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                                                                                                                  	 Title: 	 2009 print campaign, #3

                                                                                                                  	   For:	 Texas Real Estate Political
                                                                                                                            Action Committee

          You say your revenues                                                                                   	 Goal:	 To raise awareness of the
                                                                                                                           importance of contributing

           are down this year?
                                                                                                                           to the PAC and maintaining
                                                                                                                           a strong presence at the Texas

         Government says their
         revenues will be down.                                                                                   		
Dont let a transfer tax become something else you have in common.
                                                                                                                   Joel Mathews
      The ugly truth about transfer taxes is that           buyers are priced out of the market,                  		
      they are proposed every year. Thats                  meaning no commission at all. Others
      because they are seen as an easy solution to          pressure you to cover some of their high
                                                                                                                   Joel Mathews
      boost government revenue. There were                  costs by lowering your commission. Your                John Gormley
      more than 11 new attempts in this last                continued TREPAC support helps to 鍖ght
      legislative session alone. But transfer taxes         proposals like these and make Texas more
      raise the cost of purchasing homes. Some              a鍖ordable to live in.

                         Make a di鍖erence in your future.
                     Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord

                               Spread the word TREPAC
      Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information
      disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments
                received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
                                                                                                             	 Title: 	 2009 print campaign, #2

                                                                                                             	   For:	 Texas Real Estate Political
                                                                                                                       Action Committee

                                                                                                             	 Goal:	 To raise awareness of the

If you dont like new taxes,                                                                                          importance of contributing
                                                                                                                      to the PAC and maintaining

 youre going to like new
                                                                                                                      a strong presence at the Texas

 real estate taxes even less.
 Every time our state is faced with a de鍖cit,          commissions. This last session, more than
 some Texas lawmakers look to the real                 11 attempts were made to pass a real estate           		
 estate industry to make up the di鍖erence.             transfer tax. These transfer taxes raise the
 The last time, in 2003, legislators                   cost of purchasing homes, pricing some                 Joel Mathews
 considered a new tax on services. It would            buyers out of the market. Your TREPAC
 extend the state sales tax to all services            dollars will help 鍖ght to keep taxes like             		
 listed on HUD-1, including your                       these from ever becoming law.                          Joel Mathews
                                                                                                              John Gormley
                    Make a di鍖erence in your future.
                Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord

                          Spread the word TREPAC
 Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information
 disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments
           received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
                                                                                                                  	 Title: 	 2009 print campaign, #4

                                                                                                                  	   For:	 Texas Real Estate Political
                                                                                                                            Action Committee

                                                                                                                  	 Goal:	 To raise awareness of the

    Some county tax appraisers                                                                                             importance of contributing
                                                                                                                           to the PAC and maintaining
                                                                                                                           a strong presence at the Texas
    thought your vehicle should                                                                                            Capitol

      be taxed for mixed-use.
            We said no!                                                                                           		
                                                                                                                   Joel Mathews
Now there is a law in the Texas Constitution that says no too.                                                    		
      During the 80th Texas Legislature, we                 election, you'll never have to worry about             Joel Mathews
      prevailed in exempting your personal auto             this unfair tax again. Spread the word to
      from ad-valorem taxation. And with                    fellow Texas REALTORS速. Let them
                                                                                                                   John Gormley
      overwhelming passage of Proposition 6 in              know what their investment dollars have
      the November 2007 constitutional                      saved them.

                         Make a di鍖erence in your future.
                     Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord

                               Spread the word TREPAC
      Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information
      disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments
                received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
                                                                                                                	 Title: 	 2009 print campaign, #1

                                                                                                                	   For:	 Texas Real Estate Political
                                                                                                                          Action Committee

                                                                                                                	 Goal:	 To raise awareness of the
                                                                                                                         importance of contributing
    Theres a lot of talk about                                                                                          to the PAC and maintaining
                                                                                                                         a strong presence at the Texas
       appraisal reform on                                                                                               Capitol

     the table at the Capitol.
Shouldnt you have someone sitting at it?                                                                        Joel Mathews
    Property appraisal is a thorny issue at best          we have a long way to go toward making                		
    and promises to be the subject of much                Texas a better place for private-property
    debate for a very long time. Any reform               owners. A strong TREPAC helps to ensure                Joel Mathews
    will directly a鍖ect your businessthe only            that we have a place at the legislative                John Gormley
    question is how. Weve made progress but              negotiating table.

