2차프로젝트 프리미어리그 데이터를 활용한 경기결과 예측 서비스Hyun-Jin Jung프리미어 리그 8시즌 3006건의 경기, 팀, 선수 데이터를 기반으로 SVM, 랜덤포레스트, 로지스틱 회귀분석, 인공신경망의 머신러닝 기법을 활용해 경기결과 예측
Tomas de muestras de sangre valentina20151La sangre es un tejido conectivo líquido que circula por los vasos sanguíneos de los vertebrados. Está compuesta de una fase sólida que incluye eritrocitos, leucocitos y plaquetas, y una fase líquida llamada plasma sanguíneo. Su función principal es la distribución de nutrientes y el transporte de desechos a través del organismo.
презентація до теми 3cdecitсанітарно-гігієнічі вимоги до благоустрою закладів ресторанного господарства
Sangrevalentina20151La sangre es un tejido conectivo líquido que circula por los vasos sanguíneos de los vertebrados. Está compuesta de una fase sólida que incluye eritrocitos, leucocitos y plaquetas, y una fase líquida llamada plasma sanguíneo. Su función principal es la distribución de nutrientes y el transporte de desechos a través del organismo.
Contents evaluation rhianncThe document discusses the design choices made for the contents page of a magazine on Bhangra music. Key points include:
1) Conventions from other magazines were followed such as placing the contents title, issue date, and masthead in consistent locations with the same fonts and colors.
2) The cover story was emphasized through a larger image, different formatting, and overlaying text.
3) A subscription and social media links were included per industry standards.
4) Images varied in type and subject matter to showcase the cultural aspects of Bhangra music.
Analog engineer's pocket reference (Chinese)QC Northern maker experience centerThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to boost self-esteem and can serve as a healthy way to manage stress.
Idea development pro formaChris BaileyThe client is developing promotional materials for Lexmoto, a UK motorcycle brand. The client has provided initial guidelines for a postcard and poster, including placement of elements and color schemes. The document summarizes the client's ideas and three alternative ideas developed by the assistant. One idea strictly follows the client's guidelines as a baseline. The other two ideas incorporate the assistant's own design elements, such as an "urban night" theme. The assistant evaluates the ideas and chooses to further develop both the client's baseline idea and the night-themed idea, creating mood boards and mockups. Research on Lexmoto's target audience and competitors is also presented.
Features of a magazineJshepherd1460The document defines key features of magazines, including the masthead which brands the publication, cover lines in various fonts and sizes to entice readers, and a barcode and price to clearly indicate cost. Additional elements are main articles featured with images to highlight important content. Together these visual components help readers quickly identify and learn about the topics covered in the magazine.
Resumn de moddinglanena21El documento habla sobre cursos en línea. Explica brevemente que el modding consiste en modificar estéticamente o funcionalmente partes de una computadora como la torre, mouse, teclado o monitor. También menciona que el modding es una nueva tendencia entre fanáticos de computadoras y es considerado un hobby para muchos.
Healthy Living CyberYouMolly EngelsCyberYou is a club at Rutland High School that educates students about digital citizenship and online safety. The club aims to prevent cyberbullying and help students who have experienced online harassment. It also promotes using social media to spread positivity. The document discusses how frequently teens use social media, primarily from their phones, and some of the risks like cyberbullying. It provides tips on privacy settings for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat and encourages students to talk to trusted adults if they feel unsafe online. The club hosts activities to give students a voice and bring the community together in a positive way through social media.
ZND Motor profile - Flywheel list GraceGrace ZhangThis document provides information about flywheels and other auto parts supplied by Shijiazhuang Zenade Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd. It summarizes the company's history and product lines. It was established in 2002 and now supplies flywheels, ring gears, and other parts for many vehicle manufacturers worldwide. The document lists over 70 part numbers and the vehicle applications for each.
Case Review #9: 40 year old female treated with a Bryan Cervical DiscRobert PashmanA 40 year old female presented with a C5/6 disc herniation. Dr. Pashman treated the patient with an anterior cervical discectomy and a Bryan Cervical Disc.
