IDA's mission is to maximize the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) in transforming Ireland into a global hub for innovation and commercialization, bringing new jobs and economic benefits for all people. IDA will work with stakeholders to ensure Ireland remains an attractive place for multinational companies to grow.
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2010 03 02 Horizon 2020 Launch Final
1. Mission Statement IDA will maximise the impact of FDI in the transformation of Ireland into a global hub for innovation and commercialisation, bringing new employment opportunities and economic benefits for all its people by sustaining and winning high quality investment. In collaboration with other stakeholders, IDA will ensure Ireland remains a uniquely attractive environment in which multinational companies can grow.
2. Mission Statement IDA will maximise the impact of FDI in the transformation of Ireland into a global hub for innovation and commercialisation , bringing new employment opportunities and economic benefits for all its people by sustaining and winning high quality investment. In collaboration with other stakeholders, IDA will ensure Ireland remains a uniquely attractive environment in which multinational companies can grow.
3. Current Impact of FDI gh KEY FDI IMPACTS ON THE IRISH ECONOMY - 110 BN Exports - 240,000 Jobs in Total - 50% of Corporation Tax - 19 BN Expenditure - 7 BN Payroll - 73% of Business RD&I WORLD LEADERS CHOOSE IRELAND - 8 of the top 10 in ICT - 8 of the top 10 in Pharmaceuticals - 15 of the top 25 in Medical Devices - More than 50% of the worlds leading Financial Services firms
4. Key Considerations in Strategy Unemployment Balanced Regional Development Relative Competitiveness Growth in Services Sustain and develop existing FDI New Markets Reputation Government Focus Smart Economy Involvement in Broader FDI
5. Megatrends MNC Focus Urbanisation Population Growth Natural Resources Energy Security / Risk Transportation Health / Longevity Focus on Technology
7. High Level Goals 2010-2014 62,000 New Jobs Regional Economic Development Emerging Growth Markets RD&I Investments 105,000 Impact 50% of Investments outside of Dublin and Cork 20% of Greenfield investments from Emerging Markets by 2014 Annual 1.7 BN Client Investment by 2014 640
8. Horizon 2020 10 Steps to Transformation Transformation Agenda Employment intensive Services FDI New Forms of FDI Balanced Regional Development Emerging Growth Markets Emerging Companies Brand Ireland New Approaches / Channels Open Innovation Strengthen Irelands value proposition Partner with Team Ireland
9. Horizon 2020 - Initiatives to Drive FDI Strategic need to maintain and grow employment and drive Company Transformation ; ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF TRANSFORMATION - Company-wide Competitiveness Initiatives - Technology Uplift - Skills Uplift - Research and Development - Process Development - Energy Efficiency
10. Horizon 2020 - Initiatives to Drive FDI New Areas of FDI; Convergence - Combined Medical Products - Personalised Medicine - Digital Convergence - CleanTech Convergence - Financial Informatics / Analytics - MedTech - IT - Services Cloud Computing Services Innovation / Growth in Services CleanTech
11. New Approaches / Forms of FDI; Centres of Excellence Develop, TestBed and Internationalise - Domestic market focused MNCs e.g. Insurance, Distribution, Telcomms - Major Irish Contracts e.g. eHealth Records, Traffic, Water, Energy, Telemedicine Broader FDI; Research Institutes Infrastructure National Deficit Competition National Policy Growth in Mergers & Acquisitions Horizon 2020 - Initiatives to Drive FDI
12. Supporting Regional Economic Development; Continue to align Property Development Programme to support sectors Leverage Property to secure high impact employment intensive investment Target investments from non traditional sources of FDI Maximise impact from Strategic Investment Projects e.g. high speed International Telecomms connectivity Strong push to maximise last year of 30% ceiling on State Aids in BMW Gateway Focus Sensitive to regional pressure points Horizon 2020 - Initiatives to Drive FDI
13. New High Growth Markets 20% all greenfield investment by 2014 Emerging Companies Brand Ireland Communications Open Innovation; - MNCs / Universities / Institutes of Technology - Tax - Internal / External - Client Base - Diaspora Location Advisors Country / Region / City Partnering Models Arts and Culture as a business Horizon 2020 - Initiatives to Drive FDI
14. Strengthen Irelands Value Proposition Talent, Technology, Track Record, Tax and the ease of doing Business are entry points Sector / Activity / Country Specific Needs Constant Enhancement Example Biopharmaceuticals; - FDA Track Record - National Institute for Bioprocessing and Research Training (NIBRT) - SFI Initiatives - FS Cork Training Centre - Strategic Sites - Cluster Impact - Financial Incentives
15. Partner with Team Ireland Irish Technology Hotspot Companies Mergers and Acquisitions Trends Maximise impact of MNCs on indigenous companies SFI initiatives as magnet for FDI National Leverage of Expertise Universities and Institutes of Technology Various Stakeholders
16. Horizon 2020 Policy Enablers Competitiveness Tax Regime Next Generation Networks Energy Infrastructure Education System Regulatory Environment
17. Global Services High-end Manufacturing Research, Development & Innovation Business Model Focus Sectors Life Sciences - Pharma/Biopharma & - Medical Devices Information & Communications Technology Financial Services Content Industry, Consumer & Business Services Diversified Industries and Engineering CleanTech IDA Focus
19. World Competitiveness Rankings IRELANDS POSITION IN THE WORLD RANKINGS - 1 st for the availability of skilled labour - 1 st for the availability of financial skills - 1 st for real corporate taxes - 3 rd for flexibility and adaptability of people - 3 rd for being open to new ideas - 4 th for labour productivity Source: IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2009
21. IDA Ireland aims to; - be the most Competitive Client-Focused FDI Agency in the world - have the most FDI appropriate Skills Mix - be the innovative leader in new business areas and models - shape the Ireland Inc. product through Team Ireland Competitive Client Focused Culture Delivering Employment, Value Add and Innovation IDA Ireland Winning for Ireland
22. Mission Statement IDA will maximise the impact of FDI in the transformation of Ireland into a global hub for innovation and commercialisation, bringing new employment opportunities and economic benefits for all its people by sustaining and winning high quality investment. In collaboration with other stakeholders, IDA will ensure Ireland remains a uniquely attractive environment in which multinational companies can grow.