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startup seminario - edit finale - pdfFrancesco CarolloThe document discusses the startup ecosystems in London and Italy. It defines what a startup is and describes key aspects of London's Tech City program including major players, critical success factors, side effects, and schemes that could benefit the developing Italian startup scene. Suggestions are provided for what the Italian government and private sector can do to foster more collaboration, diversity, and a culture open to entrepreneurship and failure. The goal is to trigger economic growth and attract foreign investment by developing a modern entrepreneurial culture and innovation-friendly environment.
Shri Laxmi Narayan Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarabhishekkaThe document describes the author's childhood visits to the Laxmi Narayan temple in Walaval, India. As a child, the author enjoyed the scenic drive through green areas and small shops selling snacks and tea. The centuries-old temple and nearby lake made strong impressions. As an adult, the author's beliefs drifted after learning Marxist analysis but they have since realized the importance of family deities in guiding individuals towards cosmic consciousness from a young age in a gentle way through participation in worship and cultural activities. Visiting the Laxmi Narayan temple continues to be a rejuvenating reminder of this guidance for the author.
Grupo 2 ticcarolinac742Este documento discute las "pedagogías emergentes", enfoques pedagógicos nuevos y no bien sistematizados que surgen alrededor del uso de las TIC en educación para aprovechar su potencial comunicativo, informacional, colaborativo e interactivo en el marco de una nueva cultura del aprendizaje, las cuales pueden o no ser consideradas "nuevas pedagogías", son organismos en evolución, atraviesan ciclos de sobreexpectación y su impacto aún no ha sido bien investigado, aunque tienen un potencial disruptivo mayor
New Study Of Gita Nov 13 Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarabhishekkaDr. Shriniwas Kashalikar discusses concepts from the Bhagavad Gita related to how one can overcome being one's own enemy through proper negotiation and mastery of consciousness. Arjuna experiences a vision of Krishna's cosmic form, realizing that Krishna pervades all of existence. Lord Krishna explains that worshipping him in both formless and concrete forms through devotion, love and remembrance can help individuals merge with and reach the supreme cosmic consciousness.
Internship PresentationAbRi77Abdullah Bin Bahari completed a 3-month internship at Integrated Commerce Sdn Bhd from February 9, 2015 to May 22, 2015. Integrated Commerce Sdn Bhd is a private IT services company established in 2000 that provides system integration solutions, system development, content development, and healthcare services. During the internship, Abdullah helped redesign the company's EasyTuition website, including creating new pages and features, and was tasked with reviewing and improving existing e-learning courseware modules. He learned skills like website development using different platforms like WordPress and HTML5, fulfilling user requirements, and using software like Adobe Captivate and Photoshop.
2 source reliabilityLin ZhiliangThis document discusses how to evaluate the reliability of sources. It recommends checking the author's credentials, cross-referencing information with at least two other sources, and verifying evidence is provided to support facts. A checklist is presented to guide determining if a source is reliable by considering its author, agreement with other sources, and inclusion of evidence. The conclusion stresses the importance of only using reliable sources for research.
Presentation1smartcitypro smartcityproSmart city has 316,000 Instagram followers that can help promote advertising, distributing it across pages quickly and potentially increasing profits. Google is often people's first search for products or information, so appearing at the top of search results for relevant queries can drive beneficial advertising. YouTube encourages engagement through likes, comments, and sharing, exposing promotional videos to its large daily audience and gathering new feedback to help improve products. Both Twitter and Facebook are important for marketing through their large user bases that can be turned into customers using new strategic approaches.
startup seminario - edit finale - pdfFrancesco CarolloThe document discusses the startup ecosystems in London and Italy. It defines what a startup is and describes key aspects of London's Tech City program including major players, critical success factors, side effects, and schemes that could benefit the developing Italian startup scene. Suggestions are provided for what the Italian government and private sector can do to foster more collaboration, diversity, and a culture open to entrepreneurship and failure. The goal is to trigger economic growth and attract foreign investment by developing a modern entrepreneurial culture and innovation-friendly environment.
Shri Laxmi Narayan Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarabhishekkaThe document describes the author's childhood visits to the Laxmi Narayan temple in Walaval, India. As a child, the author enjoyed the scenic drive through green areas and small shops selling snacks and tea. The centuries-old temple and nearby lake made strong impressions. As an adult, the author's beliefs drifted after learning Marxist analysis but they have since realized the importance of family deities in guiding individuals towards cosmic consciousness from a young age in a gentle way through participation in worship and cultural activities. Visiting the Laxmi Narayan temple continues to be a rejuvenating reminder of this guidance for the author.
Grupo 2 ticcarolinac742Este documento discute las "pedagogías emergentes", enfoques pedagógicos nuevos y no bien sistematizados que surgen alrededor del uso de las TIC en educación para aprovechar su potencial comunicativo, informacional, colaborativo e interactivo en el marco de una nueva cultura del aprendizaje, las cuales pueden o no ser consideradas "nuevas pedagogías", son organismos en evolución, atraviesan ciclos de sobreexpectación y su impacto aún no ha sido bien investigado, aunque tienen un potencial disruptivo mayor
New Study Of Gita Nov 13 Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarabhishekkaDr. Shriniwas Kashalikar discusses concepts from the Bhagavad Gita related to how one can overcome being one's own enemy through proper negotiation and mastery of consciousness. Arjuna experiences a vision of Krishna's cosmic form, realizing that Krishna pervades all of existence. Lord Krishna explains that worshipping him in both formless and concrete forms through devotion, love and remembrance can help individuals merge with and reach the supreme cosmic consciousness.
