine can be more efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same temperatures.
Kinemetic chains, Pairs, Joints, Four bar Mechanisms (KOM)University of WindsorBasic Definitions and ideas about KOM, Overview of types of joints, links, motions, mechanisms with diagrams and suitable figures.
2. Аппликация из круп
Урок труда во 2 – А классе
Агибалова Л.А.
Цель: развитие мелкой
моторики, фантазии, вообра
жения, внимания, воспитание
трудолюбия, прилежания, акк
уратности, любви к родному
7. Теоретическая часть может проходить в
форме беседы, игры, обсуждения
ситуаций, повторения
материала, изученного на других
8. Практическая часть – работа за
компьютером. После работы за
компьютером - гимнастика для
глаз, выполняемая учениками на рабочем
Третья часть урока посвящена выполнению
заданий с логической нагрузкой, упражнений
на развитие
памяти, внимания, сообразительности, набл