An Engineering Summit invitation/reservation form that I created for the dealers to attend. It was held at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA. I handled all the catering, room reservations and logistics for the event.
The Brighton Waste House project received several awards and accolades for its sustainable design and waste management practices, including: Best Sustainable Building of the Year from 2 Degrees Network in July 2014; Best Waste and Resource Management from 2 Degrees Network in July 2014; Best Sustainable Building - Highly Commended from Blueprint Design in October 2014; Best Green Project of the Year from the Argus Community Stars Awards in November 2014; and Best Schools Project from the People and Environment Achievement Awards in November 2014.
Pelatihan e learning sma negeri-2 palangka rayaRudy Hilkya
This document provides information about an e-learning training held in January 2012 at SMA Negeri-2 Palangka Raya. It was led by Rudy Hilkya, S.Pd. The training focused on the relationship between transformational leadership and persuasive communication of elementary school principals with teacher job satisfaction in Palangka Raya. It included subheadings, bullet points, and formatting to highlight key terms.
El documento describe las wikis como herramientas digitales flexibles para la colaboraci坦n y el almacenamiento de informaci坦n. Se単ala que Wikipedia es el wiki m叩s grande del mundo y que permite que cualquier persona contribuya y edite art鱈culos. Tambi辿n explica que las wikis pueden usarse para desarrollar contenidos de asignaturas de forma compartida y son 炭tiles en la formaci坦n docente como forma de investigaci坦n e interacci坦n. Recomienda su uso en la educaci坦n para fomentar la participaci坦n y creatividad de los estudiantes de forma din叩mica.
La semana 13 se inici坦 trabajando la metodolog鱈a, la cual result坦 ser muy dif鱈cil para el grupo. William explic坦 y habl坦 con cada equipo sobre el tema del objetivo para ayudarlos a comprender la metodolog鱈a.
Este documento explica el uso de capas y l鱈neas gu鱈as en CorelDRAW. Las capas permiten organizar los objetos de un dibujo en planos invisibles para controlar el orden de apilamiento. Por defecto, todo se coloca en una capa, mientras que el contenido de p叩gina espec鱈fica va en una capa local y el de toda la p叩gina en una capa maestra. Para acceder a las capas, se usa el Administrador de objetos. Las l鱈neas gu鱈as se definen en la p叩gina y p叩gina maestra a trav辿s
El documento habla sobre los conceptos clave de hip坦tesis e investigaci坦n. Explica que la hip坦tesis representa una proposici坦n tentativa sobre la relaci坦n entre variables que orienta la investigaci坦n. Describe los diferentes tipos de hip坦tesis como la general, espec鱈fica, operacional y estad鱈stica. Tambi辿n define conceptos como variable independiente, dependiente, interviniente y cualitativa vs. cuantitativa.
This document appears to be a schedule for the 2012 Miami University soccer season. It lists the dates of 17 games played between August and October 2012, including home games against teams like Xavier, Northwestern, Austin Peay, Akron, Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Ball State and away games against teams like IUPUI, UW-Milwaukee, Belmont, Indiana State, Ohio, Kent State, Northern Illinois, Toledo, Central Michigan, and Bowling Green.
The document is an invitation and agenda for Airefco's Fall Dealer Meeting to take place on September 28th in Spokane, Washington. The tentative agenda includes marketing updates on current programs and new products. Dealers, marketing managers, and key sales staff are encouraged to attend. The invitation requests an RSVP by September 22nd with the company name, dealer number, phone number, and attendee names. Lunch will be provided.
2006 Seattle Hadco Fall Dealer Meeting FlyerGrDesigner
This document announces the 2006 Hadco Fall Dealer Meeting to take place on September 26th in Seattle, Washington. The tentative agenda includes marketing updates on current programs and new product launches, as well as a factory update. Dealers are invited to attend and should RSVP by September 21st. Refreshments will be provided during and after the meeting.
