This document outlines the agenda for Class 13 of an English writing course. It discusses forming new writing groups and introduces the third essay assignment on justice, due in week 8. It also reviews readings from Machiavelli and Lao Tzu and discusses Marcus Tullius Cicero's "The Defense of Injustice" through examining Cicero's biography, rhetorical strategies, and questions for critical reading. Students are instructed to discuss the text in groups and suggested to read Henry David Thoreau for homework.
La confer竪ncia, invents i mquines. El Jan ens presenta un "Biciort", la combinaci坦 duna bicicleta i una arada per treballar a l'hort.
Treball realitzat al CM de l'Escola Terra Nostra d'Olost.
El documento resume las negociaciones entre la Uni坦n Europea y Ecuador para un acuerdo comercial. Se concluy坦 el primer round de negociaciones con "progreso significativo" y se permiti坦 avanzar en aspectos que beneficiar鱈an el comercio e inversi坦n entre los bloques. El acuerdo considerar鱈a las sensibilidades clave de ambas partes. Nuestro producto, la bolsa ISO, no aparece en las listas de productos sujetos a restricciones del INEN ecuatoriano.
This document outlines the agenda for Class 13 of an English writing course. It discusses forming new writing groups and introduces the third essay assignment on justice, due in week 8. It also reviews readings from Machiavelli and Lao Tzu and discusses Marcus Tullius Cicero's "The Defense of Injustice" through examining Cicero's biography, rhetorical strategies, and questions for critical reading. Students are instructed to discuss the text in groups and suggested to read Henry David Thoreau for homework.
La confer竪ncia, invents i mquines. El Jan ens presenta un "Biciort", la combinaci坦 duna bicicleta i una arada per treballar a l'hort.
Treball realitzat al CM de l'Escola Terra Nostra d'Olost.
El documento resume las negociaciones entre la Uni坦n Europea y Ecuador para un acuerdo comercial. Se concluy坦 el primer round de negociaciones con "progreso significativo" y se permiti坦 avanzar en aspectos que beneficiar鱈an el comercio e inversi坦n entre los bloques. El acuerdo considerar鱈a las sensibilidades clave de ambas partes. Nuestro producto, la bolsa ISO, no aparece en las listas de productos sujetos a restricciones del INEN ecuatoriano.
This document describes endoscopic assisted SARME (segmental alveolar repositioning with miniplates and endoscopy). It notes the open technique involves a Le Fort I incision while the endoscopic technique uses a single vertical midline incision and subperiosteal tunneling with a Storz endoscope. Key benefits of the endoscopic approach include reduced postoperative pain and swelling, no risk of oroantral communication, no scarring of the labial fold, and direct visualization beyond the zygomatic buttress.
Total-Solar napelemes rendszerek, A napelem, mint technol坦gia a napsugarakban megtal叩lhat坦 energia hasznos鱈t叩s叩n alapul, egy olyan eszk旦z, amely a nap sug叩rz叩s叩t villamos energi叩v叩, azaz elektromos 叩ramm叩 konvert叩lja 叩t. A napelem hat辿konys叩ga f端gg annak m辿ret辿tl, t鱈pus叩t坦l, a napsug叩rz叩s erss辿g辿tl, a sug叩rzott f辿ny hull叩mhossz叩t坦l, valamint annak bees辿si sz旦g辿tl.
Este documento resume varios pasajes del Evangelio de Lucas en los que Jes炭s ense単a sobre la humildad y el perd坦n. Jes炭s cuenta la par叩bola del fariseo y el publicano orando en el templo para mostrar que Dios justifica a los humildes. Tambi辿n habla de expulsar a los mercaderes del templo y explica las excusas de los invitados que no asisten a la cena. El mensaje principal es que el reino de Dios pertenece a los humildes.
The document discusses a project by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to extract street features like pavement markings and traffic assets from street-level LiDAR data for connected vehicle applications. DDOT collected over 300 miles of street-level LiDAR data, which provides richer attribute data than traditional data. The project aims to help generate MAP messages by training neural networks to recognize pavement markings and traffic assets in clustered LiDAR point images with a 72% success rate. Future work includes improving the asset recognition and converting the data into MAP messages.