                       Make a di鍖erence in your future.
                   Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord

                             Spread the word TREPAC
    Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information
    disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments
              received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.

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2009 TREPAC print campaign

  • 1. k Title: 2009 print campaign, #3 For: Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee You say your revenues Goal: To raise awareness of the importance of contributing are down this year? to the PAC and maintaining a strong presence at the Texas Capitol Government says their revenues will be down. Design: Dont let a transfer tax become something else you have in common. Joel Mathews The ugly truth about transfer taxes is that buyers are priced out of the market, Copywriting: they are proposed every year. Thats meaning no commission at all. Others because they are seen as an easy solution to pressure you to cover some of their high Joel Mathews boost government revenue. There were costs by lowering your commission. Your John Gormley more than 11 new attempts in this last continued TREPAC support helps to 鍖ght legislative session alone. But transfer taxes proposals like these and make Texas more raise the cost of purchasing homes. Some a鍖ordable to live in. Make a di鍖erence in your future. Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord Spread the word TREPAC Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
  • 2. k Title: 2009 print campaign, #2 For: Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee Goal: To raise awareness of the If you dont like new taxes, importance of contributing to the PAC and maintaining youre going to like new a strong presence at the Texas Capitol real estate taxes even less. Every time our state is faced with a de鍖cit, commissions. This last session, more than some Texas lawmakers look to the real 11 attempts were made to pass a real estate Design: estate industry to make up the di鍖erence. transfer tax. These transfer taxes raise the The last time, in 2003, legislators cost of purchasing homes, pricing some Joel Mathews considered a new tax on services. It would buyers out of the market. Your TREPAC extend the state sales tax to all services dollars will help 鍖ght to keep taxes like Copywriting: listed on HUD-1, including your these from ever becoming law. Joel Mathews John Gormley Make a di鍖erence in your future. Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord Spread the word TREPAC Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
  • 3. k Title: 2009 print campaign, #4 For: Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee Goal: To raise awareness of the Some county tax appraisers importance of contributing to the PAC and maintaining a strong presence at the Texas thought your vehicle should Capitol be taxed for mixed-use. We said no! Design: Joel Mathews Now there is a law in the Texas Constitution that says no too. Copywriting: During the 80th Texas Legislature, we election, you'll never have to worry about Joel Mathews prevailed in exempting your personal auto this unfair tax again. Spread the word to from ad-valorem taxation. And with fellow Texas REALTORS速. Let them John Gormley overwhelming passage of Proposition 6 in know what their investment dollars have the November 2007 constitutional saved them. Make a di鍖erence in your future. Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord Spread the word TREPAC Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.
  • 4. k Title: 2009 print campaign, #1 For: Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee Goal: To raise awareness of the importance of contributing Theres a lot of talk about to the PAC and maintaining a strong presence at the Texas appraisal reform on Capitol the table at the Capitol. Design: Shouldnt you have someone sitting at it? Joel Mathews Property appraisal is a thorny issue at best we have a long way to go toward making Copywriting: and promises to be the subject of much Texas a better place for private-property debate for a very long time. Any reform owners. A strong TREPAC helps to ensure Joel Mathews will directly a鍖ect your businessthe only that we have a place at the legislative John Gormley question is how. Weve made progress but negotiating table. Make a di鍖erence in your future. Go to TexasRealtors.com/SpreadTheWord Spread the word TREPAC Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not REALTOR速 members. Information disseminated in the public domain about TREPAC might be considered a solicitation, therefore investments received from non-REALTOR速 members through this online campaign will be returned.