Traditional media-standards-6-12-12-v-2Олег МуковозовThe document proposes interim standards for metrics used in traditional media analysis. It provides definitions for common terms like impressions, mentions, and tone. For impressions, it recommends using circulation figures from credible sources and avoiding arbitrary multipliers. For items of analysis, it provides guidance on what should count as a unique "hit." It also offers recommendations for calculating and defining tone or sentiment in a consistent manner. The standards are intended to promote transparency and consistency in how PR professionals measure and evaluate traditional media coverage.
Eslexcellencewelcomeandgoalsa 1226481370619165-9lananhsusu01The ESL Excellence Institute is an online English as a Second Language company that provides quality instruction to help limited English proficient students transfer their expertise to English. It believes that services should be based on educational excellence, be student-centered, and be conveniently located online. The institute aims to refine academic skills, introduce more difficult grammar terms, provide effective instruction on weaknesses identified by tests, and integrate grammar with content while expanding vocabulary. Classes are scheduled flexibly to accommodate students' schedules.
Accreditation: Future developments and their impactsmarlowa1234Update on the value of Accreditation and the impact of ISO/IEC 17021:2006 in accredited certification and service delivery to clients
V E N G L A I 12.9.2010Ellis Pachuau1) The document is the newsletter of Aizawl Venglai Kohhran published on September 12, 2010.
2) It provides updates on the Kohhran's Sunday school results, enrollment numbers, upcoming events and fundraisers.
3) It also congratulates members who passed exams and encourages contributions to the Synod Endowment Fund.
Jamuan di rumah aiman1kulai2Acara jamuan di rumah Aiman dihadiri oleh keluarga dan tetangga. Mereka bersuka cita menghibur dan menyambut Aina yang manis. Semua orang berdoa agar Aina selalu sehat dan berperilaku baik.
TMKu: Campaign InfrastructureThe Media KitchenA look at how pixels, tags, ad servers, search, display, analytics and more come together to form a digital campaign.
LowCountryVolkswagen.com_AAA Aggressive Driving Research UpdateLowCountry VolkswagenThe AAA Foundation was established in 1947 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research affiliate of AAA/CAA with a North American focus. Its mission is to identify traffic safety problems, foster research for solutions, and disseminate information and education. Surveys have found that aggressive driving is a serious concern, with 32% of respondents in 2005 and 78% in 2008 viewing it as a threat. However, nearly half of drivers admitted speeding over 15 mph in the last 30 days. The AAA Foundation's analysis of NHTSA fatal crash data from 2003-2007 found that as many as 56% of fatal crashes involved unsafe driving behaviors associated with aggressive driving such as speeding, illegal lane changes, and failure to yield
MyWritingLabCarla BradleyCarla Bradley presented on using the online writing supplement "My Writing Lab" to individualize classroom experiences. Students reported that My Writing Lab helped them learn writing techniques and complete assignments. Data showed that students who used My Writing Lab and completed pre- and post-tests improved their writing mastery. The presentation discussed features of My Writing Lab like exercises, feedback, and tutoring access, and provided tips for implementing the program like creating a plan, encouraging time, and requiring diagnostic pre-tests.
V E N G L A I 07. 11. 2010Ellis PachuauThe document provides details of various church and Sunday school activities from the Aizawl Venglai branch, including summaries of sermons, upcoming missionary trips and crusades, and a social event. It also provides brief updates on the Kolkata Mission Field in West Bengal, including details of a recent Gospel Festival held there with speakers and attendees from the Mizoram Presbyterian Church.
GeoDesign for Collaborative PlanningTom GardnerGeoDesign is a collaborative planning method that tightly couples design proposals with impact simulations informed by geographic contexts. It addresses shortcomings of traditional land use planning like lack of systematic impact monitoring, geo-databases, and flexibility to change designs. GeoDesign involves community input to gather information, analyze current conditions, compare alternatives, and create future land use plans. Examples include transportation planning and redevelopment projects. GeoDesign is a new approach for land use planning and policymaking that utilizes existing geospatial tools.
Search 101The Media KitchenPaid search advertising involves text ads that appear in search results when consumers search for related terms. Advertisers bid to have their ads shown, and search engines determine placement and costs using a quality score based on relevance and the bid amount. Campaigns are structured into accounts, campaigns, ad groups and keywords to target relevant searches. Match types, ad formats and extensions help target searches, while ongoing optimization of bids, creatives and structure aims to improve metrics like click-through rate and cost-per-acquisition.
