This document discusses the importance of creating an overall design or "grand design" when developing or modifying enterprise information systems. It states that the grand design should include clarifying the overall configuration and operating conditions of both existing systems and any new systems being developed. The grand design is important for optimizing the quality and performance of the entire system, even when adding to or renovating existing systems, rather than building entirely new systems from scratch.
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20100929 nc granddesign
1. "design matters" is common
to all countries. So let's try to
be more creative.
Nikkei Computer 2010.9.29
Satoe Kuwahara
Sapporo Sparkle k.k.
2. "design matters" is common to all countries. So let's try to be more creative.
The editorial made a specific suggestion in "Aiming for real architect" issued on August 18, 2010
that "we need to now focus on the grand design(overall picture of business and system)" . In this
series, we look at the methodology of the grand design and introduce some actual cases. Satoe
Kuwahara, system coordinator of Sapporo Sparkle who has been working in system design long
time expounds the methodology and the theory of the grand design.
Q. What is the grand design for enterprise information system?
The most important thing to make the grand design is "to create the overall picture of system to
be develop". It should include all the thing related to the system to be built.
First, you should examine both the system to be developed and the existing system carefully in
order to clarify the real picture of the system that meets user's requirements. After this process is
completed, you will start to develop "system design in operation". It is very important not only to
design functions of the system, but also design the operating and using state of the system. This
is a key factor for the success of creating the grand design. The grand design is provided by ar-
chitect, and the architect creates "complete picture of the system" in other words, the operating
condition of the system, and clarifies "configuration of the system".
Clarifying the overall picture and configuration of the system.
Clarifying the configuration of system is restated as follows: "clarifying the component and opera-
tion condition of the system". So the architect describes both operation and using state of the sys-
tem, and clarifies hierarchical structure from the logical(using state) to physical(execution and de-
velopment unit) for the system platform including actual business, application software and mid-
dleware, and defines the mutual relationship between each component and each hierarchy level.
It sounds a bit difficult but it's not complicated as it may sound. We work on the development in
the following order. We first clarify the final state of the system to be achieved, and then consider
what we need to do to it. The points of system development are "imagination" and to image the
operating state of the system with "reality". These two are the most important basics of all.
Q. It is natural to create the overall picture of the system when you develop a system
from scratch. However, there is not much call for this kind of project these day.
Actually, there is very little chance that you develop a system from scratch. However on the other
hand, there is also very few system that is not related any other system. Backbone system that
supports the value chain of the company is operated with the systems within and outside of the
company. In other words, one business process crosses the multiple systems. From the viewpoint
of the business process, it is quite natural that multiple systems work together. Conversely, from
the viewpoint of each system, it is natural that multiple business processes are closely related to
other systems. Therefore, we need to develop a new system carefully, and to integrate with the
existing systems. Even the system is added more than once and becomes a hodgepodge of
states and collection of various function, there still is an overall picture of the system. The all de-
liverables of the project is crystallized in the overall picture.
Trying to optimize the overall picture
An overall picture of system is changed by the business environment and the technologies ap-
plied. It is not always possible to develop a system from scratch, in some cases, you have no oth-
er choice than to add to or renovate the existing system. So we may not always have ideal cir-
cumstances for the system development. Therefore it is very important to optimize the quality of
the overall picture of system in accordance with the situations faced. In other words, the overall
picture should be matched with the current situation and future plan of the system. In order to
keep the updated and most suitable system for your company, it is necessary not only to improve
the system to maintain the performance but also review the overall system design and technical
specifications at an appropriate time. Examining the role and direction of the company, creating
the overall picture of the system that meets the requirements of the company and realizing the
2 Sapporo Sparkle k.k.
3. "design matters" is common to all countries. So let's try to be more creative.
development plan, these are the roles of the architect or designer who draws the grand design of
system. As I already mentioned above about the system transition, the architect draws "the over-
all picture showing operating state of the system", and so naturally it includes the making the plan
of system transition. The grand design is not only for the system development from a scratch, it is
necessary for any type of project including adding and updating the system and applying packag-
es or cloud computing.
Q. "Making the overall picture of operating state for both existing system and system to
be developed" sounds right, but it may be difficult to be accepted by ordering party.
