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43. Abstract
Scenario Development on 3D Visual Content:
Strategic Insights and Research Implication
Chanhi Park
Professor, Chung-Ang University
Joon Ho Kim
Director, Optimum Management Research Institute
3D visual contents is expected to bring dramatic ripple effect in economy, culture
and society like the change from mono to stereo sound or black to color movie.
3D visual contents started from movies has expanded to TV, PC, smart phone
and portable game machines. Unlike movies, TV, PC, smart phone are two-sided
market with indirect network effect. Therefore various strategic issues of allinace
and competition are very important. This study intends to investigate the
evolutionary changes in the 3D visual content eco-system. Based on the literature
review, this study proposes the future scenarios of the 3D visual content
eco-system. The nature of this discontinuous change is carefully investigated
through the scenario analysis. Relying on the stratified analysis using pair-wise
comparison, this study attempts to identify the significant decision variables. The
multi-dimensional scenario analysis is expected to help the researchers and the
industry insiders draw the strategic implication. The instrumental role of the
production capabilities and experience validates the significance of the govern-
ment policy support as well as the cooperative efforts among the firms
? Key words: 3D visual contents, ecological perspective, foresight, strategy,