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息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved.
 Some Sql Features 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
Stored Procedure
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
What is Trigger? 
A Trigger is a named database object which defines 
some action that the database should take when 
some databases related event occurs. 
The trigger event can be any of the DML or DDL Statement: 
The general syntax of CREATE TRIGGER is : 
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event 
ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_statement 
[Trigger_statement have the statement that executes when the 
trigger fires but if you want to execute multiple statement the you 
have to use the BEGIN or END compound statement.] 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
The general syntax of DROP TRIGGER is : 
DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
What is DML Trigger? 
A DML Trigger is fired when data in the underlying table is 
affected by DML statements, such as 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
What is DDL Trigger? 
A DDL trigger is fired to response to DDL statement, 
Depending on the way in which trigger are fired , they are 
categorized as: 
1. After Trigger 2. Nested Trigger 
3. Instead of Trigger 4. Recursive Trigger
ALTER TRIGGGER trigger_name 
{FOR|AFTER}{event_type[,...n] | 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
Managing Triggers 
 How can you manage triggers? 
While managing triggers, you can perform the following 
operations on a triggers: 
1. Altering a trigger 
2. Deleting a trigger 
DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
What is Transaction? 
A transaction can be define as a sequence performed 
together as a single logical unit of work. 
A Single unit of work must process the four properties called 
The SQL Server allows implementing transactions in the following 
two ways: 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
1. Autocommit Transaction 
2. Explicit Transaction 
Explicit transaction are specified by using two statement: 
For example:- 
Select * From Humanresource.Department 
Reverting Transaction 
At a time there is a possibility that due to a problem all the 
statements of a transaction will not be successfully executed. 
Client gets an 
error with Try 
Again msg 
Client still 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
timed out 
For example:- 
Client hit the 
button to place 
the orders 
12:00 AM 12:02 AM 12:05 AM 12:08 AM 12:11 AM 12:14 AM 
Then we use for resolving this problem:- 
ROLLBACK TRAN[SACTION] [transaction_name | 
@tran_name_variable | savepoint_name | 
Transactional Integrity 
To maintain the Security & Concurrency issues in giving Multi-user 
Environment we use 'LOCKS'. 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
 Need For Locking: 
In the absence of Locking, problems may occur if more then 
one transaction use the same data from a database at the same 
These problem Include:- 
1. Lost Updates 
2. Uncommitted dependency(Dirty Read) 
3. Inconsistent Analysis 
4. Phantom Reads
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
 Controlling Locks 
If you want to change the lock mode from a Normal shared lock to 
an Exclusive lock you need use Isolation levels 
Types of isolation levels are: 
 Deadlocks Condition: 
A Deadlock is a situation where two or more transaction have 
locks on separate objects, and each transaction wait for a lock on 
the other object to be released.
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
 Resolving Deadlocks: 
To resolved the deadlock Situation we uses :- 
1. Setting Deadlock Priority 
2. Customizing Lock Timeout 
SET LOCK_TIMEOUT [timeout_period] 
3. Using sys.dm_exec_requests 
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
What is Batches ? 
A Batches is group of Sql statements submitted together to 
the Sql Server for execution. 
To create a batch, you can write multiple SQL statements 
followed by the keyword GO at the end:- 
<T-SQL Statement1> 
<T-SQL Statement2> 
<T-SQL Statement3> 
Note:- Go is the command that specifies the end of the batch 
 Using Variables with Batches 
While creating batches, you might need to save value 
temporarily during the execution time then you define a variable 
by DECLARE statement. 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
For example:- 
DECLARE @variable_name data_type 
 Guideline to Create Batches 
You cannot combine statements, such as CREATE RULE, 
CREATE TRIGGER etc, with other statements while 
creating a batch. 
You can use the EXECUTE statement in a batch when it is not 
the 1st statement of the batch.
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
 Stored Procedures 
A stored Procedure is a Pre-Compiled object stored in the 
The syntax of the create Procedure Statement is:- 
sql_statment1, sql_statement2 
 Executing a Stored Procedure 
A procedure can be executed by using the EXEC 
PROCEDURE statement. 
EXEC | EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_name AS [{login|user} ='name']
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
 Altering a Stored Procedure 
A Stored Procedure can be modified by using the ALTER 
PROCEDURE statement. 
 Dropping a Stored Procedure 
You can Drop the Stored Procedure from the Database by 
using DROP PROCEDURE statement. 
Creating Parameterized Stored procedures 
When you need to Execute Procedure for different values of a 
variable that provided at runtime. for this, you can create 
parameterized store procedure. 
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 
CREATE PROC prcListEmployee @title char(50) 
PRINT 'List of Employees' 
SELECT EmployeeID, Login, Title from 
HumanResource.Employee WHERE Title=@title 
EXECUTE prcListEmployee @title=tool designer
息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved.

