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Healthcare facility in
Italy reduces energy use
by around 10 per cent,                                                     ?? Data?consolidation?and?management
                                                                           ?? Green?efficiency

enabling mobile healthcare                                                 ?? Mobility
                                                                           ?? Virtualization

                                                                            ¡°Staff will be able to use
                                                                             the Dell Latitude laptops
                                                                             to work from patients¡¯
                                                                             bedsides. They will
                                                                             assess treatments more
                                                                             effectively by having
                                                                             instant access to patient
                                                                             information during
                                                                             Francesco Camisa, Deputy General
                                                                             Managing Director, Policlinico San Marco

 Company:         Policlinico San Marco
 Industry:        Healthcare
 Country:         Italy
 Founded:         1957                                                        Benefits
 Employees:       200                                                      ?? ? torage?productivity?increases?by?
 Website:         www.policlinicosanmarco.it                                  approximately?50?per?cent?with?
                                                                           ?? ? T?consolidates?server?environment?by?
 Policlinico San Marco wanted to increase healthcare efficiency and roll
 out new clients at Campolongo Hospital to enable mobile access to         ?? ? nergy?use?lowered?by?around?10?per?
 patient data.                                                                cent?with?blade?servers
                                                                           ?? ? anagement?simplified?as?server?
 Solution                                                                     cabling?is?reduced?by?approximately?
 The organisation deployed virtualized Dell? blade servers with Intel?        60?per?cent
 Xeon? processors and Dell EqualLogic storage. It also rolled out with
                                                                           ?? ? atients?gain?better?services?due?
 Dell OptiPlex? and Dell Latitude? clients to deliver more efficient,
 mobile patient care.                                                         to?high-performance?desktops?
Policlinico San Marco, headquartered in Veneto
                                   in northern Italy, runs healthcare and outpatient
                                   facilities that provide a wide range of medical
                                   care. Services ¨C covering diagnosis, treatment and
                                   rehabilitation ¨C are delivered by specialist healthcare
                                   workers, who are experts in their respective fields.
                                   The organisation operates in a highly competitive
                                   industry, where the cost of patient services is
                                   carefully controlled by the Italian government.

                                   The firm¡¯s strategy is to provide         we have direct contact so that any
                                   better patient services through IT,       questions are quickly answered and
                                   using solutions to digitise patient       deployments stay on schedule,¡± he
                                   information and enable mobile             says.
                                   healthcare. As part of a company-
¡°With Dell PowerEdge               wide programme, it wanted to              Design?phase?is?simplified?thanks?
 blade servers, we                 virtualize storage and increase server    to?enhanced?collaboration
                                   capacity at its Campolongo Hospital       Camisa discussed his plans at one of his
 consolidated our                  in Eboli, southern Italy. The existing    regular meetings with his Dell account
 environment by                    rack servers ¨C which were virtualized     manager. ¡°It wasn¡¯t long before we had
                                   using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization   a comprehensive design for the new
 around 30 per cent.               software ¨C couldn¡¯t support               infrastructure,¡± says Camisa. ¡°Our IT
 And, by choosing                  continued data growth. Plus, its fibre-   team prepared a list of solutions and
                                   channel based storage area network
 power-efficient servers,          (SAN) was becoming more time-
 we have reduced                   consuming and complex to manage.
                                   The organisation also wanted to roll
 energy use by around              out new desktops and laptops to give
                                                                               Technology in practice
 10 per cent.¡±                     healthcare workers easier access             Services
                                   to patient information. Francesco
Francesco Camisa, Deputy General                                                Dell Support Services
                                   Camisa, Deputy General Managing              ¨C Dell ProSupport
Managing Director, Policlinico
San Marco                          Director at Policlinico San Marco,
                                                                                  ¨C Mission Critical
                                   says: ¡°In line with our strategy for
                                                                                  ¨C Next Business Day Onsite
                                   better patient services, we planned to
                                   enhance IT at Campolongo Hospital.
                                   We wanted to become more efficient           Hardware
                                   and improve healthcare.¡±                     Dell? PowerEdge? M610 blade
                                                                                servers with Intel? Xeon?
