Child labour is identified as a threat, as children are not attending school due to lack of money and instead have to work to make ends meet. Poverty prevents children from obtaining an education, forcing them into labour instead of allowing them to study.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Mr. Ulrich Herb, the author. It grants Mao the right to translate Herb's article "Open Access in the Social Sciences" into simplified and traditional Chinese and to publish and distribute the translation in print and digital formats, including e-books and online databases. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes to the spirit or content. As the translation is being done on a pro bono basis to promote open access, there are no royalties to be settled between Mao and Herb. All copyrights remain owned by Herb, subject to the translation rights granted to Mao.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Dr. Michael Erben-Russ. It grants Mao the right to translate Erben-Russ's article "Open Access and the German Academic System: Common Perspectives of the Alliance of Research Organisations" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes. There are no royalties as the translation is done to promote open access ideals. Copyright of the original work remains with Erben-Russ, while Mao has rights to the translation. The agreement is governed by Taiwan copyright law.
The document promotes a website called that connects top prospects with leading companies. It repeats the website address and call to join the community multiple times. The goal appears to be linking potential customers or job candidates with companies through an online community platform.
The document discusses a person named M A Appan who has 45 years of experience in mechanical engineering. It also contains numbers that appear to be doing a calculation saving $15.1 billion per day by reducing costs in three categories. The document ends by repeating contact information for M A Appan.
Este documento describe los pasos para calibrar una planta estabilizadora para producir una mezcla de estabilizado granular que cumpla con las especificaciones técnicas para una base de pavimento. Explica cómo determinar las cantidades horarias de cada material (agregado grueso, agregado fino, arena y suelo) y agua requeridas para alimentar las tolvas dosificadoras y lograr la producción deseada de 95.238 toneladas de mezcla seca por hora con 5% de humedad. Luego detalla el proceso de calibración
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo escribir de manera efectiva. Explica que la escritura requiere ubicar un tema, buscar información, elaborar un bosquejo y redactar borradores. Luego, se recomienda revisar los borradores y producir una versión final. Además, ofrece varias técnicas útiles como hacer preguntas, usar mapas conceptuales, realizar lluvias de ideas y dejar pasar tiempo entre revisiones.
Child labour is identified as a threat, as children are not attending school due to lack of money and instead have to work to make ends meet. Poverty prevents children from obtaining an education, forcing them into labour instead of allowing them to study.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Mr. Ulrich Herb, the author. It grants Mao the right to translate Herb's article "Open Access in the Social Sciences" into simplified and traditional Chinese and to publish and distribute the translation in print and digital formats, including e-books and online databases. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes to the spirit or content. As the translation is being done on a pro bono basis to promote open access, there are no royalties to be settled between Mao and Herb. All copyrights remain owned by Herb, subject to the translation rights granted to Mao.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Dr. Michael Erben-Russ. It grants Mao the right to translate Erben-Russ's article "Open Access and the German Academic System: Common Perspectives of the Alliance of Research Organisations" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes. There are no royalties as the translation is done to promote open access ideals. Copyright of the original work remains with Erben-Russ, while Mao has rights to the translation. The agreement is governed by Taiwan copyright law.
The document promotes a website called that connects top prospects with leading companies. It repeats the website address and call to join the community multiple times. The goal appears to be linking potential customers or job candidates with companies through an online community platform.
The document discusses a person named M A Appan who has 45 years of experience in mechanical engineering. It also contains numbers that appear to be doing a calculation saving $15.1 billion per day by reducing costs in three categories. The document ends by repeating contact information for M A Appan.
Este documento describe los pasos para calibrar una planta estabilizadora para producir una mezcla de estabilizado granular que cumpla con las especificaciones técnicas para una base de pavimento. Explica cómo determinar las cantidades horarias de cada material (agregado grueso, agregado fino, arena y suelo) y agua requeridas para alimentar las tolvas dosificadoras y lograr la producción deseada de 95.238 toneladas de mezcla seca por hora con 5% de humedad. Luego detalla el proceso de calibración
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo escribir de manera efectiva. Explica que la escritura requiere ubicar un tema, buscar información, elaborar un bosquejo y redactar borradores. Luego, se recomienda revisar los borradores y producir una versión final. Además, ofrece varias técnicas útiles como hacer preguntas, usar mapas conceptuales, realizar lluvias de ideas y dejar pasar tiempo entre revisiones.
