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              USS Voyager
General Characteristics
Class                  Intrepid
Registry               NCC-74656
Maximum Speed      Warp 9.975                 SUN     MON         TUE       WED        THU        FRI       SAT
Armaments              Tricobalt Device
                       Photon Torpedoes
                       Photon Torpedoes                                                                       1
                       Type X Phasers         2          3         4          5          6         7          8
Defenses               Deflector shields

                   Ablative hull armor
                   Warp drive
                                              9         10        11         12        13         14        15
                   Impulse engines

                   RCS Thrusters
                                              16        17        18         19        20         21        22
Length             344 meters                 23        24        25         26        27         28        29
                                              30        31
                                              The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was an Intrepid-class Federation
                                              starship launched in 2371 under the command of Captain Kathryn
                                              Janeway. The vessel was noted for independently, and successfully,
                                              completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the
                                              previously unexplored Delta Quadrant between 2371 and 2378.
February 2011
           USS Prometheus
        Experimental Prototype
General Characteristics

Class               Prometheus Class          SUN      MON         TUE       WED        THU        FRI       SAT
Registry            NX-74913
Maximum Speed       Warp 9.98
Armaments           2 Type XI Phasers
                    Bolt Cannons
                                                                    1          2          3         4          5
                    6 Phaser Arrays (in
                    4 Quantum Torpedoes        6          7         8          9        10         11         12
                      Launchers (Stock 350)
Defenses            Regenerative shields
                    Ablative armor            13         14        15         16        17         18         19
                    Multi-vector assault
                    Warp Drive
                    Fusion Power Plants
                                              20         21        22         23        24         25         26
Length              415 meters
                                              27         28

                                              The Prometheus is the prototype of a multi-vector assault vessel,
                                              designed for deep-space tactical assignments. In combat, the ship
                                              splits into three parts, namely the top and bottom halves of the
                                              engineering hull with two warp nacelles each, and the primary hull
                                              which is also equipped with two small extendable warp engines.
USS Enterprise - E

General characteristics
                                              March 2011
Class              Sovereign
Registry           NCC-1701-E
                                       SUN       MON          TUE        WED         THU         FRI        SAT
Maximum Speed      Warp 9.98
Auxiliary craft    Shuttlecraft
                   Captain's yacht                              1          2           3          4          5
Armaments          16 Phaser Arrays
                   Photon torpedoes      6          7           8          9         10          11         12
                   Quantum torpedoes
Defenses           Deflector shields
Propulsion         Impulse engines
                   Warp drive
                                       13          14         15          16         17          18         19
                   RCS Thrusters
                   Warp reactor
                   685.7 meters
                                       20          21         22          23         24          25         26
                                       27          28         29          30         31
                                       Known as the Federations Flagship , the Sovereign class is the longest
                                       known ship type of the fleet. In spite of this, its internal volume is less
                                       than that of the Galaxy or of the Ambassador class. In 2373, the
                                       Sovereign-class Enterprise-E commanded by Captain Jean Luc Picard is
                                       said to be the most advanced ship of Starfleet.
USS Enterprise - D

General Characteristics
                                               April 2011
Class               Galaxy
                                        SUN     MON         TUE       WED         THU        FRI        SAT
Registry            NCC-1701-D
Maximum speed       Warp 9.8
Auxiliary craft     Shuttlecraft                                                              1          2
                    Captain's yacht
Armaments           Type X Phasers
                    Photon torpedoes    3          4          5          6         7          8          9
Defenses            Deflector shields
Propulsion          Impulse engines
                    Warp drive
                    RCS Thrusters
                                        10        11         12        13         14         15         16
Power               Warp reactor
Length              642.5 Meters
                                        17        18         19        20         21         22         23
                                        24        25         26        27         28         29         30
                                         The USS Enterprise "D" was the flagship of Starfleet and the United
                                         Federation of Planets. The fifth Federation vessel to carry the name
                                         Enterprise, it was scrapped after crashing on planet Veridian III.
MAY 2011
             USS Enterprise - C
                                        SUN     MON         TUE      WED        THU         FRI       SAT
General characteristics

Class               Ambassador          1          2         3          4         5          6         7
Registry            NCC-1701-C
Maximum Speed       Warp 9.6
Armaments           Phasers             8          9        10         11        12         13        14
                    Photon Torpedoes
                    Quantum Torpedoes
                    Deflector shields
                    Impulse drive
                                        15       16         17         18        19         20        21
                    Warp drive