                                   Customer?gains?tried-and-tested?             processors 5530
                                                                                Dell PowerEdge M1000e modular
                                   Policlinico San Marco spoke to
                                                                                blade enclosure
                                   Dell about increasing datacentre
                                   efficiency, as well as deploying             Dell EqualLogic PS6000E storage
                                   desktop and laptop solutions at the          area network
                                   hospital. ¡°We have a long-standing           Dell Latitude? E6400 laptops
                                   relationship with Dell, which helped         featuring Intel? Core? i5-560
                                   us successfully virtualize solutions at      processors
                                   our other locations,¡± says Camisa. The
                                                                                Dell OptiPlex? 980 desktops with
                                   Deputy General Managing Director
                                                                                Intel Core i5-650 processors
                                   appreciates the direct relationship
                                   that the organisation has with the IT
                                   solutions provider. ¡°Intermediaries
                                   simply add a layer of complexity to
                                   projects, causing delays. With Dell,
presented it to Dell.¡± Next, a team of        According to the IT team¡¯s estimates,
Dell technicians reviewed the proposed        the storage solution will meet the
list and confirmed the solution ? which       healthcare facility¡¯s requirements
included storage, servers, desktops and       for the next few years. However,
laptops ? would be fit for purpose. ¡°I had    when the organisation needs more
                                                                                       ¡°In line with our strategy
complete confidence in our solution           capacity, it can simply add another       for better patient
because it was based on the expertise of      Dell EqualLogic SAN to the solution.
our IT team and had the backing of Dell¡¯s     Camisa says: ¡°Because of the Dell
                                                                                        services, we planned
consultants,¡± says Camisa.                    EqualLogic modular design, we             to enhance IT at
                                              have gained highly scalable storage,
Storage?productivity?increases?               promoting healthcare efficiency.¡± The
                                                                                        Campolongo Hospital.
by?around?50?per?cent?with?                   team also uses its Dell EqualLogic SAN    We wanted to become
virtualized?solution                          for data snapshots as part of its
From this point, things moved quickly.        overall backing up process.
                                                                                        more efficient and
Dell delivered a Dell EqualLogic             ¡°Our Dell EqualLogic storage is            improve healthcare.¡±
PS6000E storage area network to the           more cost effective than other
                                                                                       Francesco Camisa, Deputy General
Campolongo Hospital site, and the in-         SAN solutions. The built-in storage
                                                                                       Managing Director, Policlinico
house IT team got ready to replace the        features enable snapshots straight       San Marco
existing SAN with the Dell EqualLogic         out of the box,¡± he says.
solution. Camisa says: ¡°In a hospital
environment where access to patient          Energy?consumption?lowered?
data is vital, we couldn¡¯t afford delays     by?around?10?per?cent?with?
or downtime. That¡¯s why the simplicity       blade?servers
of the Dell EqualLogic SAN was so             Next, the IT team consolidated the
important ¨C it meant we could deploy          server environment ¨C ensuring
the solution quickly.¡± The team was           lower energy consumption and
able to virtualize storage immediately        greater capacity ¨C by replacing its
using the device¡¯s built-in virtualization    virtualized rack servers with five
features.                                     virtualized Dell? PowerEdge? M610
                                              blade servers, featuring Intel? Xeon?
Camisa adds: ¡°The great advantage
                                              processors 5530. The blade servers
of the Dell EqualLogic SAN is its
                                              are also running Red Hat Enterprise
simplicity. We had our array up and
                                              Virtualization software. ¡°With Dell
running in minutes.¡±
                                              PowerEdge blade servers, we
 IT personnel can now dynamically             consolidated our environment by
 scale virtual pools of storage to            around 30 per cent,¡± says Camisa.