This article provides an overview of Clark College's ambitious construction projects totaling over $200 million that are either underway or planned for the near future. These include the completion of the Clark Center at WSU Vancouver, replacement of Stout Hall, acquisition and renovation of buildings for workforce programs, and expansion of parking lots. The projects are being overseen by Bob Knight, Vice President of Administrative Services, and will help build the future of Clark College by expanding its facilities and programs across the region.
Clark College and Portland State University formalized a partnership agreement to improve student access and success in transferring between the two schools. Key aspects of the partnership include coordinated advising, scholarships, services, and guaranteed admission for Clark students who complete their associate degree. The presidents of both schools signed the agreement, believing it will benefit students and further their educational success.
This is a photograph that I converted into a line drawing and then painted in Photoshop. I added the frame elements for emphasis. It is a school photo of me when I was 8 years old.
This is a photograph that I converted into a line drawing in Photoshop. I added the frame elements for emphasis. It is a school photo of me when I was 8 years old.
This is an advertisement that has several layers with images placed strategically beneath the text cutouts and blends them together for one presentation.
This document appears to be an advertisement for various therapy services provided by PT On Call. It lists the names of different therapy divisions under PT On Call including Speech Therapy On Call, Occupational Therapy On Call. It also includes the name of a freelance therapist, Linda Bowman, and the date of September 2001.
1) John Clausen, Richard Shamrell, Jean Watson, and Barbara Davenport were recognized as Exceptional Faculty at Clark College for their dedication to student success and leadership in their fields of teaching.
2) Jeanette Steinmueller was recognized as Exceptional Classified Staff for her exceptional tutoring of accounting students in the Tutoring Center through her thorough understanding of accounting and patience.
3) These award recipients were admired by colleagues and students for bringing their subjects to life, building student confidence, and guiding students towards their goals.
Clark College will become the first community college in Washington to implement a tobacco-free campus policy. The policy was approved by the Board of Trustees in November and will take effect in March. It aims to improve health and safety by reducing secondhand smoke exposure. The majority of students, faculty and staff supported the policy in surveys. The ban will not include some off-campus properties. Signage and educational materials will communicate the new rules. A nurse at Clark received an award for her role in advocating for the policy change.
Este documento explica el uso de capas y l鱈neas gu鱈as en CorelDRAW. Las capas permiten organizar los objetos de un dibujo en planos invisibles para controlar el orden de apilamiento. Por defecto, todo se coloca en una capa, mientras que el contenido de p叩gina espec鱈fica va en una capa local y el de toda la p叩gina en una capa maestra. Para acceder a las capas, se usa el Administrador de objetos. Las l鱈neas gu鱈as se definen en la p叩gina y p叩gina maestra a trav辿s
El documento habla sobre los conceptos clave de hip坦tesis e investigaci坦n. Explica que la hip坦tesis representa una proposici坦n tentativa sobre la relaci坦n entre variables que orienta la investigaci坦n. Describe los diferentes tipos de hip坦tesis como la general, espec鱈fica, operacional y estad鱈stica. Tambi辿n define conceptos como variable independiente, dependiente, interviniente y cualitativa vs. cuantitativa.
This document appears to be a schedule for the 2012 Miami University soccer season. It lists the dates of 17 games played between August and October 2012, including home games against teams like Xavier, Northwestern, Austin Peay, Akron, Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Ball State and away games against teams like IUPUI, UW-Milwaukee, Belmont, Indiana State, Ohio, Kent State, Northern Illinois, Toledo, Central Michigan, and Bowling Green.
The document is an invitation and agenda for Airefco's Fall Dealer Meeting to take place on September 28th in Spokane, Washington. The tentative agenda includes marketing updates on current programs and new products. Dealers, marketing managers, and key sales staff are encouraged to attend. The invitation requests an RSVP by September 22nd with the company name, dealer number, phone number, and attendee names. Lunch will be provided.
2006 Seattle Hadco Fall Dealer Meeting FlyerGrDesigner
This document announces the 2006 Hadco Fall Dealer Meeting to take place on September 26th in Seattle, Washington. The tentative agenda includes marketing updates on current programs and new product launches, as well as a factory update. Dealers are invited to attend and should RSVP by September 21st. Refreshments will be provided during and after the meeting.
