Is your website inspiring, modern, and dynamic? Does your digital strategy consider content management, social media, SEO, mobile and engagement metrics? Is your organizational mission aligned with your brand, design, and online presence? Do you have the ideal partner and technology in mind that can deliver all the above?
If you didnt answer yes to all the previous questions dont worry, you are not alone! Ideally, every non-profit should be striving to leverage modern online advancements, creating clear digital strategies, and building websites that accelerate the delivery of their mission. In reality, this is a difficult and complex task. This session will distill practical professional and industry experience into five essential website redevelopment rules that every non-profit needs to follow.
Where to start and how to succeed with a website redevelopment project
The latest website technologies and best practices used by the most effective organizations
Common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid
This document discusses a case from the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand regarding a radio transmitter and facilitator from Group 1 on November 23, 2011. It also mentions content uploaded by visitors to YouTube and encourages liking that content.
The document discusses trends in e-tourism and digital travel planning. It notes that tourists are increasingly digital natives who research and book travel online and on mobile devices. They share travel experiences in real time on social media and value transparency through user reviews and recommendations from friends. The document also explores how tourists are seeking more local experiences through location-based technologies and rewards that help them feel like insiders during their travels.
The document discusses technological trends in the travel and tourism sectors. It notes that European online travel is expected to surpass the United States as the largest market. Travelers are now constantly connected through mobile devices and expect personalized services anytime. Social media has given travelers more ways to share experiences and research destinations. New technologies like tablets are also reshaping the travel planning and experience. The mobile channel is transforming how travelers search for, book, and engage with travel services during their trips.
The document discusses the Netherlands Bureau for Tourism and Congresses' online marketing tools for promoting tourism to the Netherlands. It provides an overview of their website, social media presence, photo sharing platform, blog, mobile app, and e-newsletters. It notes audience sizes and engagement metrics for each channel. The business case challenges them to integrate these tools to maximize visitors and spending in the Netherlands by targeting different traveler personality types.
Een verslag van de afsluitende bijeenkomst van de Inspiratiedag e-tourism. In de bijeenkomst werd een eerste aanzet gegeven voor de strategische agenda voor toerisme en nieuwe media in 2020.
Slotpresentatie van Marleen Stikker en Stephen Hodes over de toekomstagenda voor nieuwe media in de toeristische sector tijdens de Inspiratiedag e-tourism.
Presentatie van Ferry Piekart van het Nederlands Architectuur instituut (NAi) over de Urban Augmented Reality-app UAR tijdens de Inspiratiedag e-tourism
XS2TheWorld is an award-winning mobile marketing agency that provides consultancy, creativity, production, delivery, and media services. It has been in business since 2007, is profitable, and has offices in multiple cities. It has worked with over 50 brands across many industries. Some of its high-profile clients and campaigns include Guinness, Kodak, Cathay Pacific, tourism boards, and media companies. It has won numerous awards for its innovative mobile solutions.
User-generated content and social media are impacting many industries as consumers have become producers of content. CitizenM is a hotel chain that has embraced social media and user reviews to build their brand and reputation. They encourage reviews on sites like TripAdvisor and use social media tools to test new locations and promote openings. CitizenM also monitors reviews to acknowledge issues and ensure customer satisfaction in order to maintain a positive online reputation through honest and caring service.
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This document discusses a case from the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand regarding a radio transmitter and facilitator from Group 1 on November 23, 2011. It also mentions content uploaded by visitors to YouTube and encourages liking that content.
The document discusses trends in e-tourism and digital travel planning. It notes that tourists are increasingly digital natives who research and book travel online and on mobile devices. They share travel experiences in real time on social media and value transparency through user reviews and recommendations from friends. The document also explores how tourists are seeking more local experiences through location-based technologies and rewards that help them feel like insiders during their travels.
The document discusses technological trends in the travel and tourism sectors. It notes that European online travel is expected to surpass the United States as the largest market. Travelers are now constantly connected through mobile devices and expect personalized services anytime. Social media has given travelers more ways to share experiences and research destinations. New technologies like tablets are also reshaping the travel planning and experience. The mobile channel is transforming how travelers search for, book, and engage with travel services during their trips.
The document discusses the Netherlands Bureau for Tourism and Congresses' online marketing tools for promoting tourism to the Netherlands. It provides an overview of their website, social media presence, photo sharing platform, blog, mobile app, and e-newsletters. It notes audience sizes and engagement metrics for each channel. The business case challenges them to integrate these tools to maximize visitors and spending in the Netherlands by targeting different traveler personality types.
Een verslag van de afsluitende bijeenkomst van de Inspiratiedag e-tourism. In de bijeenkomst werd een eerste aanzet gegeven voor de strategische agenda voor toerisme en nieuwe media in 2020.
Slotpresentatie van Marleen Stikker en Stephen Hodes over de toekomstagenda voor nieuwe media in de toeristische sector tijdens de Inspiratiedag e-tourism.
