The speaker presented the results of a social media survey administered to 600 members of the Communicators Forum. Key findings included:
- 76 people responded, with most spending 2-4 hours per week on social media for work.
- Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter were the most commonly used platforms.
- While most felt their social media use was strategic and effective, few measured results.
- Respondents wanted to learn more about measurement, strategy, and managing multiple accounts.
- The speaker concluded the university is still in the early adolescence of social media adoption and more communities are needed to share best practices.
16. …what you want to learn more about…As this was discussed in pretty good detail at many
of the TnT meetings, we feel these are the main elements of any M/C plan IF IT IS GOING
TO BE STRATEGIC…which begs two questions
1. Is it a part of your strategic marketing plan? Being scrutinized by audience? Wrapped
into your event planning? Elevated to the level of direct mailing or advertising when
2 What can be done to make some of these unknowns known?2. What can be done to make some of these unknowns known?
Certainly the Communicators Forum is a part, and we in the Technology and Trends group
are in the final planning stages of creating an online place for us to share what’s
happening around our table, successes and best practices.
But one other thing I wanted to offer and place before you was the importance of various
opportunities to participate in a “Community of Practice”…a place to talk about trends
and share success stories and….failures…in an effort to truly grow in this area.
If you’d like more information about how to joint TnT, please see one of us after and give us
your business card/e‐mail
TnT is such a group…and perhaps more need to be created around specific topics orTnT is such a group…and perhaps more need to be created around specific topics or
primary audiences or that would begin to fill in some of these known unknowns.