"The essence of focusing on design in system development" is "thinking every possibility " and
"try all kinds of measures ". Expressing it in another way, focusing on what methodology should
be used in the project is actually not the essence of focusin on design.
Examining and considering whether or not "the current state is good enough".
It is very important to consider whether or not "the current state of the system is good enough" ,
and to study the requirements and the value of the system to be developed. These consideration
and study are needed to done before making future decision about the planning and designing of
the system. Considering the cost issues of the system by taking the responding to a system fail-
ure and a change for examples. "Making the overall picture of the system to be developed simple"
is common solution for these kind of issues. From this point of view, the technological require-
ments for the system to be developed and issues to be addressed with the project is clarified. The
scope of the project includes to meet the requirements the system to be developed and the over-
all system.
3 Sapporo Sparkle k.k.
4. "design matters" is common to all countries. So let's try to be more creative.
Q. Is it natural to consider about the relationship between the existing systems and the
system to be develop when you develop a new system?
Of course, it is natural to consider about the relationship between them, because the systems will
not work properly without the consideration of the relationship. So therefore it is very important to
establish the appropriate linkage between the existing and new systems. However even if you
develop the system in this manner, there may be some problems in the systems. There may be
some detours in the system, heavy workload on the existing systems and no flexibility for the sys-
tems due to the inappropriate arrangement of the systems.
Improving "the system quality in the broad sense"
It would be enough to add a new system and ensure the relationship with the existing system, you
just add or build the functions that meet user's requirements. Systems usually and always work in
combination, and therefore "the system quality in the broad sense" including functionality, efficien-
cy and capability, reliability and flexibility is determined and evaluated by the performance of the
overall system. therefore it is very important to use of inventiveness to develop the system that
supports the business. Accumulating the requirements of the function doesn't lead to an overall
picture of system you intended. The point is how to build the structure of the overall system. In
order to achieve a good balance between competing goals; providing the requirements and cost
and time reduction, it is important to use both the technology and ingenuity. "Determining the re-
quirements and just build a system meeting the requirements" is not actually good enough, we
should not be satisfied with this. If you would find yourselves being satisfied with what you can do
now, the system you really desire may not be developed. In order to achieve an innovation in sys-
tem development, you should create the overall picture of system appropriately and bring the so-
lution for realization of the system by using the technology and ingenuity. With the rapid progress
of cloud computing, packages and tools, realization of the functions becomes much easier than
ever before. And that's why creating the grand design is important. Considering and creating the
grand design increases the value of system and reduces the cost and workload of the system de-
velopment. Quality of the grand design may determine the quality of the system.
Q. How many people understand the real meaning and process of creating the grand de-
Even creating the grand design is very important for and essence of the system development, it
has not been discussed and studied enough.
I suggest a renewed focus on "designing".
Before multi-vendor platforms, each customer had their own system and system engineer. The
customer and system engineer worked together to determine system design. Under such circum-
stance, the people around system placed emphasis on the grand design. After the multi-vendor
platforms become popular and are commonly applied, each system development project creates
its own system design. As the result of this, the grand design becomes less important than it once
was. As the result of this, the system may totally be different from the expectation of the user and
the grand design. This is caused by the inconsistent between the grand design and the processes
of the project.
The grand design improves the system quality in the broad sense. The broad sense means the
values will be produced by the system including user-friendly design and easy to develop and fix
etc. However, many of projects give preference to "accomplishing the project" over "the quality in
the broad sense". The grand design and the project management should be two wheels of same
cart which are inseparable and support each other, however projects in resent times have
seemed to be only focused on the project management. "If the overall picture doesn't really make
sense, there would be no reason to rebuild the system". However unfortunately, large number of
projects are implemented in this way, and it causes increase in the cost of development and poor
performance in the operation. I am afraid but must say that the relationship between the grand
4 Sapporo Sparkle k.k.
5. "design matters" is common to all countries. So let's try to be more creative.
design and the project management in system development in Japan is really ill-balanced.
