This document provides examples of agreeing, disagreeing, and agreeing with reservations in response to opinions. It lists phrases to use for each type of response, such as "I totally agree" for agreeing, "I don't think so" for disagreeing, and "I see what you mean but..." for agreeing with reservations. It also includes examples of conversations where one person states an opinion and the other responds by agreeing, disagreeing, or agreeing with reservations. Finally, it defines vocabulary words commonly used in discussions, such as "acquired," "inborn," and "prodigy."
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Agree, disagree
Agreeing Disagreeing Agreeing with reservation
- I totally / comp lately agree.
- I think so
- Im with you
- Im for it
- Thats true
- I shave your opinion
- I agree with you
- Is shave the same view
- Youre de finitely/
absolutely right
- I disagree with you
- I dont think so
- sorry to say, but youre
- I dont agree with you
- I see what you want to say
but I think you are wrong
- Im afraid, I disagree comp
- Im on the same wave
length at
- I agree but..
- I see what you mean but
- you could be right but
- May be but..
1- you: In my opinion, youths dont give importance to politics and you, what do you think?
Your partner: you are absolutely right
2- your: as for me, youths are munch interested in fashion than in other thing what about
Your partner: I dont think so. I suppose only teenagers who really care for that.
3- your: to my mind, voluntary work is a very good experience to youths. Dont you think so?
You partner: yes, I shave the view
Acquired= something by practise / acquisition
Inborn= innate
Football player = a foot baller
Poetry / a poet = writes poems
Soccer = foot ball
Award = a prize
In a foot ball there are 11 players
Strikers try to score goals.
Defenders: help the goal keeper defend then goal.
Najib Mahfoud was awarded the Nobel Prize literature .
Prestigious: having prestige (a general respect)
He enjoys the prestige by having such a famous person as a brother.
A challenge: an invitation to compete.
-This job is too dull. I want one with more challenge.
Unprecedented: never happened before Ibn batuta .was an unprecedented traveller
to combine : to link / a combination of reminiscent ( adj) = that reminds one of..
Sufficient= enough
Prodigy/ prodigious (adj) = wonder full a prodiger child = a child with unusual. And
noticeable abilities .