 meet constant increases in demand.          ¡°And, by choosing power-efficient
¡°The Dell EqualLogic virtualized              servers, we have reduced energy use
 storage solution has improved                by around 10 per cent.¡±
 our productivity by around 80 per
                                             The IT infrastructure at Campolongo
 cent,¡± comments Camisa. ¡°This
                                             Hospital can continue to support
 compensates for our increasing
                                             expansion due to the blade servers¡¯
 workloads, and allows the business to
                                             increased capacity. There are
 grow without expanding the IT team.¡±
                                             around 20 virtual machines running
                                             on the blade servers, delivering
multiple open-source applications,                          offices, taking advantage of the good                    life ¨C so they can move around the
including the picture archiving and                         performance and small design. ¡°Space                     hospital treating patients throughout
communications system (PACS). ¡°We                           is at a premium at the hospital,¡± says                   their shifts.¡± In addition, the Dell
are using just 20 per cent of the Dell                      Camisa. ¡°We chose Dell OptiPlex                          Control Point Connection Manager
blade servers¡¯ power, so we have                            980 desktops with Intel Core i5-650                      enables fast and easy connectivity.
plenty of capacity for new services to                      processors because they deliver high                    ¡°Employees can focus on their work
deliver better healthcare,¡± says Camisa.                    performance and energy efficiency                        instead of worrying about accessing
                                                            from a relatively small footprint.¡±                      the network,¡± adds Camisa.
Simplified?management?and?                                  Furthermore, the desktops make very
server?cabling?is?reduced?by?                               little noise, so they¡¯re ideal for shared               Smoother?maintenance?processes?
around?60?per?cent                                          work environments. Camisa adds:                         thanks?to?expert?support
The healthcare facility can easily                         ¡°The processing performance of the                        Apart from the performance of Dell
 scale the server environment owing                         Dell OptiPlex desktop also ensures                       solutions, Policlinico selects Dell
 to the design of its Dell PowerEdge                        that personnel can quickly access                        because of the Support services. The
 M1000e modular blade enclosure.                            patient data and see scans and images                    organisation chose Dell ProSupport
The enclosure can host up to 16 Dell                        in detail, helping improve treatment.¡±                   Mission Critical with four-hour onsite
 PowerEdge M610 blade servers with                                                                                   support for its virtualized solution and
 Intel Xeon processors 5530, giving the                     Mobile?laptops?deliver?instant?                          Next Business Day Onsite Service for
 hospital space for 11 more machines.                       access?to?patient?information?                           its desktops and laptops. Camisa says:
¡°We can scale this environment                              during?examinations                                     ¡°One of the reasons for standardising
 incredibly quickly,¡± says Camisa. ¡°We                      The deployment of Dell Latitude?                         on Dell was Dell ProSupport. It¡¯s a
 have decreased deployment time                             E6400 laptops featuring Intel? Core?                     good service with which to work ¨C
 from hours to minutes with our Dell                        i5-560 processors is going to have                       responsive, reliable and staffed by
 blade servers.¡±                                            a major impact on service delivery.                      experts.¡± Policlinico San Marco¡¯s IT
                                                            Around 30 members of staff will                          personnel can rely on the next-day
According to Camisa, IT personnel
                                                            receive Dell laptops, but this number                    support from Dell and often speak
have also reduced cabling by
                                                            will increase once the healthcare                        to its technicians before completing
adopting a blade server solution. With
                                                            facility has finished installing its Wi-Fi               important maintenance operations.
less cabling, there are fewer failure
                                                            network. ¡°Staff will be able to use the                 ¡°We turned to Dell ProSupport when
points and resolving issues is much
                                                            Dell Latitude laptops to work from                       we upgraded the firmware on our Dell
quicker. He says: ¡°Our Dell PowerEdge
                                                            patients¡¯ bedsides. They will assess                     EqualLogic SAN. There seemed to be
M1000e modular blade enclosure
                                                            treatments more effectively by having                    a problem and we needed assistance,¡±
has simplified server management
                                                            instant access to patient information                    says Camisa. ¡°With the help of Dell
because it has reduced cabling by
                                                            during examinations,¡± says Camisa.                       ProSupport, we clarified the upgrade
approximately 60 per cent.¡±
                                                                                                                     process and completed the operation
                                                            Mobile?healthcare?through?                               without any loss of data. This
                                                            extended?battery?life?and?                               highlighted the value of the service.¡±
                                                            Connectivity and battery life are two
With Dell desktops and laptops,
                                                            of the most outstanding features on
hospital personnel can deliver                                                                                        For more information go to:
                                                            the Dell Latitude laptops. Camisa says:
more effective healthcare services                                                                                    dell.com/casestudies/emea
                                                           ¡°With our Dell Latitude E6400 laptops
to patients. Many are using Dell
                                                            featuring Intel Core i5-560 processors,
OptiPlex? 980 desktops with Intel?
