This document outlines a method for generating environmental sounds at lower cost and with less time and labor than traditional methods. It analyzes the sound signal of a glass bottle being struck by filtering it into different frequency bands. It then generates a new sound using a sine wave model based on 5 important component sounds from the analyzed glass bottle sound, either with an initial phase of 0 or a random initial phase. This new method allows for environmental sound generation in a more efficient manner.
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2 sound signal generation by analysis of narrow band
2. Outline
0 Background
0 Motivation and Problem Statement
0 Research Processes
0 Results
0 Analysis of sound signal
0 Generation of sound signal
0 Summary
3. Motivation and Problem
0 An environmental sound is necessity in many fields.
0 However, these creating methods require too much cost, time
and labor.
To reduce the cost, the time, and the labor.
0 A new method of environmental sound generation is required.
To find important factors of sound generation.
4. Research Processes
0 We do processing of filter bank for sound signal.
0 We require phase and amplitude of analytical signal every band.
0 We generate sound using sine-wave model.
5. Analysis: Filter bank processing
0 Sound source : Impact to a glass bottle by a wood stick.
0 The sound signals are divided into narrow frequency
bands using filter bank.
0 Band-pass filter is used.
0 Bandwidth is 100Hz.
7. Generation: Generative Sound
0 鐚Fundamental Tone
0 ¥Determinate of 5 Component Sounds
0 鐚Straight-line Approximation 5 Component Sounds
and Initial Phase of 0
0 oStraight-line Approximation 5 Component Sounds
and Initial Phase of Random
8. Summary
0 We generate sound by 5 component sounds.
0 However, initial phase of 0 and random sound is difference
in former determinate of 5 component sounds.