[자몽] 대학생 기업 연계 대외활동 프로그램 서비스 소개서 Kunwon Kim대학생 공감네트워크 '자몽' 의 대학생 대외활동 공식 서비스 브랜드 입니다. 서포터즈, 마케터, 리포터, 기자단 등 다양한 카테고리의 활동을 지원해드리며, 활성화 및 기업의 목적과 학생의 선호에 맞춰 프로그램을 구성해드립니다.
대학생 전문채널 '미디어자몽' 내 콘텐츠 게재 및 모객부터 콘텐츠 노출까지 바이럴을 통한 활성화 프로그램을 운영중에 있습니다.
문의사항: wenis@artpr.kr
문의전화: 070-7766-8812
[Campus Compass] 사업계획서 - 대학생 공모전/대외활동/인턴/동아리 #(해시태그)기반 맞춤형 추천 서비스 [캠퍼스 컴퍼스]남호 홍캠퍼스 컴퍼스 - 사업계획서
공모전/인턴/대외활동/취준 #(해시태그)로 모아보고 맞춤형 추천받자!
Homepage: http://www.campuscompass.kr/
공모전, 인턴, 대외활동? 와챠처럼 개인화 추천 받자!
수많은 공모전, 인턴, 대외활동, 강연 정보를 #(해시태그) 개인화 필터링을 통해 (카드 형태로) 모바일에서도 편리하게 모아 볼 수 있는 서비스입니다.
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보라 3기 1차 교육 _ 오르그닷bora campaign BY seed:s corporationOrgdot proposes a creative alliance between independent designers and skilled craftsmen. It will serve as a link between these two groups by creating a manufacturing platform that provides eco-friendly raw materials and business support. This will foster a more creative environment for designers and stable jobs for craftsmen, while producing well-made sustainable products. The project will be supported by funding from the Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
보라 3기 2차 교육 _ 2_CO-UP 양석원 대표bora campaign BY seed:s corporationThe document discusses the rise of the sharing economy and collaborative consumption. It is divided into three sections - product service systems, redistribution markets, and collaborative lifestyles. Examples are given for each category such as car sharing services like Zipcar, marketplace sites like Craigslist, and coworking spaces. The sharing economy allows for greater access to goods and services through collaboration between individuals and businesses.
보라 3기 2차 교육 _ 1_CO-UP 양석원 대표bora campaign BY seed:s corporationThe document lists various ideas for community art projects, events, and activities such as a DIY photobooth wall, page corner bookmarks for kids, a suggestion box, community chalkboards, a ghost tour, sand sculpture, clean advertising, dust art, beach tagging, field ads, and wood carving. It also includes ideas for cooperative ads for lawn mowing, crop harvesting, raking, and composting.
보라 3기 1차 교육 _ 오르그닷bora campaign BY seed:s corporationOrgdot proposes a creative alliance between independent designers and skilled craftsmen. It will serve as a link between these two groups by creating a manufacturing platform that provides eco-friendly raw materials and business support. This will foster a more creative environment for designers and stable jobs for craftsmen, while producing well-made sustainable products. The project will be supported by funding from the Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
보라 3기 2차 교육 _ 2_CO-UP 양석원 대표bora campaign BY seed:s corporationThe document discusses the rise of the sharing economy and collaborative consumption. It is divided into three sections - product service systems, redistribution markets, and collaborative lifestyles. Examples are given for each category such as car sharing services like Zipcar, marketplace sites like Craigslist, and coworking spaces. The sharing economy allows for greater access to goods and services through collaboration between individuals and businesses.
보라 3기 2차 교육 _ 1_CO-UP 양석원 대표bora campaign BY seed:s corporationThe document lists various ideas for community art projects, events, and activities such as a DIY photobooth wall, page corner bookmarks for kids, a suggestion box, community chalkboards, a ghost tour, sand sculpture, clean advertising, dust art, beach tagging, field ads, and wood carving. It also includes ideas for cooperative ads for lawn mowing, crop harvesting, raking, and composting.