                                                            healthcare personnel get great battery
Core? i5-650 processors in their

View all Dell case studies at dell.com/casestudies
Availability and terms of Dell Services vary by region. For more information, visit: dell.com/servicedescriptions
? June 2011, Dell Inc. Dell is a trademark of Dell Inc. Intel and Intel Xeon are registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. This case study is for informational
Reference number: 10007794

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2011 Policlinico 10007794

  • 1. Healthcare facility in Italy reduces energy use by around 10 per cent, ?? Data?consolidation?and?management ?? Green?efficiency enabling mobile healthcare ?? Mobility ?? Virtualization ¡°Staff will be able to use the Dell Latitude laptops to work from patients¡¯ bedsides. They will assess treatments more effectively by having instant access to patient information during examinations.¡± Francesco Camisa, Deputy General Managing Director, Policlinico San Marco Customer?profile Company: Policlinico San Marco Industry: Healthcare Country: Italy Founded: 1957 Benefits Employees: 200 ?? ? torage?productivity?increases?by? S Website: www.policlinicosanmarco.it approximately?50?per?cent?with? virtualization ?? ? T?consolidates?server?environment?by? I Business?need around?30?per?cent Policlinico San Marco wanted to increase healthcare efficiency and roll out new clients at Campolongo Hospital to enable mobile access to ?? ? nergy?use?lowered?by?around?10?per? E patient data. cent?with?blade?servers ?? ? anagement?simplified?as?server? M Solution cabling?is?reduced?by?approximately? The organisation deployed virtualized Dell? blade servers with Intel? 60?per?cent Xeon? processors and Dell EqualLogic storage. It also rolled out with ?? ? atients?gain?better?services?due? P Dell OptiPlex? and Dell Latitude? clients to deliver more efficient, mobile patient care. to?high-performance?desktops? and?laptops
  • 2. Policlinico San Marco, headquartered in Veneto in northern Italy, runs healthcare and outpatient facilities that provide a wide range of medical care. Services ¨C covering diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation ¨C are delivered by specialist healthcare workers, who are experts in their respective fields. The organisation operates in a highly competitive industry, where the cost of patient services is carefully controlled by the Italian government. The firm¡¯s strategy is to provide we have direct contact so that any better patient services through IT, questions are quickly answered and using solutions to digitise patient deployments stay on schedule,¡± he information and enable mobile says. healthcare. As part of a company- ¡°With Dell PowerEdge wide programme, it wanted to Design?phase?is?simplified?thanks? blade servers, we virtualize storage and increase server to?enhanced?collaboration capacity at its Campolongo Hospital Camisa discussed his plans at one of his consolidated our in Eboli, southern Italy. The existing regular meetings with his Dell account environment by rack servers ¨C which were virtualized manager. ¡°It wasn¡¯t long before we had using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization a comprehensive design for the new around 30 per cent. software ¨C couldn¡¯t support infrastructure,¡± says Camisa. ¡°Our IT And, by choosing continued data growth. Plus, its fibre- team prepared a list of solutions and channel based storage area network power-efficient servers, (SAN) was becoming more time- we have reduced consuming and complex to manage. The organisation also wanted to roll energy use by around out new desktops and laptops to give Technology in practice 10 per cent.¡± healthcare workers easier access Services to patient information. Francesco Francesco Camisa, Deputy General Dell Support Services Camisa, Deputy General Managing ¨C Dell ProSupport Managing Director, Policlinico San Marco Director at Policlinico San Marco, ¨C Mission Critical says: ¡°In line with our strategy for ¨C Next Business Day Onsite better patient services, we planned to Service enhance IT at Campolongo Hospital. We wanted to become more efficient Hardware and improve healthcare.