                                        22       23         24         25        26         27        28
                                        29       30         31
                                                      The fourth Federation ship to be named Enterprise, the
                                         Ambassador class is a bulky starship type equipped for scientific
                                         missions as well as for combat. The class appears to be an
                                         intermediate design between the Excelsior and Galaxy classes. First
                                         launched in the early 24th century, the Ambassador is now among
                                         the aging ship designs.
June 2011
             USS Defiant
           Warship Prototype
General characteristics
Class              Defiant             SUN       MON         TUE       WED        THU        FRI       SAT
Registry           NX-74205
Maximum speed      Warp factor 9.2
Armaments          Pulsed and beam
                                                                         1         2          3          4
                   Photon torpedoes
                   Quantum torpedoes
Defenses           Deflector shields     5          6         7          8         9         10        11
                   Cloaking device
                   Ablative Armor
Propulsion         Impulse drive        12        13         14         15        16         17        18
                   Warp drive
                   RCS Thrusters
Length             120M                 19        20         21         22        23         24        25
                                        26        27         28         29        30
                                       The Defiant class is primarily designed for combat. It was developed in
                                       order to fight the Borg. Besides conventional weapons the ship has
                                       pulse phaser cannons and quantum torpedo launchers. While further
                                       ships of this class have been built in the meantime, the USS Defiant
                                       probably remained the only one with a Romulan cloaking device and
                                       was still in experimental status at the time of its destruction.
USS Thunderchild                           July 2011
General characteristics
                                           SUN      MON         TUE       WED       THU         FRI       SAT
Class               Akira
Registry            NCC-63549
Maximum speed
Auxiliary craft
                    Warp 9.8
                    100 Shuttlecraft and
                                                                                                 1         2
                     small ships
Armaments           Phasers
                    Photon torpedoes        3          4         5          6         7          8         9
                    Quantum torpedoes
Defenses            Deflector shields
Length              464.6 meters           10         11        12         13        14         15        16
Width               316.7 meters
Height              87.4 meters
                                           17         18        19         20        21         22        23
                                                      25        26         27        28         29        30
                                           The Akira class is a relatively large type of starship with heavy
                                           armament. The warp pylons are swept downward and are affixed at
                                           their upper ends to two catamaran-like secondary hulls which run into
                                           the top of the saucer section. A weapons module is located at the top
                                           between the two secondary hulls. The Akira has two shuttlebay doors
                                           at the rear and one central door at the front end of the saucer.
USS Appalachia
                                              August 2011
General Characteristics                   SUN     MON         TUE      WED        THU         FRI       SAT
Class               Steamrunner
Registry             NCC-52136                       1         2          3         4          5         6
Maximum speed       Warp 9
Armaments           Phasers
                    Photon torpedoes
                    Tricobalt torpedoes
                                          7          8         9         10        11         12        13
Defenses            Deflector shields
Length              356 meters
                                          14       15         16         17        18         19        20
                                          21       22         23         24        25         26        27
                                          28       29         30         31

                                          The Steamrunner class is an unconventional design with warp
                                          nacelles partially embedded in a highly irregularly shaped saucer
                                          section. The navigational deflector is located in a separate housing
                                          between the aft ends of the nacelles. The Steamrunner is obviously
                                          heavily armed.

