The Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals held a health expo called "Go Healthy Tallahassee" in 2008 and 2009 that had poor attendance due to lack of marketing and competing local events. They want to increase attendance at the 2011 expo. Competitors had websites and social media pages for promotion that "Go Healthy Tallahassee" lacked. The target audience of African American college students in Tallahassee is aware of diabetes but lacks organization and direction on the issue. Tactics proposed to promote the 2011 expo include a healthy soul food demonstration, logo design contest between local colleges, and a promotional video.
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2010 Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo Propsal
1. Go Diabetes/ Health Expo Proposal Healthy Tallahassee
2. Formative Research Problem Statement The Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in partnership with Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, held Go Healthy Tallahassee, an interactive health expo in 2008 and 2009. The health expo was free and was open to residents of Tallahassee and the Big Bend area. Because of poor marketing of the event and nearby social competitors, there was a poor attendance turn out at the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo. Dr. Otis Kirksey, a professor of pharmacy practice at FAMU as well as, the lead contact representative for the college of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences regarding the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo, along with Shawn Hall, special consultant for Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, would like to increase the attendance at the 2011 Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo.
3. Competitors Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo, was the only event that did not have an event website while, competitors had an event website. Also both competitor events had a Facebook Social Networking Page that held the event information on it in which, the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo did not have .
5. Target Public Stage of Development of Target Public The stage of development that the African American college student in Tallahassee target public is in is the aware public stage. Research has shown that the African American college student in Tallahassee recognizes that diabetes is an issue and perceives the consequences of diabetes as being relevant. Research has also indicated that the African American student community in Tallahassee is not organized to discuss and act on the issue of diabetes. Furthermore, the black student community knows that diabetes is starting to become an epidemic within their community but the students lack direction on what to do about the issue.
6. Tactics A Healthy soul food demonstration held during SET Fridays at Florida A&M University by Soul Vegetarian Restaurant cooks, to create awareness among students about healthy living and how to avoid diabetes. A Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo logo design contest, between FAMU, FSU, and TCC, to create awareness about the health expo among the target public and to generate interest through competition. A FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences YouTube video showing its involvement with the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo, to create awareness and acceptance among external publics.
7. Evaluation Program evaluation is the systematic measurement of the outcomes of a project, program, or campaign based on the extent to which stated objectives are achieved. In evaluating the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo campaign, I suggest that 2011 health expo participants be given a questionnaire about the health event to measure their awareness and acceptance of the Go Healthy Tallahassee Expo campaign.