Internship PresentationAbRi77Abdullah Bin Bahari completed a 3-month internship at Integrated Commerce Sdn Bhd from February 9, 2015 to May 22, 2015. Integrated Commerce Sdn Bhd is a private IT services company established in 2000 that provides system integration solutions, system development, content development, and healthcare services. During the internship, Abdullah helped redesign the company's EasyTuition website, including creating new pages and features, and was tasked with reviewing and improving existing e-learning courseware modules. He learned skills like website development using different platforms like WordPress and HTML5, fulfilling user requirements, and using software like Adobe Captivate and Photoshop.
2 source reliabilityLin ZhiliangThis document discusses how to evaluate the reliability of sources. It recommends checking the author's credentials, cross-referencing information with at least two other sources, and verifying evidence is provided to support facts. A checklist is presented to guide determining if a source is reliable by considering its author, agreement with other sources, and inclusion of evidence. The conclusion stresses the importance of only using reliable sources for research.
Presentation1smartcitypro smartcityproSmart city has 316,000 Instagram followers that can help promote advertising, distributing it across pages quickly and potentially increasing profits. Google is often people's first search for products or information, so appearing at the top of search results for relevant queries can drive beneficial advertising. YouTube encourages engagement through likes, comments, and sharing, exposing promotional videos to its large daily audience and gathering new feedback to help improve products. Both Twitter and Facebook are important for marketing through their large user bases that can be turned into customers using new strategic approaches.
3. 검색이 원하는 이미지 질이 우선 양 보다는 By 손경완님 , 김상균님 KEYWORD : 공개 , 정보 , 직접 찍은 , 퀄리티 , 전문카테고리 , 유저분류
4. 국내 사진서비스 서비스유형 장점 단점 포토게시판 ( 네이버 ,SLR) 퀄리티 높음 직접 찍음 유저의 카테고리 분류 전체 공개 데이터 적음 서비스 활성화 어려움 ( 왜 올려야하나 ) 커뮤니티 이미지 ( 다음 ) 데이터 많음 다양한 소재와 카테고리 퀄리티 낮음 퍼온 사진 + 개인사진 카테고리 분류 없음 비공개 사진 사진블로그 ( 티스토리 ) 퀄리티 높음 직접 찍음 서비스 활성화 카테고리 분류 없음
5. 국내 사진서비스 [ 티스토리 사진 카테고리 ] SLR 네이버 포토 (2007/08 오픈 ) 티스토리 이미지 DB : 월 33 만 건 / 누적 1,000 만 건 UV : 100 만 / 월 PV 3.4 억 / 월 회원 수 : 50 만 ( 신규회원 월 1 만 명 ) 이미지 생산자 보다 소비자가 많은 서비스 이미지 DB : 월 3 만 건 UV : 250 만 / 월 PV 1200 만 / 월 네이버 네모와 카니발 : 네모 노출 잠식 , but 네모 하락분 MAKE UP 못함 ( 월간 UV 300 만 하락 / PV 3.4 억 하락 ) 키친 오픈으로 탑 노출이 줄자 주간 uv 40 만으로 하락 개편전 ) 개인사진함 imagebingo.naver.com 월간 uv 600 만 / pv 1 억 이미지 DB : 월 35 만 (14 만 ) 건 / 누적 400 만건 UV : 960 만 / 월 PV 2.3 억 / 월 회원 수 10 만 , 사진 회원 1 만 이미지 종류 : 여행 , 풍경 , 스타일 이미지관련 top 블로거 - 인당 4500 개 이상 상위 10% - 인당 1 만개 이상
7. 사진함 방향 1 2 2 포터블 개인함 포토 로그 백 앤드 관리 툴 Flex 유틸 핵심 저장 & 관리 & 배포 포스팅 & 뷰잉 관리 이미지 셋트 편집 툴 이미지 보정 툴 사진관리 어플리케이션 장점 오픈 시 이슈화 가능 질적 / 양적으로 사진확보 스토리지 추가 투입 없이 서비스 가능성 티핑가능 만족도 높임 flex 기능을 효과적 사용 단점 스토리지 문제 유저가 원하는 모습 아직 검증 안됨 배포 로직 검증 안됨 블로그와 카니발 여러 서비스와 경쟁 우선 순위 밀림 추가 사진유입 적음 이슈화 어려움
8. 포터블 개인함 포터블 개인함 디폴트 공개 / 공개페이지 존재 초기시작 ( 베타 ) 은 티스토리 사진 유저 1 만으로 시작 : 퀄리티 높은 이미지로 시작 1 만 유저 * 5G (500Kb 짜리 만장 ) : 50T (3 억 ) 베타 이후 확대 규모 결정 목표 : 10 만명 * 100 개 공개 이미지 ( 공개 이미지 1 천만건 – SLR 클럽수준 ) 카페 / 블로그 / 미디어다음 등으로 잘 짜여진 배포 / 업로드 시 Embeding 강조 우려사항 이미 사용중인 티스토리 사용자가 만족하려면 검색에 기여하려면 – 퀄리티 / 정교한 데이터 입력 마련 배포하도록 하려면 블로그와 카니발 나지 않으려면
9. 서비스 구성 개요 포터블 개인함 5G 이미지 검색 강화 공개이미지 롱테일 쿼리 고퀄리티 이미지 블로그 , 카페 네이버카페 , 싸이월드 외부 게시판 텔존 , 아고라 .. 포토 섹션 파워 에디터연동