Blogs allow for public conversations and the redistribution of power on the internet. They enable two-way communication and humanization through comments. This conversational era represents a paradigm shift where people can freely express themselves to huge audiences. Blogs are also useful for learning by providing a permanent, networked, and conversational record of ideas, problem solving, feedback, and best practices that is easy to set up and use.
4. Comments! Conversations! easy to respond motivation for author public response public conversation relationships networking TWO-WAY humanisation...
5. Public speech for all can't control the internet people will express themselves, with huge potential audiences communication can't be controlled the way it used to be redistribution of power
6. PARADIGM SHIFT Welcome to the conversational era... Sarkozy @ LeWeb3 Dean Campaign Kryptonite M.E.L. ...
8. Learning? In schools moving away from « teacher knows all, student listens » teaching model learning from experiences, often with peers construction of knowledge, not transmission student taking charge of learning INTERACTION
9. Life is learning learn new skills improve existing skills doesn't stop with school!
10. Blogs for learning? conversational, dialogue permanent record things learnt previously progress record backup brain personal and public (private discussions benefit all) easy/free asynchronous and non-spatial NETWORK LEARNING
11. Ideas problem solving gathering feedback class/course blog sharing best practices ...
12. Technology Produce content blog tool video/audio Find and consume RSS search/tags/keywords Conversation permalinks/links comments/trackbacks
13. Wrap-up learning is everywhere blogs: conversational, permanent, networked ! part of the solution ! other tools
14. Thanks for your attention :-) Stephanie Booth Lausanne, Switzerland [email_address] +41445864274