Ipad in education 2Amy CantoneThis document discusses using iPad apps to support individualized education. It provides examples of how iPads can be used to assist students with special needs in the classroom and for individualized instruction. The iPad offers portable accessibility to academic, communication, motor skill, and other apps. Examples are given of three students - Lydia, Nathan, and Lexi - and how iPads help meet their specific needs.
Turks and caicos 2010kenneth bachmannThe document summarizes a family vacation to Turks and Caicos. It describes their arrival at the French Village resort, exploring the different villages and pools on the property, enjoying meals at resort restaurants, and participating in activities like waterpark, performances, and yoga. Photos throughout show family members relaxing and having fun at various locations around the resort.
Jamuan di rumah aiman1kulai2Acara jamuan di rumah Aiman dihadiri oleh keluarga dan tetangga. Mereka bersuka cita menghibur dan menyambut Aina yang manis. Semua orang berdoa agar Aina selalu sehat dan berperilaku baik.
TMKu: Campaign InfrastructureThe Media KitchenA look at how pixels, tags, ad servers, search, display, analytics and more come together to form a digital campaign.
LowCountryVolkswagen.com_AAA Aggressive Driving Research UpdateLowCountry VolkswagenThe AAA Foundation was established in 1947 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research affiliate of AAA/CAA with a North American focus. Its mission is to identify traffic safety problems, foster research for solutions, and disseminate information and education. Surveys have found that aggressive driving is a serious concern, with 32% of respondents in 2005 and 78% in 2008 viewing it as a threat. However, nearly half of drivers admitted speeding over 15 mph in the last 30 days. The AAA Foundation's analysis of NHTSA fatal crash data from 2003-2007 found that as many as 56% of fatal crashes involved unsafe driving behaviors associated with aggressive driving such as speeding, illegal lane changes, and failure to yield
MyWritingLabCarla BradleyCarla Bradley presented on using the online writing supplement "My Writing Lab" to individualize classroom experiences. Students reported that My Writing Lab helped them learn writing techniques and complete assignments. Data showed that students who used My Writing Lab and completed pre- and post-tests improved their writing mastery. The presentation discussed features of My Writing Lab like exercises, feedback, and tutoring access, and provided tips for implementing the program like creating a plan, encouraging time, and requiring diagnostic pre-tests.
V E N G L A I 07. 11. 2010Ellis PachuauThe document provides details of various church and Sunday school activities from the Aizawl Venglai branch, including summaries of sermons, upcoming missionary trips and crusades, and a social event. It also provides brief updates on the Kolkata Mission Field in West Bengal, including details of a recent Gospel Festival held there with speakers and attendees from the Mizoram Presbyterian Church.
GeoDesign for Collaborative PlanningTom GardnerGeoDesign is a collaborative planning method that tightly couples design proposals with impact simulations informed by geographic contexts. It addresses shortcomings of traditional land use planning like lack of systematic impact monitoring, geo-databases, and flexibility to change designs. GeoDesign involves community input to gather information, analyze current conditions, compare alternatives, and create future land use plans. Examples include transportation planning and redevelopment projects. GeoDesign is a new approach for land use planning and policymaking that utilizes existing geospatial tools.
Search 101The Media KitchenPaid search advertising involves text ads that appear in search results when consumers search for related terms. Advertisers bid to have their ads shown, and search engines determine placement and costs using a quality score based on relevance and the bid amount. Campaigns are structured into accounts, campaigns, ad groups and keywords to target relevant searches. Match types, ad formats and extensions help target searches, while ongoing optimization of bids, creatives and structure aims to improve metrics like click-through rate and cost-per-acquisition.
Ipad in education 2Amy CantoneThis document discusses using iPad apps to support individualized education. It provides examples of how iPads can be used to assist students with special needs in the classroom and for individualized instruction. The iPad offers portable accessibility to academic, communication, motor skill, and other apps. Examples are given of three students - Lydia, Nathan, and Lexi - and how iPads help meet their specific needs.
Turks and caicos 2010kenneth bachmannThe document summarizes a family vacation to Turks and Caicos. It describes their arrival at the French Village resort, exploring the different villages and pools on the property, enjoying meals at resort restaurants, and participating in activities like waterpark, performances, and yoga. Photos throughout show family members relaxing and having fun at various locations around the resort.