¡± Dell? PowerEdge? M610 blade servers with Intel? Xeon? Customer?gains?tried-and-tested? processors 5530 virtualized?solutions Dell PowerEdge M1000e modular Policlinico San Marco spoke to blade enclosure Dell about increasing datacentre efficiency, as well as deploying Dell EqualLogic PS6000E storage desktop and laptop solutions at the area network hospital. ¡°We have a long-standing Dell Latitude? E6400 laptops relationship with Dell, which helped featuring Intel? Core? i5-560 us successfully virtualize solutions at processors our other locations,¡± says Camisa. The Dell OptiPlex? 980 desktops with Deputy General Managing Director Intel Core i5-650 processors appreciates the direct relationship that the organisation has with the IT solutions provider. ¡°Intermediaries simply add a layer of complexity to projects, causing delays. With Dell,
  • 3. presented it to Dell.¡± Next, a team of According to the IT team¡¯s estimates, Dell technicians reviewed the proposed the storage solution will meet the list and confirmed the solution ? which healthcare facility¡¯s requirements included storage, servers, desktops and for the next few years. However, laptops ? would be fit for purpose. ¡°I had when the organisation needs more ¡°In line with our strategy complete confidence in our solution capacity, it can simply add another for better patient because it was based on the expertise of Dell EqualLogic SAN to the solution. our IT team and had the backing of Dell¡¯s Camisa says: ¡°Because of the Dell services, we planned consultants,¡± says Camisa. EqualLogic modular design, we to enhance IT at have gained highly scalable storage, Storage?productivity?increases? promoting healthcare efficiency.¡± The Campolongo Hospital. by?around?50?per?cent?with? team also uses its Dell EqualLogic SAN We wanted to become virtualized?solution for data snapshots as part of its From this point, things moved quickly. overall backing up process. more efficient and Dell delivered a Dell EqualLogic ¡°Our Dell EqualLogic storage is improve healthcare.¡± PS6000E storage area network to the more cost effective than other Francesco Camisa, Deputy General Campolongo Hospital site, and the in- SAN solutions. The built-in storage Managing Director, Policlinico house IT team got ready to replace the features enable snapshots straight San Marco existing SAN with the Dell EqualLogic out of the box,¡± he says. solution. Camisa says: ¡°In a hospital environment where access to patient Energy?consumption?lowered? data is vital, we couldn¡¯t afford delays by?around?10?per?cent?with? or downtime. That¡¯s why the simplicity blade?servers of the Dell EqualLogic SAN was so Next, the IT team consolidated the important ¨C it meant we could deploy server environment ¨C ensuring the solution quickly.¡± The team was lower energy consumption and able to virtualize storage immediately greater capacity ¨C by replacing its using the device¡¯s built-in virtualization virtualized rack servers with five features. virtualized Dell? PowerEdge? M610 blade servers, featuring Intel? Xeon? Camisa adds: ¡°The great advantage processors 5530. The blade servers of the Dell EqualLogic SAN is its are also running Red Hat Enterprise simplicity. We had our array up and Virtualization software. ¡°With Dell running in minutes.¡± PowerEdge blade servers, we IT personnel can now dynamically consolidated our environment by scale virtual pools of storage to around 30 per cent,¡± says Camisa. meet constant increases in demand. ¡°And, by choosing power-efficient ¡°The Dell EqualLogic virtualized servers, we have reduced energy use storage solution has improved by around 10 per cent.¡± our productivity by around 80 per The IT infrastructure at Campolongo cent,¡± comments Camisa. ¡°This Hospital can continue to support compensates for our increasing expansion due to the blade servers¡¯ workloads, and allows the business to increased capacity. There are grow without expanding the IT team.¡± around 20 virtual machines running on the blade servers, delivering
