Ofqual, the regulator of qualifications in England and Northern Ireland, is taking a new approach to regulation to ensure qualifications prepare learners for the 21st century. This includes safeguarding standards through a focus on accountability and determining what quality is sufficient, as well as promoting innovation, within the frameworks of the Qualifications Credit Framework and a single qualifications system.
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ALP Conference
1. ALP Conference 2011: Qualifications for the 21 st Century Glenys Stacey, Chief Executive, Ofqual
2. Ofqual Regulator of tests, examinations and assessments in England and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland. Makes sure that qualifications learners take are fair and fit for purpose Makes sure that qualifications help learners progress
3. Qualifications for 21 st century What is Ofqual doing? New approach to regulation Safeguarding standards QCF and single framework