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ISAS On SQL Features like Trigger, Transaction,Batches, Stored Procedure

  • 1. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Some Sql Features 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Trigger Transaction Batches Stored Procedure
  • 3. DML DDL 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Trigger What is Trigger? A Trigger is a named database object which defines some action that the database should take when some databases related event occurs. The trigger event can be any of the DML or DDL Statement: INSERT UPDATE DELETE CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE
  • 4. The general syntax of CREATE TRIGGER is : CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_statement [Trigger_statement have the statement that executes when the trigger fires but if you want to execute multiple statement the you have to use the BEGIN or END compound statement.] 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Note: The general syntax of DROP TRIGGER is : DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
  • 5. What is DML Trigger? A DML Trigger is fired when data in the underlying table is affected by DML statements, such as INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. What is DDL Trigger? A DDL trigger is fired to response to DDL statement, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. Depending on the way in which trigger are fired , they are categorized as: 1. After Trigger 2. Nested Trigger 3. Instead of Trigger 4. Recursive Trigger
  • 6. ALTER TRIGGGER trigger_name {FOR|AFTER}{event_type[,...n] | DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS} {AS {sql_statement[...n]} } 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Managing Triggers How can you manage triggers? While managing triggers, you can perform the following operations on a triggers: 1. Altering a trigger 2. Deleting a trigger DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
  • 7. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Transactions What is Transaction? A transaction can be define as a sequence performed together as a single logical unit of work. A Single unit of work must process the four properties called ACID. Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability A C I D
  • 8. The SQL Server allows implementing transactions in the following two ways: 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Autocommit Transaction 2. Explicit Transaction Explicit transaction are specified by using two statement: 1. BEGIN TRANSACTION 2. COMMIT TRANSACTION For example:- BEGIN TRAN myTran Select * From Humanresource.Department COMMIT TRAN myTran
  • 9. Reverting Transaction At a time there is a possibility that due to a problem all the statements of a transaction will not be successfully executed. Client gets an error with Try Again msg Client still waiting 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Transaction timed out For example:- Client hit the button to place the orders 12:00 AM 12:02 AM 12:05 AM 12:08 AM 12:11 AM 12:14 AM Then we use for resolving this problem:- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION: ROLLBACK TRAN[SACTION] [transaction_name | @tran_name_variable | savepoint_name | @savepoint_variable]]
  • 10. Transactional Integrity To maintain the Security & Concurrency issues in giving Multi-user Environment we use 'LOCKS'. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Need For Locking: In the absence of Locking, problems may occur if more then one transaction use the same data from a database at the same time. These problem Include:- 1. Lost Updates 2. Uncommitted dependency(Dirty Read) 3. Inconsistent Analysis 4. Phantom Reads
  • 11. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Controlling Locks If you want to change the lock mode from a Normal shared lock to an Exclusive lock you need use Isolation levels Types of isolation levels are: 1. READ UNCOMMITED 2. READ COMMITED 3. REPEATABLE READ 4. SNAPSHOT 5. SERIALIZABLE Deadlocks Condition: A Deadlock is a situation where two or more transaction have locks on separate objects, and each transaction wait for a lock on the other object to be released.
  • 12. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Resolving Deadlocks: To resolved the deadlock Situation we uses :- 1. Setting Deadlock Priority SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY{LOW|NORMAL|@deadlock_var} 2. Customizing Lock Timeout SET LOCK_TIMEOUT [timeout_period] 3. Using sys.dm_exec_requests SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
  • 13. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Batches What is Batches ? A Batches is group of Sql statements submitted together to the Sql Server for execution. To create a batch, you can write multiple SQL statements followed by the keyword GO at the end:- <T-SQL Statement1> <T-SQL Statement2> <T-SQL Statement3> ...... GO Note:- Go is the command that specifies the end of the batch statement.
  • 14. Using Variables with Batches While creating batches, you might need to save value temporarily during the execution time then you define a variable by DECLARE statement. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. For example:- DECLARE @variable_name data_type Guideline to Create Batches You cannot combine statements, such as CREATE RULE, CREATE TRIGGER etc, with other statements while creating a batch. You can use the EXECUTE statement in a batch when it is not the 1st statement of the batch.
  • 15. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Stored Procedures A stored Procedure is a Pre-Compiled object stored in the database. The syntax of the create Procedure Statement is:- CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name AS BEGIN sql_statment1, sql_statement2 END Executing a Stored Procedure A procedure can be executed by using the EXEC PROCEDURE statement. EXEC | EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_name AS [{login|user} ='name']
  • 16. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Altering a Stored Procedure A Stored Procedure can be modified by using the ALTER PROCEDURE statement. Syntax:- ALTER PROCEDURE proc_name Dropping a Stored Procedure You can Drop the Stored Procedure from the Database by using DROP PROCEDURE statement. Syntax:- DROP PROCEDURE proc_name
  • 17. Creating Parameterized Stored procedures When you need to Execute Procedure for different values of a variable that provided at runtime. for this, you can create parameterized store procedure. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved. Syntax:- CREATE PROC prcListEmployee @title char(50) AS BEGIN PRINT 'List of Employees' SELECT EmployeeID, Login, Title from HumanResource.Employee WHERE Title=@title END EXECUTE prcListEmployee @title=tool designer
  • 18. 息 2012 2S Corporation. All rights reserved.