Presentación colaborativa clase 3 subgrupo 1 aula 19 Ivon Virginia ArroyoEl documento describe los retos y beneficios del aprendizaje colaborativo en la educación virtual. Explica que el aprendizaje debe garantizar la independencia de los estudiantes pero también ofrecer posibilidades para la colaboración. Señala algunos retos como facilitar el trabajo en grupo y crear comunidades de aprendizaje. También diferencia entre trabajo en grupo, cooperativo y colaborativo, destacando que este último requiere responsabilidad compartida y enseñanza de habilidades interpersonales.
BLUE BRAIN - AN ARTIFICIAL BRAINChhotu The document discusses the concept of a "Blue Brain," which refers to IBM's project to develop the world's first virtual brain through complex computer simulation. The Blue Brain project aims to simulate the brain's biological systems using a supercomputer. It will receive input like a natural brain and produce output through artificial neurons. Uploading a human brain may eventually be possible using nanobots to scan brain structure and connections and input that data into a computer simulation. The Blue Brain could allow for benefits like remembering things without effort but also risks like dependence on computers.
Acitividad modulo 3xavimoya_97Este documento presenta un trabajo grupal del módulo III sobre conocer cómo funciona el país y la educación superior en Ecuador. El grupo está conformado por 4 estudiantes y propone analizar el papel de los académicos, estudiantes y líderes sociales en eventos históricos relacionados con la democracia. Además, incluye debates sobre conceptos de democracia y dictadura, y la evolución de estas formas de gobierno a través de la historia.
Conociendo mi-universidadxavimoya_97Este documento presenta un resumen biográfico de Ignacio Dávila Rojas. Recibió su educación primaria y secundaria en colegios de Quito y obtuvo su título de ingeniero civil de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Tuvo una larga carrera como catedrático e ingeniero, enseñando en varias universidades y trabajando en importantes proyectos de construcción. Actualmente es reconocido en la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas por su trayectoria y aportes a la carrera de ingeniería civil.
Racismo no futebolLeandro Rosário CordeiroO documento descreve a evolução da inclusão de jogadores negros no futebol brasileiro desde os primórdios até os dias atuais, quando ainda há casos esporádicos de racismo, como ofensas verbais e atos de vandalismo contra árbitros e goleiros. Também destaca grandes nomes negros que marcaram a história do esporte no Brasil, como Pelé.
La dipendenza da sostanze psicotropeNicole Martinellile slide descrivono i tipi di sostanze, gli effetti che provocano sul cervello e sulla personalità del soggetto che ne fa uso
Homosexualidadjoel victor gomezEste documento trata sobre la homosexualidad. Explica que la homosexualidad se refiere a la atracción sexual o sentimental entre personas del mismo sexo. No existe consenso sobre las causas de la homosexualidad. La homosexualidad no se considera una enfermedad. La homofobia se refiere al miedo, prejuicio o discriminación hacia los homosexuales. La homosexualidad existe también en otras especies animales.
Lengua afuera englishBullcanesThe tongue serves as a cooling system for dogs by panting and evaporating water from their tongue and mouth to release heat, especially during intense exercise or excessive heat. Dogs use their tongue to gasp for air which allows water to evaporate and release heat from their body, acting as a cooling system when they need it during situations like heavy exercise or high temperatures.
Healthy diet Unit 2 pre and post testhelix1661The document is a lesson plan on healthy diets for teens in grades 8-12 from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. It includes a pre-test and post-test with 5 multiple choice questions to assess students' knowledge about physical activity recommendations, whole grains, nutrient density, broccoli health benefits, and MyPlate fruit and vegetable recommendations.
LeyendaPin Carpio YañezLos dioses se reunieron en Teotihuacán para decidir quién iluminaría el mundo. Un dios arrogante llamado Tecuciztecatl dijo que él se encargaría de esa tarea. Sin embargo, cuando los dioses miraron hacia el este, apareció Nanahuatzin convertido en el sol. A pesar de que lastimaba la vista, Nanahuatzin resplandecía y derramaba rayos por todas partes. Luego apareció Tecuciztecatl convertido en la luna.
My cvzamalunga pamela celeThis curriculum vitae is for Zamalunga Pamela Cele, who was born in 1992 in South Africa. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Supply Chain Management and a Bachelor of Administration in SCM and Administration from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She has work experience in logistics, warehousing, and buying at Feltex Automotive, and as a waitress at Spiga Doro. She also has volunteer experience in peer education, AIDS awareness, and social work.
