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The Effects of Sensory Integrative Intervention on the Balance and
Attention of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
Single-Subject Research Design
Kim, Kyeong Mi?Kim, Jin Mi
The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of Sensory
integrative intervention on the balance and attention of children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). The subject is a boy
diagnosed with ADHD, who is 7 years and 6 months old and a second
grader in an elementary school in P city. A single subject ABAB design
was used for this study. The procedure consisted of 3 times of
baseline 1 phase(A), 3 times of treatment 1 phase(B), 5 times of
baseline 2 phase(A') and 6 times of treatment 2 phase(B'). The
baseline phases involved no treatment, but during the treatment phases
sensory integrative intervention was conducted. The balance ability was
measured by Tetrax and the attention by Mesulam and Weintraub
Cancellation Test(MWCT).
According to this study, the subject¡¯s balance ability was improved in
the phases of treatment 1 and 2 better than in the phases of baseline 1
and 2. The attention of subject was constantly increased throughout the
whole phases. But compared with that in the baseline 2 phase, the
attention in the treatment 2 phase was boosted strikingly. Therefore,
this study showed that sensory integrative intervention provided
positive treatment effects on the improvement of the balance and
attention of the subject with ADHD. Furthermore, this study supported
the effectiveness of sensory integrative intervention by dealing with the
attention problem and the motor aspects at the same time and helped
the caregiver to increase awareness of the child with ADHD. But this
study has some limitations in that it is somewhat difficult to generalize
owing to the insufficient number of the subject and the short period of
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the experiment. Therefore, the future research should be done more
extensively with the consideration of these aspects.
Key Words : sensory integrative intervention, ADHD, balance, attention
???? : 2007. 11. 3 / ??? ?? : 2007. 12. 7 / ?? ?? : 2007. 12. 14
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