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2006 Northwest Engineering Summit

 Skamania Lodge

                                                                                           October 6 - 7, 2006

J    oin Airefco October 6th at the Skamania Lodge located in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge in
     Stevenson, WA. We are pleased to bring you industry experts offering seminars designed
to provide information on product applications for enhanced efficiency and performance along
with tools and insight on the future of commercial building system design. At the tradeshow, youll
have the opportunity to kick the tires, see the products, and talk with product managers and application
specialists. Wrap-up your stay by attending the evening festivities and Saturday activities -- play a
round of golf, enjoy a brunch cruise through the Columbia Gorge, or just relax and unwind.

                                    Planned Seminar Topics:
                                        2008 Code Changes: What you need to know for tomorrows design
                                        Controlling Building Pressurization: Applications for rooftop package units
                                        Water Source Heat Pumps and LEEDS: Exploring new applications
                                        Chiller Compressor Technology: Whats here today, whats on the horizon?
                                        AHU Design: Issues and opportunities for ERV/HRV

                                    Keynote Address:
                                    Acoustics - Optimizing HVAC Performance for Quiet Operation

                                        Reservation Information
                Your double-occupancy room can be reserved with one king bed or two double beds.
                                  Please indicate your room preference below:

Company: ________________________________________ Phone: (______) _______-________

Check-in Date: 10/6/06           Check-out Date: 10/7/06             (Additional rooms/nights may be reserved by contacting
                                                                     Skamania Lodge directly and will be the responsibility of
Alternate Check-in: __________ Check-out: __________                 the attendee.)
Special requests / needs: ___________________________________________________________________________

Room Preference:            1 King bed         2 Double beds        Attending Seminar           Optional Saturday Activities
(cannot be guaranteed)                                                 (choose one)                  (choose only one)
                                 Name                                Yes           No          Golf Event        Brunch Cruise

                                  Submit via email using the button to: skeenan@airefco.com
                                                   or fax to: (503) 691-6412
   Submit by
    E-mail               Print                  Questions? Call (503) 691-4313
                                               RSVP by Monday, 8/15/06

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2006 NW Engineering Summit RSVP

  • 1. 2006 Northwest Engineering Summit Skamania Lodge www.skamania.com October 6 - 7, 2006 J oin Airefco October 6th at the Skamania Lodge located in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge in Stevenson, WA. We are pleased to bring you industry experts offering seminars designed to provide information on product applications for enhanced efficiency and performance along with tools and insight on the future of commercial building system design. At the tradeshow, youll have the opportunity to kick the tires, see the products, and talk with product managers and application specialists. Wrap-up your stay by attending the evening festivities and Saturday activities -- play a round of golf, enjoy a brunch cruise through the Columbia Gorge, or just relax and unwind. Planned Seminar Topics: 2008 Code Changes: What you need to know for tomorrows design Controlling Building Pressurization: Applications for rooftop package units Water Source Heat Pumps and LEEDS: Exploring new applications Chiller Compressor Technology: Whats here today, whats on the horizon? AHU Design: Issues and opportunities for ERV/HRV Keynote Address: Acoustics - Optimizing HVAC Performance for Quiet Operation Reservation Information Your double-occupancy room can be reserved with one king bed or two double beds. Please indicate your room preference below: Company: ________________________________________ Phone: (______) _______-________ Check-in Date: 10/6/06 Check-out Date: 10/7/06 (Additional rooms/nights may be reserved by contacting Skamania Lodge directly and will be the responsibility of Alternate Check-in: __________ Check-out: __________ the attendee.) Special requests / needs: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Room Preference: 1 King bed 2 Double beds Attending Seminar Optional Saturday Activities (cannot be guaranteed) (choose one) (choose only one) Name Yes No Golf Event Brunch Cruise Submit via email using the button to: skeenan@airefco.com or fax to: (503) 691-6412 Submit by E-mail Print Questions? Call (503) 691-4313 RSVP by Monday, 8/15/06