3. LEGLUS What we need to improve 2 Meeting March 18 th , 2010 SVSC
4. Quiz 1 Where is Magnetic North Magnetic deviation in San Francisco 14.3 East of True North
5. 違いは? TWA TWD TWS AWA AWD BSP SOG COG VMG VMC True Wind Angle True Wind Direction True Wind Speed Apparent Wind Angle Apparent Wind Direction Boat SPeed Speed Over the Ground Course Over the Ground Verocity Made Good Verocisy Made Course
6. Polar Diagram TWS, VMG, Target BSP What is Target BSP when TWS=10, TWA=80 >> 9.75 knot 6 8 10 12 16 20 24
8. Sail Selection table LM Heavy No 3 Reacher Code 0 Code 3 APS RunSpn APS Heavy Run Spin No 3 Reacher Code 3 LM Code 0 TWA 160-180 140-160 120-140 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 25-40 30 - 40 25 - 30 20 - 25 16 - 20 12 - 16 8 - 12 3 - 8 True Wind Speed
9. Sail Selection table TWS 12 / TWA 100 What sail should we use? Code 0 TWS 16 TWA 130 Which sail? Code 3 TWS 10 TWD 40 次のマークへの Heading angle 270 Which sail? Port or Starboard ? 270-40 = 230 = 180 + 50 TWA = 130 >> APS
10. 上マークにアプローチしているときに Wind Direction ( True Wind Direction ) 次のマークの位置 がわかれば 次のマークへの Heading angle がわかる 次のレグの True Wind Angle がわかる 次のレグの最適なジェネカーの選択ができる TWA 110 ? Code 0 Wind Dir Heading 225 TWA 110
15. MainSail reef procedure Ease Main Sheet until main sail sibbering Boom direction match with wind direction If necessary ease boom vang Drop main halyard to reach tack cringle Connect tack cringle to gooseneck of boom by tack band or so Hoist main halyard to have enough tension at laugh of main sail Pulling in reef rope untill reech cringle is close enough to boom Use sail tie to clean up foot of main sail
16. Quiz ランニング( Gennaker/Spin で風下帆走)時にはパーマネントとランナーのテンションは? Close Hauled 時ジブセールのドラフトを深くするには? Close Hauled 時ジブセールのドラフト位置を前に移動するには? メインセールのドラフト位置を前に移動するには? Close Hauled 時、登り角度をより稼ぐには?