Taiwan Youth as Global Citizens with oneVillage Service & LearningJoy Tang
Taiwanese Youth from National Tsing Hua University presenting their participation in oneVillage Service and Learning Program in 2009: The goals for the Program are:
1. Learn to be Visionary Global Citizens and effective contributors to new economy
2. Contribute towards multi-displinary higher education and development through service and learning
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Dr. Robert Steegers. It grants Mao the right to translate an article by Steegers titled "Open Access and the German Academic System: Common Perspectives of the Alliance of Research Organisations" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes and does not assume liability. No royalties will be paid as the translation is done in the spirit of open access. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
The document discusses the idea of creating a unified catalog or "world's largest library" that would contain the catalogs of all libraries worldwide. It notes that while Amazon has millions of book titles in its catalog, a unified library catalog could contain tens of millions by combining the holdings of existing library collections. The document advocates enhancing catalog records with additional information like cover images, tables of contents, and reviews to help users discover relevant books. It also suggests making the unified catalog available online for users to search from anywhere in the world.
This document provides a historical overview of open access. It discusses key events in the open access movement, including the 2001 Budapest Open Access Initiative which aimed to promote free access to scholarly literature, and the 2003 Berlin Declaration on Open Access which was signed by many academic institutions worldwide. The document also examines some of the challenges to open access, such as concerns about loss of income from publishing and changes to existing systems of evaluating academic work. Overall it traces the development of open access from early initiatives to the present debate around establishing new models of academic publishing.
This document discusses open access in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. It notes that while attitudes towards open access vary across disciplines, astronomy and astrophysics generally have a positive view. Research results in these fields are often made freely available online. The document advocates applying open access not just to publications but also to primary data. However, willingness to share data early varies. It also discusses issues like embargo periods and incentives needed to encourage open access publishing. Traditional publishers will need to adapt to new models to survive.
This document discusses open access to scholarly literature and digital library initiatives in South Asia. It provides links to resources on open access publishing models and policies, influential advocates of open access like Stevan Harnad, open access archives and repositories, studies on the impact of open access articles, and examples of open access policies adopted by universities.
This document discusses the background and motivation for a research study. It notes that the scholarly communication system established 350 years ago by Henry Oldenburg is now in crisis, as even the wealthiest libraries cannot purchase all academic publications. Journal prices have risen much faster than inflation or library budgets in recent decades. As a result, more than half of one research institute's journal subscription budget in India goes to only two large publishing companies, comprising over 10% of its total budget. This shows the system created by Oldenburg to share knowledge is now broken and compromises future scientific development.
1. 名稱: 圖書館館藏與自由資訊研習班
時間: 2007 年 7 月 16 日(一)至 20 日(五),共計 30 小時 10 門課
費用: 依規定繳交
地點: 國立中央圖書館臺灣分館, 建置足夠的無線網路及頻寬
教材: Ubuntu 英國原版作業系統
學員: 50 人至 500 人,視報名情況選定教室及聘請助教
自備或代為租購: 隨身碟(2G, usb 2.0)或筆記型電腦,上課前專人代為安裝自由軟體
??.1自由資訊概論 - 毛慶禎
o 電腦/網際網路的普及性
o 法律規章
o 資訊流動模式 - 類比與數位
o 檔案格式
??.2自由軟體 - 洪朝貴
o Ubuntu
o Firefox
o Dr. Geo
??.3Google Library - 待聘
o 搜尋引擎
2. o Google Print
o Google 融入圖書館
??.4公版著作 - 待聘
o Project Gutenberg
??.5開放近用學術期刊 - 待聘
??.6創用 CC - 莊瑞庭(中研院資訊所副所長)
??.7Koha : GPL 授權圖書資訊系統 - 游龍山
o 公用目錄 - 書評
o 網路書店與圖書館結合
??.8Wikipedia - 臺灣地區資深編輯
o 圖書館/圖書館員參與編輯
o 參考服務的工具之一
??.9自由文化 - 待聘
o Free Culture,
o 英文版、中文版、語音檔
o 體驗 Wiki 的跨國編輯能力
??.10開放式課程計畫: 讀書會教材 - 朱學恒
o 看影片 - 導看
o 學英文 - 導讀
o 動感討論 - 帶領
o 心得報告 - 分享
右圖是一個大漢背著重重的筆記電腦, 背景是一個 MS Office 視窗, 一個 IE 視窗;
左圖是一個小女生掛著可愛的 snoopy usb 項鏈, 背景是一托拉庫教育軟體視窗。