The document is a photography quiz testing knowledge of camera functions and darkroom processes. It contains multiple choice and true/false questions about camera settings like ISO, shutter speed, and aperture that affect exposure, as well as darkroom techniques like developing, fixing, and rinsing photographic paper. The quiz covers topics like how different camera settings impact exposure and blurring of backgrounds, as well as the chemicals and processes used to develop black and white photographs.
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2. know your camera quiz
1. Photography Quiz Name:___________________________
1. Which camera setting refers to the camera’s sensitivity to light?
2. Which camera setting refers to how quickly the camera eye opens and closes?
3. Which camera setting is adjusted according to the amount of natural light available
where you are shooting pictures? (Hint: this setting usually does NOT change for the
duration of your shoot)
4. Which camera setting refers to the size of the eye in the camera?
5. Which camera setting should be adjusted to account for quick motion photos?
6. Should you increase or decrease the ISO when shooting indoors?
7. Should you increase or decrease the shutter speed for still-life (portrait) photos?
8. If you increase the shutter speed, does exposure increase or decrease?
9. If you increase the aperture size, does exposure increase or decrease?
10. What is the range of ISO settings (lowest and highest only)
11. How is shutter speed displayed on the camera? Give an example shutter speed.
12. How is aperture displayed on the camera? Give an example setting.
13. Should you increase or decrease the aperture size to achieve an intentional blurring
of the background in a photo?
2. 14. When the aperture size is increased, what happens to the aperture display number
on the camera?
15. Does exposure increase or decrease when aperture is increased?
16. When you increase the ISO, does exposure increase or decrease?
17. If my exposure meter says my photo will be too dark, what is one thing I can do to
fix it?
18. If my exposure meter says my photo will be too light, what is one thing I can do to fix
it? (You cannot use the same setting adjustment you used on 17).
19. If I’m taking a picture of a friend with the White House in the background, how can I
make sure both my friend and the building are in focus?
1- ____ photogram sensitive materials inside a
camera obscura.
b. The chemical that makes the
2- ____ pinhole photograph image appear on the light
sensitive material.
c. The chemical that makes the
3- ____ developer image light safe.
d. An image created by putting
4- ____ fixer objects on top of light sensitive
paper and exposing the paper to
e. The process used to remove all
5- ____ stop chemicals from the photo paper.
f. The chemical used to end the
6- ____ rinse image development.
a. An image created by placing light