The document discusses several megatrends affecting the world of work globally and in Europe, including globalization, new technologies, demographic shifts, and social changes. It argues for a preventative culture approach to occupational safety and health (OSH) regulation that is embedded within broader economic strategies and encourages corporate social responsibility. Key recommendations include developing national OSH strategies, mainstreaming OSH into other policies, using a variety of regulatory and non-regulatory tools, and taking a systems approach within companies that involves management, workers, and suppliers.
2. The effects of globalization on legal requirements Ir. Kris De Meester Director health and safety affairs Chairmen BussinessEurope OSH Committee
3. Megatrends in the world of work Restructuring of economy and politics: "Competitive Europe" Competitive world economy and increased productivity with restructuring of organizations and management Outsourcing, focus on core-business, downsizing, delocalisation 60% of world trade within supply chain! Work intensity, stress,´ The world becomes "smaller" (a global village in a "global" world) New technology and new production: "Innovative Europe" Increasing global automation and change of manufacturing industries towards a service production New production models and job contents Shift from traditional workplace to homework, mobile office,´ Demographic shift: "Graying Europe" Rapid ageing of work force, changing age attitudes and demands on work ability and competence ? Challenges facing young workers and immigrants
4. Megatrends in the world of work Geographic shift: ^Migrating Europe ̄ Workers from new EU member states,´ ? Language barriers, training Social change: ^Conscient European Generation" From a work life-centred society toward a "multi-society" Periods of employment, unemployment, training, leisure, family life and individual development vary throughout the whole life course. ? Employee participation and a new citizenship is growing ? Balancing work and family life Growing role of media "Attention Economy and Citizens Europe^ Fast changes  ̄Speeding Europe ̄
5. Framework Lisbon Strategy Guaranteeing quality and productivity at work can play in promoting economic growth and employment. The enormous economic costs of problems associated with health and safety at work inhibits economic growth and affects the competitiveness of businesses in the EU Raise the employment rate
6. Poor OSH = burden Poor OSH conditions Human burden Enterprise burden Societal burden The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: every year 5,500 people killed in workplace across EU 4.5 million accidents resulting in more than three days absence from work 146 million working days lost 20 billion euro cost affects all sectors of the economy heavy costs to the company, particularly small companies Prevention has more benefits than just reducing damages: contributory factor in improving company performance
8. Political and social reaction Political answers, solutions Legislation? (NOK) Negation: ostriches (NOK) Strategy: approach embedded in global socio-economic strategy of employment, welfare and productivity (GDP factor) = priority n< 1 (OK) Lisbon agenda = driver and target Do not isolate one element For some politicians, NGO¨s,´ Deus ex machina = corporate social responsibility What about: Social market economy Sustainable development Business ethics Corporate governance Consultation and self regulation
9. C.S.R. Corporate Social Responsibility Not a new concept Revival - response to scandals & NGO Presented as a Business ethical approach / stakeholder management CSR/business ethics includes Social: workers (employment) Safety & health: workers, neighbours Environmental: sustainability - community & future generation Philanthropy - local community C corporate citizenship Supply chain: suppliers, contractors
10. CSR Business Case for Europe CSR mainly in big companies Objective EU: to engage also CSR in SMEs Part of Lisbon strategy : CSR means better business CSR business case : Not philanthropy but business ethics (workers, supply chain,´) CSR is profitable Self-enlightened interest On voluntary basis Regulation? - ISO? - Legislation? WHY???
11. CSR from OSH point of view OSH management (systems) ILO guidelines OHSAS 18000 Tailored company system Contractor safety management schemes Supply chain management Preventative safety and health culture Focus on the organisation as a whole and on the individual worker Increase general awareness, knowledge and understanding of hazard, risk and prevention Increase responsibility of employers, managers and workers
12. In general Development and strengthening of a preventive culture must be a central element of any strategy aiming at improving occupational safety and health Development and strengthening of a preventive culture = achieving better OSH performance by fostering changes in behavioural patterns Governments Employers Workers OSH-Experts Financial world Students, young people ALL PEOPLE Cannot be achieved through legislation !