Past simple active and passive voicescdecitThis document discusses the past simple tense in English. It is used to describe completed actions in the past, whether they occurred once, habitually, or in sequence. The past simple is formed by using the past form of regular verbs (ending in "-ed") or irregular past forms for irregular verbs. It can be made affirmative, negative, or interrogative. The document also covers the active and passive voice in the past simple tense and how the passive is formed using "was/were + past participle."
The past simple tensecdecitThe document discusses the past simple tense in English. It provides rules for forming the affirmative, negative, and interrogative of regular and irregular verbs in the past tense. It then explains different uses of the past simple tense, including completed actions, sequences of past actions, durations, habits or repeated actions in the past, and past facts or generalizations. It emphasizes that the past simple denotes an action already completed in the past. It also distinguishes between "used to do" and "get used to doing" when referring to habits or something becoming accustomed.
ThecdecitThe definite article "the" is used:
- With countable and uncountable nouns when referring to something previously mentioned or known.
- With unique nouns or when referring to a single entity.
- With names of instruments, dances, historical periods, times of day, nationalities, families, and titles when the specific name is not mentioned.
- Before locations like stations, shops, cinemas, pubs, libraries, cities, villages, theaters, and newspapers.
- To make general statements about animals, inventions, or discoveries.
The articlecdecitThe document summarizes the usage of articles (a, an, the) in English. It discusses that "a" and "an" are indefinite articles used before consonants and vowels respectively, while "the" is the definite article. It provides examples of when each article is used, such as "a" being used to refer to one of many or any item, while "the" refers to a specific or known item. It also discusses some phrases that use articles like "a few", "as a result", and "it is a shame".
Reporting statementscdecit1. The document discusses the differences between direct and reported speech when summarizing what someone said.
2. When reporting statements in the simple past tense, the verb changes to the past tense, pronouns and possessives change, and time words change.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate changing direct quotes into reported statements by modifying verbs, pronouns, possessives, and time words according to the rules.
2. Питання теми
2.1. Наукові школи маркетингу послуг
2.2. Моделі маркетингу послуг
2.2.1. Модель Дж. Ратмела
2.2.2. Модель П. Ейгліє і Е. Лангеарда
2.2.3. Модель К. Грьонроса
2.2.4. Модель М.Д. Бітнер
2.2.5. Модель Ф. Котлера
2.2.6. Модель К. Лавлока
3. Міжнародні наукові школи
маркетингу послуг
Північно-Американські школи:
• Центр вивчення маркетингу послуг при
Аризонському університеті (США);
• Техаський А&M університет;
• Гарвардська школа бізнесу;
Західноєвропейські школи:
• Північна школа ("Нордік скул");
• Марсельська школа.
4. Модель маркетингу послуг
Дж. Ратмела
Взаємодія покупця послуги з її
5. Модель маркетингу послуг П.
Ейгліє і Е. Лангеард “SERVACTION"
Невидима частина
(відділи фірми,
невидимі для
споживачів: склади,
бухгалтерія, відділ
кадрів тощо)
Видима частина
Процес обслуговування
6. Модель К. Грьонроса
Модель К. Грьонроса (Gronroos),
найбільш відомого представника Nordic
School, немає схематичного вираження.
Сутність її полягає у введенні нових
термінів в науку маркетингу послуг:
1) інтерактивний маркетинг;
2) якість послуги: функціональна та
3) внутрішній маркетинг.
8. Трикутна модель маркетингу
послуг Ф. Котлера
9. Модель К. Лавлока
С – споживач (фініш "регати", мета)
К – керівник відділу маркетингу фірми (або капітан)
1 – 8 – працівники відділу маркетингу (гребці), відповідальні за певні
елементи маркетин-міксу:
1 – продукт (product);
2 – ціну (price);
3 – розповсюдження (place);
4 – просування (promotion);
5 – процес надання послуги (process);
6 – матеріальне середовище (physical evidence);
7 – людей (персонал та споживача) (people);
8 – продуктивність і якість (productivity and quality)
С1 42 3 5 6 7 8 К