43. 43
?? ??? ??? ??
?? ?? ??? ? ?
(With effort and determination,
???? ??????
??? ??? ????
? ??? ?? ? ??
(I can LEARN MORE from
failure I than I do from
?? ???? ????
(My potential is LIMITLESS!)
?? ??? ??? ??
? ???? ????
(I view challenges as
opportunities for GROWTH.)
????/?? ??!
75. ??? ??(Visible Learning)
????(Big Idea)
^??? ???
?? ?? ??? ???
??(Know thy impact)! ̄
^My role as teacher is to
evaluate the effect I have on
my students. ̄
101. 101
??? ?? ?? ??(Schooling by Design)
(Wiggins and McTighe, 2007)
? 1?? C ??? ?? ??
-??? ??
-??? ??
? 2?? C ?? ???(acceptable) ???? ?? ??
-??(??? ? ??)
-?? (?? ?? ??)
? 3?? C ?? ??? ?? ?? ??
-?? ??
-??? ?? ??
??? ?? ???? C Schooling by
102. 102
^? ?? ?? ???? ???
? ???
? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ???
(All the beautiful sentiments in the world
weigh less than a single lovely action). ̄
??? ???!!
103. We can Change Every
Student¨s Life for the Better!
#24: ??? ??/?? C essentials to developing relationships
#25: http://www.slideshare.net/RobertLeneway/leading-the-continuous-school-renewal-process-wlb
^Scratch a good teacher and you will find a moral purpose ̄ (Fullan, 1993, p.12)?
#70: For the past five years, Chicago Public Schools has supported Student Voice Committees (SVCs) in every high school. From six schools at the start, the effort has now grown to 70 high schools and 35 middle schools. Unlike traditional student councils, which tend to focus on events like fundraising and organizing student social events, these committees focus on deeper issues of culture and student well-being. These include: (1) Teaching and learning: working with teachers to create feedback protocols and ways to improve staff/student relationships. (2) Health: focusing on providing students with mental health resources and creating peer mentoring programs for students to support each other. (3) Discipline and attendance: helping craft more supportive policies such as restorative practices. (4) Facilities and nutrition: focusing on school infrastructure projects and making improvements to school lunches.
^Students have been in school most of their lives. They¨re the real experts, ̄ says Salgado. ^When adults co-create and cultivate a space with students so they can be a part of all decisions impacting school culture, the entire school community wins. ̄
^As adults, we think we¨re running the school, but the reality is that when children want to do something, they can make it happen. We must involve them as collaborative partners. ̄ ! Denine Goolsby
#75: ???? ? ??? K-12 ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ??? ??,??,?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ??, ? ??? ? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ? ??? ?? ?? ???? `???? ?? ??: ?? ? ??,?? ??? ??? ?? ????¨?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??. ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? `?? ??? ?? ??(Beliefs about Student Success)¨? ???? ??.
???? ??? ??? ? ??(All students can be successful).
????? ??? ???? ??(Success comes in many forms).
?????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??(There are many pathways to success).
#76: The main ideas of the book are:
~ The big idea is C know thy impact! Expert teachers are not wedded to specific teaching strategies C rather,
they regularly focus on evaluating the effects they have on students, and adjust teaching methods accordingly.
~ When teaching and learning are ^visible ̄ C that is, when it is clear what teachers are teaching and what
students are learning, student achievement increases.
Hattie published Visible Learning in 2009
It was an analysis of hundreds of meta-analyses
Reviews hailed it as the ^Holy Grail ̄
Others saw it as an attack on the woeful state of the
teaching profession
Hattie saw it as a chance to show what makes a
difference to students
#91: ??(assessment)? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??, ??, ???? ?? ???.
(Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development.)(Palomba & Banta, 1999)