Acumin is the leading provider of recruitment and executive search services to the Information Security and Risk Management markets.
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2. Acumin Recruitment Service
1. Recruitment
? Information Security and Risk Management ? Governance & Compliance
? Penetration Testing & Forensics ? SC & DV Cleared Cyber Security ? Business
Continuity ? Sales Engineering ? Sales and Marketing ? Executive Management
Acumin is the leading provider of Information Risk Permanent Recruitment Service
Management Staff in EMEA, specialising in a range of By fully understanding your business, your recruitment strategy and
recruitment services that are built on an extensive network, how to best represent your company in the market we are able to
strong business relationships and in-depth industry source the most appropriately matched candidates in the market.
knowledge. Acumin¡¯s expert team of consultants are We professionally qualify candidates and combine best practice
process driven, operate transparently and always with interview techniques with our in-depth market knowledge to elicit the
your ultimate business goals in mind. greatest detail possible and ensure candidates presented are the
best possible fit for your needs.
? Permanent Recruitment ? Team Moves
? Contract Recruitment ? Executive Search We brief candidates and feed back to our clients at each stage of the
? Managed Recruitment Service interview process and we work with you to make improvements and
help streamline the process to reduce management time. This
includes advising on offers and benchmarking packages in order to
ensure long term success of the placement.
Contract Recruitment > Acumin Approved > Project Consulting > Interim Senior Management
Associates Scheme
Building on the quality and range of contract Providing our clients immediate With our industry knowledge and Using our executive search
staff on our database over the years has access to a flexible resource pool market understanding, Acumin techniques and experience we
containing contractors who have have the experience and contact are able to source the most
enabled Acumin¡¯s contract department to
been approved, qualified and base to successfully provide a accomplished leaders to establish
supply consultants at all levels to our clients referenced and are ready for complete project team including and develop your EMEA business
spanning sectors from first tier banks to a new project instantly. Acumin project management to advise and and teams. From CEO to regional
systems integrators across EMEA. We can supply Interim Management, direct on your recruitment projects leadership, Acumin have your
understand that availability, competency teams of Information Risk and in line with your business strategy ultimate business goals in mind to
Security specialists, or short term and goals. Deploying a complete ensure the successful manager is
and knowledge are the most important
consultants, including CLAS new team, senior management able to develop, refine and align
criteria when selecting contract staff and we Consultants, Penetration Testers, staff or technical specialists to your Go-To-Market strategy, meet
ensure that the highest quality consultants Business Continuity Specialists or assist with a new product or revenue objectives, define
are always delivered. Technical Security Analysts all of service launch, Acumin ensure we management process and
which are part of the Acumin gain a full understanding of your determine sales methodology.
Approved Associates Scheme. project needs in order to put the
correct structure in place.
Telephone: Facsmile: Email: Web:
+44 (0)20 7987 3838 +44 (0)20 7987 8243
Acumin Consulting Limited, Suite 22, Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, London E14 9XL
2. Executive Search Team Moves
Acumin¡¯s experienced search consultants operate with a A full Team Move allows clients to achieve rapid strategic
confidential approach and have the knowledge to find the growth and develop business in new markets while adding
industries leading talent. Acumin work on a retained basis and significant value to existing service offerings and to increase
draw on a significant arsenal of proven techniques and tactics market share. This is a low-cost, targeted, rapid growth strategy
to in order to ensure our Clients receive the perfect skills and that is highly effective and is still more cost efficient than the full
personalities for their business needs. acquisition of a company.
The Executive Search is designed to give the Client a We launch a discrete search and selection campaign, proactively
comprehensive and discreet recruitment solution with an use our knowledge of future market trends to locate hot teams in
unmatched success rate. There is no limit to the scope or the market and research legal implications. We extensively
complexity of the requirement in an area where Acumin¡¯s qualify and obtain the commitment of a team in advance of
knowledge is second to none. any introductions being made as we understand that maintaining
the confidentiality and anonymity of our clients in these
circumstances is essential when considering a team move.
Managed Recruitment Service
Acumin¡¯s Managed Service provides a cost effective,
fully-outsourced recruitment solution allowing for the
centralisation of hiring Information Security staff across Established in 1998, Acumin is the leading provider of
Technical, Sales, Marketing and Leadership disciplines recruitment services to the Information Security and Risk
enabling improved access to talent within the market place Management markets. Supporting this core offering,
and increased visibility of your brand. Acumin provide Go-To-Market services to technology
vendors enabling geographic expansion and sales
We utilise the best people, processes and technology available acceleration across EMEA.
to effectively manage a client¡¯s entire recruitment process -
from evaluation and planning through to candidate interview,
selection/hire and on-boarding. We work hard to seamlessly
integrate into the organisation to ensure the best possible
candidate experience.
Telephone: Facsmile: Email: Web:
+44 (0)20 7987 3838 +44 (0)20 7987 8243
Acumin Consulting Limited, Suite 22, Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, London E14 9XL