Attitude that "design comes first"
I don't really like to compare Japan and overseas. However when I work together with the system
developers or package vendors abroad in system development project, I have to admit that they
value more the grand design than the system developers in Japan do. An executive of Indian IT
company once clearly said that "we cannot create the grand design. But if someone creates the
grand design, I would surely develop the system including all important elements based on the
grand design". However, if there is the inconsistency or the failure in the grand design, they surely
would point out the them. When I work together with the package vendors abroad in the global
project, they start by asking me about "the design and designer of the system". Before they start
developing, they understand and evaluate the design of system. So for them, the design is very
important and always comes first. In other words, it is necessary to accomplish the design in of
the system to be developed by utilizing the technologies available even there are some difficul-
ties. This kind of attitude lead the project team members to understand the importance of the de-
Q. How do you get people to understand the importance of the grand design? (Two
points are explained in the article published in August 18)
The most important process of creating the grand design is "to study thoroughly and to draw it
appropriately". This is the thing that we should tell to make the project members understand the
importance of the grand design properly. After this process, we start considering the procedure,
approach and methodology to be used in the development. This is also important and this, com-
plementary process, ensures the quality of the grand design.
Q. The process of creating the grand design includes identifying the issues, addressing
the issues(brainstorming and research etc) and determining the approach(solution). How-
ever, presence of some external matters such as delivery schedule, requirement of trou-
ble and uncertainty avoidance may reduce the freedom of the design.
The grand design can be created in many different ways, and every way is fine as long as what it
presents is appropriate. However there is some effective ways to create it, and I explain the effec-
tive methodology and process for creating the grand design.
Let's make a design team
In order to "create the complete state" and "clarify the structure" of the system, it is important to
build a design team with the specialists of both business and system. The main body of the de-
sign team should be formed by the user company, and the product vendors and the consultants
as the specialist of technology and project management join the main body. I believe that the
business and information system of Japan are not able to move forward if the business and infor-
mation system department of the user company cannot work together to create the grand design.
In order to develop a system that produces more value for the user company, it is necessary to
build the team for the grand design and make the best use of limited budget and human resource.
It is very unfortunate to say that today in Japan there are many characterless business processes
and information systems. The main reason for this is the fact that the user company leaves the
most important part of system development, the creating the grand design, to the consultants and
IT vendors. Creating the grand design includes a wide range of areas such as requirement analy-
sis, requirement definition, designing, development, transition, operation, maintenance, invest
management and system planning. Throughout the system development project, the grand de-
sign is used as "the guideline", and clarifies the realization picture of the system. Therefore it is
very important to have "the process for studying and considering the image of the system to be
developed", and to evaluate "whether or not it is appropriate and accurate for the purpose"
through the deliverables(architecture or model) of the grand design.
5 Sapporo Sparkle k.k.
6. "design matters" is common to all countries. So let's try to be more creative.
Q. How can we change the organization and human resources to create the grand de-
I think it is the time to review the role of the organization. In fact, because most of companies
don't have the design department or design team that can deal with the system design continu-
ously, they leave the development and the operation and maintenance to the project team and to
operation and the maintenance department respectively. In these circumstances, it is almost im-
possible to focus on the design of system. It is necessary to consider a wide range of aspects
when you create the grand design. It includes the consideration of structure that supports busi-
ness, the relationship between structure and business and the use of technologies available. The-
se consideration are should be done in terms of cost, reliability and related laws and regulations.
In fact, therefore, the architect or designer of the grand design requires several senses including
the sense of utilization(sense of producing advantageous effect), operation(sense of business)
and investment. As I already mentioned it at the beginning of this article that the point of system
development is the imagination, and it is another words for "the sense of notice" as I just de-
scribed. You may ask me "how can I develop the human resources who have the imagination or
the sense of notice?". It actually is a fair question but I am pretty optimistic about the developing
the skill of the human resources. The reason I am optimistic about this is because I believe that
creating the grand design is one of the most fun and exciting part of the system development. I
am not saying that you should try harder and jump over more hurdles to prove you are capable in
doing your job. I am just telling you that creating the grand design is fun, so let's have fun with it.
"Paying attention to designing" is same meaning of "loving design".
(interviewer: Nobuyuki Yajima)
6 Sapporo Sparkle k.k.