  • 4. multiple open-source applications, offices, taking advantage of the good life ¨C so they can move around the including the picture archiving and performance and small design. ¡°Space hospital treating patients throughout communications system (PACS). ¡°We is at a premium at the hospital,¡± says their shifts.¡± In addition, the Dell are using just 20 per cent of the Dell Camisa. ¡°We chose Dell OptiPlex Control Point Connection Manager blade servers¡¯ power, so we have 980 desktops with Intel Core i5-650 enables fast and easy connectivity. plenty of capacity for new services to processors because they deliver high ¡°Employees can focus on their work deliver better healthcare,¡± says Camisa. performance and energy efficiency instead of worrying about accessing from a relatively small footprint.¡± the network,¡± adds Camisa. Simplified?management?and? Furthermore, the desktops make very server?cabling?is?reduced?by? little noise, so they¡¯re ideal for shared Smoother?maintenance?processes? around?60?per?cent work environments. Camisa adds: thanks?to?expert?support The healthcare facility can easily ¡°The processing performance of the Apart from the performance of Dell scale the server environment owing Dell OptiPlex desktop also ensures solutions, Policlinico selects Dell to the design of its Dell PowerEdge that personnel can quickly access because of the Support services. The M1000e modular blade enclosure. patient data and see scans and images organisation chose Dell ProSupport The enclosure can host up to 16 Dell in detail, helping improve treatment.¡± Mission Critical with four-hour onsite PowerEdge M610 blade servers with support for its virtualized solution and Intel Xeon processors 5530, giving the Mobile?laptops?deliver?instant? Next Business Day Onsite Service for hospital space for 11 more machines. access?to?patient?information? its desktops and laptops. Camisa says: ¡°We can scale this environment during?examinations ¡°One of the reasons for standardising incredibly quickly,¡± says Camisa. ¡°We The deployment of Dell Latitude? on Dell was Dell ProSupport. It¡¯s a have decreased deployment time E6400 laptops featuring Intel? Core? good service with which to work ¨C from hours to minutes with our Dell i5-560 processors is going to have responsive, reliable and staffed by blade servers.¡± a major impact on service delivery. experts.¡± Policlinico San Marco¡¯s IT Around 30 members of staff will personnel can rely on the next-day According to Camisa, IT personnel receive Dell laptops, but this number support from Dell and often speak have also reduced cabling by will increase once the healthcare to its technicians before completing adopting a blade server solution. With facility has finished installing its Wi-Fi important maintenance operations. less cabling, there are fewer failure network. ¡°Staff will be able to use the ¡°We turned to Dell ProSupport when points and resolving issues is much Dell Latitude laptops to work from we upgraded the firmware on our Dell quicker. He says: ¡°Our Dell PowerEdge patients¡¯ bedsides. They will assess EqualLogic SAN. There seemed to be M1000e modular blade enclosure treatments more effectively by having a problem and we needed assistance,¡± has simplified server management instant access to patient information says Camisa. ¡°With the help of Dell because it has reduced cabling by during examinations,¡± says Camisa. ProSupport, we clarified the upgrade approximately 60 per cent.¡± process and completed the operation Mobile?healthcare?through? without any loss of data. This Improved?patient?services? extended?battery?life?and? highlighted the value of the service.¡± with?high-performance? simple?connectivity desktops?and?laptops Connectivity and battery life are two With Dell desktops and laptops, of the most outstanding features on hospital personnel can deliver For more information go to: the Dell Latitude laptops. Camisa says: more effective healthcare services dell.com/casestudies/emea ¡°With our Dell Latitude E6400 laptops to patients. Many are using Dell featuring Intel Core i5-560 processors, OptiPlex? 980 desktops with Intel? healthcare personnel get great battery Core? i5-650 processors in their View all Dell case studies at dell.com/casestudies Availability and terms of Dell Services vary by region. For more information, visit: dell.com/servicedescriptions ? June 2011, Dell Inc. Dell is a trademark of Dell Inc. Intel and Intel Xeon are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. This case study is for informational purposes only. DELL MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS CASE STUDY. Reference number: 10007794