Protecting our medicinesThe Partnership For Safe MedicinesAt the Partnership for Safe Medicines 2011 Interchange, Travis Johnson of the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition talked about the global challenge of the counterfeiting problem and challenges to reducing it.
International cooking 16 mexicoJLuv And JDubThe document discusses Mexican cuisine and geography. It describes how the Maya and Aztec civilizations developed sophisticated cuisines using native ingredients like corn, beans, tomatoes, and chocolate. When the Spanish arrived in 1521, they introduced ingredients from Europe like wheat, rice, dairy products, and cooking methods like sautéing and frying using lard and butter. Mexican cuisine varies regionally depending on climate and crops grown, with the north preferring beef and wheat and the south favoring pork and spicier dishes using corn. Beans, corn, and tortillas form the foundation of Mexican meals, along with salsas and a variety of fresh, melting, and hard cheeses.
Urmakeren Abraham PihlcarstenhpForedrag av Erik Ødegaard på Slektens Pihls slektstreff i Vang, mai 2010.
Full Copyright hos Erik Ødegaard. (Lagres kun på min ݺߣshare for videredistribusjon.)
A2 media evlauationbexziiboopThis document contains planning materials for a student media project on a soap opera titled "Borderline". It includes a question prompt, descriptions of real soap opera conventions, analyses of similar media products, and details on how various media technologies were used for construction, research, planning and evaluation. Planning was done using a blogger site, and technologies like video/photo cameras, editing software, and presentation software were utilized.
Planning- Auditions for the Documentaryerinwarren97The auditions for the documentary are listed in the powerpoint above, the auditions range from girls and boys who are auditioning to be in our documentary. There are descriptions and evaluations on each person and which one fits perfectly for that particular role.
Protecting our medicinesThe Partnership For Safe MedicinesAt the Partnership for Safe Medicines 2011 Interchange, Travis Johnson of the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition talked about the global challenge of the counterfeiting problem and challenges to reducing it.
International cooking 16 mexicoJLuv And JDubThe document discusses Mexican cuisine and geography. It describes how the Maya and Aztec civilizations developed sophisticated cuisines using native ingredients like corn, beans, tomatoes, and chocolate. When the Spanish arrived in 1521, they introduced ingredients from Europe like wheat, rice, dairy products, and cooking methods like sautéing and frying using lard and butter. Mexican cuisine varies regionally depending on climate and crops grown, with the north preferring beef and wheat and the south favoring pork and spicier dishes using corn. Beans, corn, and tortillas form the foundation of Mexican meals, along with salsas and a variety of fresh, melting, and hard cheeses.
Urmakeren Abraham PihlcarstenhpForedrag av Erik Ødegaard på Slektens Pihls slektstreff i Vang, mai 2010.
Full Copyright hos Erik Ødegaard. (Lagres kun på min ݺߣshare for videredistribusjon.)
A2 media evlauationbexziiboopThis document contains planning materials for a student media project on a soap opera titled "Borderline". It includes a question prompt, descriptions of real soap opera conventions, analyses of similar media products, and details on how various media technologies were used for construction, research, planning and evaluation. Planning was done using a blogger site, and technologies like video/photo cameras, editing software, and presentation software were utilized.
Planning- Auditions for the Documentaryerinwarren97The auditions for the documentary are listed in the powerpoint above, the auditions range from girls and boys who are auditioning to be in our documentary. There are descriptions and evaluations on each person and which one fits perfectly for that particular role.
6. ху2
Тест1 Сэрээ юутай адилхан бэ?
б.харандаа Хариу а
Тест2 Шувуунд хэдэн өд байдаг вэ?
а. 4
б. олон хариу б
Тест3 Эдгээрийн аль нь цонхтой адил вэ?
а. тааз хариу б
б. хаалга
Тест4 Долоо хоногт ажлын хэдэн өдөр байдаг вэ
а. 5
б. 6 хариу а
Тест5 Нэг цагт хэдэн минут байдаг вэ?
а. 30 хариу б
б. 60
8. ху3
Тест1 Үг бүтээхэд чамд юу хэрэгтэй вэ?
а. үсэг
б. ширээ хариу а
в. бал
Тест2 Гэрлийн чийдэнг юугаар асаадаг вэ?
а. лаа
б. цахилгаан хариу б
в. гал
Тест3 Хойд зүгийн эсрэг зүг аль вэ?
а. зүүн
б. Өмнөд хариу а
в. баруун
Тест4 Цус ямар өнгөтэй вэ?
а. шар
б. улаан хариу б
в. улбар шар