Great pix for your viewing pleasure
I receive several PowerPoint presentations through e-mail, so I thought I'd share them. I just post them. I didn't creat them :)
Great pix for your viewing pleasure
I receive several PowerPoint presentations through e-mail, so I thought I'd share them. I just post them. I didn't creat them :)
New York City is made up of five boroughs, the most famous being Manhattan. Manhattan was originally owned by the Algonquin Indians until it was purchased by Dutch settlers in 1626 and later captured by the British in 1664. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, millions of immigrants arrived in New York, particularly through Ellis Island, with many settling in ethnic neighborhoods in the city. Some of the most well known landmarks in New York include the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Broadway theaters, and skyscrapers like the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building. However, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini against the mythic blues of the Aegean region, drawing artistic inspiration from these islands and their gentle pace of life during his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
O documento descreve a história do Jap?o desde a religi?o confucionista até a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Inclui detalhes sobre o feudalismo japonês, os períodos históricos como Edo, Meiji e Showa, e a participa??o do Jap?o na Segunda Guerra, culminando na rendi??o após os bombardeios at?micos de Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
Oslo is the capital and most populous city of Norway. It constitutes both a county and municipality. The city dates back to the early Viking Age when it arose as a key city and trading place in the region.
The document lists the names and locations of various landmarks, buildings, and landscapes across England, including beaches, cliffs, lighthouses, castles, cathedrals, bridges, and rural villages in counties such as East Sussex, Dorset, Wiltshire, London, Cumbria, and Northumberland. Many of the places mentioned are famous historic sites, natural attractions, or iconic structures like Stonehenge, Tower Bridge, and Buckingham Palace.
La ciudad de Cusco, capital del antiguo imperio incaico, fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1983 debido a su importancia arquitectónica y cultural como centro del Tahuantinsuyo.
Este documento resume los principales eventos históricos mundiales ocurridos entre 1960 y 2010, incluyendo el surgimiento de movimientos sociales, artistas musicales influyentes y acontecimientos políticos, científicos, deportivos y culturales de gran repercusión como la carrera espacial, la crisis de los misiles en Cuba, el asesinato de Kennedy, la caída del muro de Berlín y los atentados del 11 de septiembre.
La Antártida es el continente más al sur de la Tierra, ubicado casi completamente bajo el Círculo Antártico y rodeado por el océano Antártico. El 98% de la Antártida está cubierta por hielo de hasta 1,6 kilómetros de espesor, y sólo sobreviven plantas y animales adaptados al frío extremo, como pingüinos y focas. No hay residentes humanos permanentes, pero entre 1000 y 5000 personas habitan temporalmente en las estaciones de investigación antárticas.
El restaurante Botín, ubicado en Madrid, fue fundado en 1725 como una posada por un cocinero francés llamado Jean Botín y su esposa asturiana. Con más de 300 a?os de antigüedad, Botín figura en el Libro Guinness de los Records como el restaurante en actividad más antiguo del mundo. A lo largo de los siglos, el restaurante se ha mantenido abierto en el mismo edificio histórico y ha albergado a famosos como Goya, Galdós y Hemingway.