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  • 2. JANUARY 2011 USS Voyager General Characteristics Class Intrepid Registry NCC-74656 Maximum Speed Warp 9.975 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Armaments Tricobalt Device Photon Torpedoes Photon Torpedoes 1 Transphasic Torpedoes Type X Phasers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Defenses Deflector shields Propulsion Ablative hull armor Warp drive 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Impulse engines Power RCS Thrusters Matter/antimatter 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 reactor Length 344 meters 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was an Intrepid-class Federation starship launched in 2371 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway. The vessel was noted for independently, and successfully, completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the previously unexplored Delta Quadrant between 2371 and 2378.
  • 3. February 2011 USS Prometheus Experimental Prototype General Characteristics Class Prometheus Class SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Registry NX-74913 Maximum Speed Warp 9.98 Armaments 2 Type XI Phasers Bolt Cannons 1 2 3 4 5 6 Phaser Arrays (in MVAM) 4 Quantum Torpedoes 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Launchers (Stock 350) Defenses Regenerative shields Ablative armor 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Multi-vector assault mode Propulsion Power Warp Drive Fusion Power Plants 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Length 415 meters 27 28 The Prometheus is the prototype of a multi-vector assault vessel, designed for deep-space tactical assignments. In combat, the ship splits into three parts, namely the top and bottom halves of the engineering hull with two warp nacelles each, and the primary hull which is also equipped with two small extendable warp engines.
  • 4. USS Enterprise - E General characteristics March 2011 Class Sovereign Registry NCC-1701-E SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Maximum Speed Warp 9.98 Auxiliary craft Shuttlecraft Captain's yacht 1 2 3 4 5 Argo Armaments 16 Phaser Arrays Photon torpedoes 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Quantum torpedoes Defenses Deflector shields Propulsion Impulse engines Warp drive 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RCS Thrusters Power Length Warp reactor 685.7 meters 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Known as the Federations Flagship , the Sovereign class is the longest known ship type of the fleet. In spite of this, its internal volume is less than that of the Galaxy or of the Ambassador class. In 2373, the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E commanded by Captain Jean Luc Picard is said to be the most advanced ship of Starfleet.
  • 5. USS Enterprise - D General Characteristics April 2011 Class Galaxy SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Registry NCC-1701-D Maximum speed Warp 9.8 Auxiliary craft Shuttlecraft 1 2 Captain's yacht Armaments Type X Phasers Photon torpedoes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Defenses Deflector shields Propulsion Impulse engines Warp drive RCS Thrusters 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Power Warp reactor Length 642.5 Meters 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The USS Enterprise "D" was the flagship of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets. The fifth Federation vessel to carry the name Enterprise, it was scrapped after crashing on planet Veridian III.
  • 6. MAY 2011 USS Enterprise - C SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT General characteristics Class Ambassador 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Registry NCC-1701-C Maximum Speed Warp 9.6 Armaments Phasers 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Photon Torpedoes Quantum Torpedoes Defenses Propulsion Deflector shields Impulse drive 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Warp drive 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The fourth Federation ship to be named Enterprise, the Ambassador class is a bulky starship type equipped for scientific missions as well as for combat. The class appears to be an intermediate design between the Excelsior and Galaxy classes. First launched in the early 24th century, the Ambassador is now among the aging ship designs.
  • 7. June 2011 USS Defiant Warship Prototype General characteristics Class Defiant SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Registry NX-74205 Maximum speed Warp factor 9.2 Armaments Pulsed and beam phasers 1 2 3 4 Photon torpedoes Quantum torpedoes Defenses Deflector shields 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cloaking device Ablative Armor Propulsion Impulse drive 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Warp drive RCS Thrusters Length 120M 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The Defiant class is primarily designed for combat. It was developed in order to fight the Borg. Besides conventional weapons the ship has pulse phaser cannons and quantum torpedo launchers. While further ships of this class have been built in the meantime, the USS Defiant probably remained the only one with a Romulan cloaking device and was still in experimental status at the time of its destruction.
  • 8. USS Thunderchild July 2011 General characteristics SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Class Akira Registry NCC-63549 Maximum speed Auxiliary craft Warp 9.8 100 Shuttlecraft and 1 2 small ships Armaments Phasers Photon torpedoes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantum torpedoes Defenses Deflector shields Length 464.6 meters 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Width 316.7 meters Height 87.4 meters 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 The Akira class is a relatively large type of starship with heavy armament. The warp pylons are swept downward and are affixed at their upper ends to two catamaran-like secondary hulls which run into the top of the saucer section. A weapons module is located at the top between the two secondary hulls. The Akira has two shuttlebay doors at the rear and one central door at the front end of the saucer.
  • 9. USS Appalachia August 2011 General Characteristics SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Class Steamrunner Registry NCC-52136 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maximum speed Warp 9 Armaments Phasers Photon torpedoes Tricobalt torpedoes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Defenses Deflector shields Length 356 meters 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The Steamrunner class is an unconventional design with warp nacelles partially embedded in a highly irregularly shaped saucer section. The navigational deflector is located in a separate housing between the aft ends of the nacelles. The Steamrunner is obviously heavily armed.