This article provides an overview of Clark College's ambitious construction projects totaling over $200 million that are either underway or planned for the near future. These include the completion of the Clark Center at WSU Vancouver, replacement of Stout Hall, acquisition and renovation of buildings for workforce programs, and expansion of parking lots. The projects are being overseen by Bob Knight, Vice President of Administrative Services, and will help build the future of Clark College by expanding its facilities and programs across the region.
Clark College and Portland State University formalized a partnership agreement to improve student access and success in transferring between the two schools. Key aspects of the partnership include coordinated advising, scholarships, services, and guaranteed admission for Clark students who complete their associate degree. The presidents of both schools signed the agreement, believing it will benefit students and further their educational success.
This is a photograph that I converted into a line drawing and then painted in Photoshop. I added the frame elements for emphasis. It is a school photo of me when I was 8 years old.
This is a photograph that I converted into a line drawing in Photoshop. I added the frame elements for emphasis. It is a school photo of me when I was 8 years old.
This is an advertisement that has several layers with images placed strategically beneath the text cutouts and blends them together for one presentation.
This document appears to be an advertisement for various therapy services provided by PT On Call. It lists the names of different therapy divisions under PT On Call including Speech Therapy On Call, Occupational Therapy On Call. It also includes the name of a freelance therapist, Linda Bowman, and the date of September 2001.
1) John Clausen, Richard Shamrell, Jean Watson, and Barbara Davenport were recognized as Exceptional Faculty at Clark College for their dedication to student success and leadership in their fields of teaching.
2) Jeanette Steinmueller was recognized as Exceptional Classified Staff for her exceptional tutoring of accounting students in the Tutoring Center through her thorough understanding of accounting and patience.
3) These award recipients were admired by colleagues and students for bringing their subjects to life, building student confidence, and guiding students towards their goals.
Clark College will become the first community college in Washington to implement a tobacco-free campus policy. The policy was approved by the Board of Trustees in November and will take effect in March. It aims to improve health and safety by reducing secondhand smoke exposure. The majority of students, faculty and staff supported the policy in surveys. The ban will not include some off-campus properties. Signage and educational materials will communicate the new rules. A nurse at Clark received an award for her role in advocating for the policy change.
1. 2006 Northwest Engineering Summit
Skamania Lodge
October 6 - 7, 2006
J oin Airefco October 6th at the Skamania Lodge located in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge in
Stevenson, WA. We are pleased to bring you industry experts offering seminars designed
to provide information on product applications for enhanced efficiency and performance along
with tools and insight on the future of commercial building system design. At the tradeshow, youll
have the opportunity to kick the tires, see the products, and talk with product managers and application
specialists. Wrap-up your stay by attending the evening festivities and Saturday activities -- play a
round of golf, enjoy a brunch cruise through the Columbia Gorge, or just relax and unwind.
Planned Seminar Topics:
2008 Code Changes: What you need to know for tomorrows design
Controlling Building Pressurization: Applications for rooftop package units
Water Source Heat Pumps and LEEDS: Exploring new applications
Chiller Compressor Technology: Whats here today, whats on the horizon?
AHU Design: Issues and opportunities for ERV/HRV
Keynote Address:
Acoustics - Optimizing HVAC Performance for Quiet Operation
Reservation Information
Your double-occupancy room can be reserved with one king bed or two double beds.
Please indicate your room preference below:
Company: ________________________________________ Phone: (______) _______-________
Check-in Date: 10/6/06 Check-out Date: 10/7/06 (Additional rooms/nights may be reserved by contacting
Skamania Lodge directly and will be the responsibility of
Alternate Check-in: __________ Check-out: __________ the attendee.)
Special requests / needs: ___________________________________________________________________________
Room Preference: 1 King bed 2 Double beds Attending Seminar Optional Saturday Activities
(cannot be guaranteed) (choose one) (choose only one)
Name Yes No Golf Event Brunch Cruise
Submit via email using the button to:
or fax to: (503) 691-6412
Submit by
E-mail Print Questions? Call (503) 691-4313
RSVP by Monday, 8/15/06