The document recognizes various real estate professionals for their achievements in 2011. It names Desiree Riddell as Affiliate of the Year, Brandon Bidwell as Young Professional of the Year, Lloyd Smith as Rookie of the Year, Carl Nelson as receiving the Distinguished Service Award, and Chris Hardy from Coldwell Banker as 檎掘粥晦意或檎速 of the Year. It also lists the finalists and nominees for these different awards.
8. 10 Years
Kendra Adams Joyce Marks
Adana Barbieri Scott McIntosh
Sarah Bennett Jeanette Meyer
Sheila A. Benshoof Janet Musil
Kelly Leigh Day Michael Nicholson
Joanne DeLeon Anne Pielstick
Roger P Dittus Patrick Russell
.Sean M. Dougherty Adrienne Scharli
Christopher Doyle Diane Sherry
W. Hunter Fitts William Sutton
Patricia Hardy Eric L Thompson
Tracy Heckert-Cookman Michelle
Heckert- Derrick A. Van Der Sluys
Hill Mitch Weiner
David G. Johnson Amy Wolff
Richard Johnson James Woodrum
9. 25 Years
Dennis Acott Duke Schaeffer
Timothy Hammond Janice Thayer
Terry Hassett Susan Warren
Mary Humpal Shirley Watson
Scott Mullen Margo Wiebelhaus
Patricia Olian
10. Rookie of the Year
Presented by Louise Creager
2010 RKOTY
11. Rookie of the Year
Kevin Anstett
Fin ists
Daniel Crisafulli
Allison Klein
Kenny Layton
Lloyd Smith
Bonnie Tilford