Alcatel-Lucent 3HE02778BAsavomirThis document provides information about an Alcatel-Lucent 3HE02778BA fan card including how to purchase it, payment and shipping options, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom such as repairs, maintenance contracts, and de-installation of telecom equipment.
Indigenous and traditional knowledge for adaptation: Addressing gender and ot...Tariq A. DeenThe session will discuss best practices and approaches for strengthening gender considerations and the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge in adaptation which are part of the guiding principles for the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Others principles are: a continuous planning process at the national level with iterative updates and outputs; country-owned, country-driven; not prescriptive, but flexible and based on country needs; building on and not duplicating existing adaptation efforts; participatory and transparent; enhancing coherence of adaptation and development planning; supported by comprehensive monitoring and review; considering vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems; guided by best available science.
7 ideias de brincadeiras inspiradas no método montessoriLucas Stolfo MaculanEste documento fornece 7 ideias de brincadeiras inspiradas no método Montessori que estimulam a criatividade, autonomia e aprendizagem das crianças de forma lúdica. As atividades incluem passar bolinhas coloridas por tubos, reconhecer frutas e legumes, contar números com pratinhos e bolinhas, identificar cores com objetos e feltro, formar letras na areia, ajudar com tarefas domésticas e reconhecer texturas de brinquedos.
Lengua afuera englishBullcanesThe tongue serves as a cooling system for dogs by panting and evaporating water from their tongue and mouth to release heat, especially during intense exercise or excessive heat. Dogs use their tongue to gasp for air which allows water to evaporate and release heat from their body, acting as a cooling system when they need it during situations like heavy exercise or high temperatures.
Healthy diet Unit 2 pre and post testhelix1661The document is a lesson plan on healthy diets for teens in grades 8-12 from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. It includes a pre-test and post-test with 5 multiple choice questions to assess students' knowledge about physical activity recommendations, whole grains, nutrient density, broccoli health benefits, and MyPlate fruit and vegetable recommendations.
LeyendaPin Carpio YañezLos dioses se reunieron en Teotihuacán para decidir quién iluminaría el mundo. Un dios arrogante llamado Tecuciztecatl dijo que él se encargaría de esa tarea. Sin embargo, cuando los dioses miraron hacia el este, apareció Nanahuatzin convertido en el sol. A pesar de que lastimaba la vista, Nanahuatzin resplandecía y derramaba rayos por todas partes. Luego apareció Tecuciztecatl convertido en la luna.
My cvzamalunga pamela celeThis curriculum vitae is for Zamalunga Pamela Cele, who was born in 1992 in South Africa. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Supply Chain Management and a Bachelor of Administration in SCM and Administration from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She has work experience in logistics, warehousing, and buying at Feltex Automotive, and as a waitress at Spiga Doro. She also has volunteer experience in peer education, AIDS awareness, and social work.
Alcatel-Lucent 3HE02778BAsavomirThis document provides information about an Alcatel-Lucent 3HE02778BA fan card including how to purchase it, payment and shipping options, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom such as repairs, maintenance contracts, and de-installation of telecom equipment.
Indigenous and traditional knowledge for adaptation: Addressing gender and ot...Tariq A. DeenThe session will discuss best practices and approaches for strengthening gender considerations and the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge in adaptation which are part of the guiding principles for the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Others principles are: a continuous planning process at the national level with iterative updates and outputs; country-owned, country-driven; not prescriptive, but flexible and based on country needs; building on and not duplicating existing adaptation efforts; participatory and transparent; enhancing coherence of adaptation and development planning; supported by comprehensive monitoring and review; considering vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems; guided by best available science.
7 ideias de brincadeiras inspiradas no método montessoriLucas Stolfo MaculanEste documento fornece 7 ideias de brincadeiras inspiradas no método Montessori que estimulam a criatividade, autonomia e aprendizagem das crianças de forma lúdica. As atividades incluem passar bolinhas coloridas por tubos, reconhecer frutas e legumes, contar números com pratinhos e bolinhas, identificar cores com objetos e feltro, formar letras na areia, ajudar com tarefas domésticas e reconhecer texturas de brinquedos.