This document provides guidance on developing monitoring and evaluation plans. It outlines key elements that should be included in an M&E plan such as a project description, purpose of the plan, evaluation framework, indicator system, and dissemination plan. It also provides a sample table of contents for a comprehensive M&E plan, which includes sections on what the plan will measure, data sources, information products, management of the M&E system, and processes for updating the plan. The document is intended to help organizations develop effective M&E plans to assess their work.
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1. Handout 1:
Elements of an M&E Plan
1.Brief project description
2.Purpose(s) of M&E plan
3.Brief history of M&E plan development
4.Evaluation framework
5.Indicator system
6.Information system (Data sources)
7.Dissemination and utilization plan
8.Adjustments to M&E plan
Example of a Comprehensive M&E Plan Table of
# Section Contents
1 Introduction
Why an M&E system
What the M&E system hopes to accomplish
How the M&E system will operate
How the M&E system will help meet the goals outlined
Vision, mission, and long-term results of the M&E System
What the M&E
system will
Goal(s) and Objectives (Outcomes for UNIFEM)
Logical Framework and/or Results-based Framework
Indicators by Objective (Outcome)
Data sources in
the M&E
How routine data will be managed
How data quality will be assessed and ensured
Evaluation and research, including routine surveys and surveillance
What information products the M&E system will produce
Who will approve the information products
Data analysis plan for each information product
Identifying stakeholders information needs and dissemination
Dissemination Matrix
5 M&E System
Overall organisational structure of the M&E system
Job descriptions, M&E career paths, and performance
measurements of M&E posts
Capacity Building
M&E culture
How organisations will work together
How information will be captured electronically
How M&E planning will be conducted as part of the annual budget
2. # Section Contents
Updating the
M&E Plan
When and how the M&E plan will be reviewed
M&E systems assessment tool to be used to update the M&E plan
Source: Adapted from UNAIDS RST-ESA, World Bank, JICA, USAID, ESI, MEASURE Evaluation, JSI, The
Global Fund, UNAIDS (draft, 2010). Module 4: M&E Plan. East and southern Africa monitoring and
evaluation of HIV programmes.
3. Handout 2
Improving Goals and Making Objectives Smarter
The objective of this exercise is to enable participants to differentiate goals from objectives
and to provide practical experience in writing SMART objectives.
Get into 4 groups.
Choose one statement from the list below.
Decide whether the statement is a goal or an objective.
If a goal, is it properly stated? Why or why not? If a goal is not properly stated,
rewrite it.
If an objective, is it SMART? Why or why not? If an objective is not smart, rewrite it
in order to make it SMARTER.
Rewrite each goal that you consider to be poorly stated.
Program Goals and Objectives
1. To expand the knowledge base of children, youth and married adults on GBV and provide
them with peaceful, non-violent solutions through theatre and counseling services
2. To promote awareness and community participation in anti FGC/GBV campaigns and
HIV-AIDS prevention efforts among the refugees and local populations of the district
3. To strengthen community-managed systems of protection to reduce the incidence of GBV
and mitigate its impacts among young men and women in four districts 2 counties
4. To meet the protection, psychosocial and justice needs of survivors of GBV and empower
communities to lead efforts that challenge beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that perpetuate
or condone GBV.
5. To reduce the incidents of GBV amongst Eritrean refugees in the camp through an
effective prevention and appropriate multi-sectoral response.
6. To raise awareness and increase prevention of GBV among refugees and asylum seekers
in the 2 regions through building the capacity of UNHCR partner staff and integrating
GBV programming into new and existing programs and activities
7. To increase awareness of and strive to prevent domestic and sexual violence
8. To conduct policy advocacy and grassroots sensitization to enhance womens ability to
access, protect and promote their rights.
9. To support regional, provincial, national and international initiatives in the field of
gender-based violence and encourage the establishment of relevant structures and
4. 10. To encourage and promote the training and sensitization of service providers and the
public, regarding issues of gender based violence
11. To develop training initiatives and educating member organizations, relevant government
departments/agencies, as well as the public
12. Development of local policy measures to protect of women and children against violence.
13. Influence positive attitude and behavior change in our society
Source: Module II M&E GBV Prevention and Mitigation Programs, June 2009
5. Handout 3
Identifying Logic Model and Logframe Components
Each of the scenarios in this handout corresponds to one of the five components of the logic
model: input, process, output, outcome, and impact. Decide which logic model component
the scenario illustrates.
1. Scenario #1: The number of stories printed, the number of newspapers in which they
were printed.
2. Scenario #2: In the next six months, we expect to see an increase of 25 percent in the
proportion of youth and adults who know the domestic violence helpline telephone
3. Scenario #3: Your coalition has recruited a staff person to help promote enforcement of
existing local laws on domestic violence, to collaborate with other coalitions and
community organizations, and to gather relevant, comparable data on gender-based
4. Scenario #4. The newly recruited staff person creates a working group to foster
collaboration among community organization working on GBV prevention and
5. Scenario #5: You want to promote public awareness of domestic violence and womens
rights, so you collaborate with local newspaper reporters to develop a series of stories on
6. Scenario #6: An increase in the percentage of domestic violence victims who made
contact with a VAW organization.
7. Scenario #7: An overall decrease in the prevalence of domestic violence in your
8. Scenario #8: Through local surveys and the use of comparable data, you learn that a
lower proportion of young men in your community believe that a man has the right to
beat his wife.
Source: Module II M&E GBV Prevention and Mitigation Programs, June 2009
6. Handout 4: Illustrative Logic Model for Provider Training
Source: Module II M&E GBV Prevention and Mitigation Programs, June 2009
7. Handout 4: Illustrative Logic Model for Provider Training
Source: Module II M&E GBV Prevention and Mitigation Programs, June 2009