13. Strategy Strategy to promote a preventive culture must address all parts of society go beyond the workplace and the working population should help create a general culture that values health and risk prevention Regulation is just one element + implementation + control + awareness raising + education and training + enabling environment + guidance, assistance, + ´
14. To do at government level If you want employers to take up their responsibility, you must allow them to do so! Better regulation Take this serious Limits to what can be achieved through regulation Goal is not deregulation, all will benefit of it
15. Better regulation = not only about more efficiency + Overall goal, environment + Effectiveness + Proportionality + Legitimacy (support) + Institutional framework + Better implementation + Better control (level playing field)
16. Better regulation Overall goal, environment Goals is health and safety of workers, but´ ´ approach embedded in global socio-economic strategy of employment, welfare and productivity (GDP factor) = priority n< 1 Lisbon agenda = driver and target
17. Proportionality Legislation is not always the first/right answer Needle stick incidents??? Transposition of directives in national legislation (gold plating)???
19. Institutional framework Specialised institutions Employers/workers organisations OSH-services Health services Social security schemes (occupational accidents, diseases,´) Labour inspection Educaton system
20. Better implementation and control Responsibility of governments: Making/changing regulations is not enough From the cradle to the grave approach Implementation ! (not just on paper) One level playing field Regulation that allows employers (and workers) to take up their responsibility Mechanism to short-circuit employers that do not assume responsibility Practice what you preach
21. Efficiency of regulation Efficiency = reach the target at the lowest cost Regulation must therefore also be effective (= reach the target To be efficient Simple, comprehensible and coherent Sometimes deregulation is necessary Goal- and not means-based Harmonised (one level playing field) A flexible framework for solutions at enterprise level for health and safety to work with other workplace systems Low administrative burden Adapted to real workplace situation (not theoretical) Support and guidance mechanisms Regulatory Impact Analysis Complement with other instruments (agreements, market driven systems,´), mainstreaming Link with levers for change
22. Mainstreaming Mainstreaming is about creating a win-win situation with related policies The creation of a preventive culture can also be helped by the mainstreaming of OSH in other EU policies areas such as education and training research, technological development and innovation Involve social partners in al mainstreaming activities!
23. Mainstreaming Health into OSH Workplace health promotion Smoking ban Soft-drinks ban Fat ban in company restaurants (balanced, healthy food) Attentions hypertension World sleep day (21 Mars) OSH into Health (less developed) General medical check-up by OSH-services Occupational diseases Revalidation/reintegration after accident/disease Education into OSH OSH into education Integration of health (+ safety) aspects in education systems (curricula,´) Partnership with industry !!!
25. To do for all REFOCUS AT INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL LEVEL TO Develop national strategy (ILO convention 187) Profile Vision Action Plan Promote appropriate health and safety management as an integral part of effective business management Achieve higher levels of recognition and respect for health and safety as: an integral part of a modern, competitive business and public sector; a contribution to social justice and inclusion Encourage awareness of the importance of greater corporate responsibility for health and safety Promote good health and safety practice for all sizes of organisation in all sectors
26. To do for all ` Challenge¨ all organisations, private, (public and voluntary), to provide direction on health and safety Develop tools for use by stakeholders (including business, institutional investors, insurers, employers and trade unions) to further goal of achieving greater corporate responsibility Search levers for change Promote public reporting of health and safety targets and performance so that information is made readily accessible to all stakeholders
27. Levers for change Management systems/tools Activities to usefully support focus on prevention Awareness-raising actions targeting a large public Dissemination of good practices Positive action: ^appreciative inquiry ̄ Use/search ^market driven ̄ instruments Contractor safety management systems and training Safety logbook Supply chain incentives (Public) procurement (Accident and diseases insurance systems) Customer and consumer demands Temporary workers management systems (risk activities) Benchmarking New indicators (solution reponse-time, training level) Be creative !
28. Practice what you preach! What has been build up over months and years can be destroyed in minutes! Practice what you preach Authorities Social partners Top management Operational supervisors Experts Stimulate safe behavior Discourage unsafe behavior Stress the success of safe behavior Reduce disadvantages of safe behavior
29. To do at industry level Federations Take control over the agenda Assume leadership (captains of industry) Offensive or opportunistic strategy (voluntary) Agreements at national, regional and branche level Exchange of good practice Collaboration: with education, health,´ Companies Systems approach Do not focus on experts and advisers but on deciders Management involvement Role and responsibility of supervisors Internal auditing by management Workers involvement (partnership C set expectations) Behaviour based approach Last Minute Risk Analysis Further explore ^the healthy workplace ̄
30. A new industry vision To gain recognition of health and safety as a cornerstone of civilized and responsible companies and, with that, to achieve a record of workplace health and safety that leads the world! It¨s time to set the traditional regulatory approach upside down and to start with an overall integrated efficient and effective new approach