Presentatie van Ferry Piekart van het Nederlands Architectuur instituut (NAi) over de Urban Augmented Reality-app UAR tijdens de Inspiratiedag e-tourism
XS2TheWorld is an award-winning mobile marketing agency that provides consultancy, creativity, production, delivery, and media services. It has been in business since 2007, is profitable, and has offices in multiple cities. It has worked with over 50 brands across many industries. Some of its high-profile clients and campaigns include Guinness, Kodak, Cathay Pacific, tourism boards, and media companies. It has won numerous awards for its innovative mobile solutions.
User-generated content and social media are impacting many industries as consumers have become producers of content. CitizenM is a hotel chain that has embraced social media and user reviews to build their brand and reputation. They encourage reviews on sites like TripAdvisor and use social media tools to test new locations and promote openings. CitizenM also monitors reviews to acknowledge issues and ensure customer satisfaction in order to maintain a positive online reputation through honest and caring service.
2011 057 pr 18 presentatie case hoscom groep 2 - aquadelta hoscom
1. Hoscom
Aqua Delta: water overal
Hoe kun je als hotel social en nieuwe media inzetten om daarmee
concurrentievoordeel te behalen?
la group Leisure & Arts Consulting rapportnummer
2. Scenario Aqua Delta: water overal
Vanwege een zakelijke afspraak boekt mijn secretaresse een kamer in het
Deltahotel. Zij zag het hotel op internet en beslist op basis van prijs en lokatie.
Drie dagen voor mijn aankomst ontvang ik een mail van het hotel die mij
enthousiast maakt over de lokatie en het hotelconcept: Welkom aan boord.
Eenmaal aangekomen in het hotel check ik meteen in in Foursquare en krijg de
Bootsman badge, nog 3 keer inchecken dan wordt ik kapitein, want drie keer is
Ik ga via de scheepsluis naar de 2e verdieping en open de deur naar mijn
scheepsuite. Ik zie daar grote schepen langsvaren, pak mijn smartphone en scan
de omgeving. Ik krijg informatie over de geschiedenis van de haven 辿n over de
boten die langsvaren. Ik publiceer een foto van de grootste boot op de
Facebookpagina van het hotel en doe automatisch mee met de fotocompetitie:
de orgineelste foto wint een diner aan de Kapiteins tafel.
la group 2
3. Scenario Aqua Delta: water overal
Bij het tweede zakelijke bezoek kom ik met collegas en bezoek de
watergekoelde wijnkelder. Op het iPad menu zie ik niet alleen de wijnkaart maar
ook een animatie van bubbelend water met visjes, die leidt naar een uitleg van
de (duurzame) principes van de kelder. Inmiddels ben ik gepromoveerd tot
Thuis laat ik de fotos zien van het uitzicht die realtime met de webcam gemaakt
worden. Net op dat moment ontvang ik het Scheepsjournaal op mijn iPhone,
met een gezinsaanbieding.
De kinderen raken enthousiast en willen zeker een keer mee. Mijn vrouw wil
graag met de kapitein aan tafel. We kiezen de themakamer via mijn telefoon
door onze voorkeuren aan te geven op het online formulier. Via mijn iPhone
krijg ik drie dagen voor vertrek een spelletje om mijn kinderen spelenderwijs
kennis te laten maken met de haven. Hun commentaar twitter ik door aan
vrienden #scheepsjongens. Na ons bezoek ben ik Kapitein geworden en mag
met het gezin op de Maas varen. Ik post een positieve review op Tripadvisor.
la group 3
4. Concurrentiepositie
Onderscheidend om dat je door social media de beleving vergroot
Inspelend op brede doelgroep
Trends onderdeel maken van beleving
la group 4
5. Trends Trend 1
Location based services
Trend 2
Friends recommendations
Trend 3 Trend 4
Toename mobiele gebruikers Augmented reality
Trend 5
la group 5
6. Doelgroepen Doelgroep 1
Zakelijke gasten
Doelgroep 2
Doelgroep 3 Doelgroep 4
Leisure 25/35 Lokale bevolking
la group 6
7. 鴛糸艶艶谷稼 Idee 1
Foursquare als nautische ervaring:
van scheepsjongen tot kapitein (badge)
Aanbieding publiceren
leisure 25/35
conversie van zakelijk
Idee 2
Augmented reality betrekt nautische ervaring:
geschiedenis, huidig, toekomst /
QR codes en Layar /
blik naar buiten verrijken met informatie/ filmpjes
la group 7
8. 鴛糸艶艶谷稼 Idee 3
Fotografeer varende boten en publiceer ze.
Winnaar mag eten aan Captains Dinner, foto komt
op website Deltahotel
Langsvarende schepen volgen en update
na verblijf (aangekomen in Panama)
Idee 4
Waterkoeling als principe uitleggen - je bevindt je
onderwater als onderdeel van menu op iPad
illustraties van principe, consequentie (vissen, diepte,
la group 8
9. 鴛糸艶艶谷稼 Idee 5
Thema kamers
Realtime webcam op uitzicht
Filmbooth om eigen beeld te publiceren op
la group 9