This document outlines a social marketing campaign to stop school violence in Vietnam. The campaign aims to raise awareness among students aged 11-18 that they could be the next victims of school violence if they do not take action. It uses ambient advertising and PR articles to initially get students' attention. An integrated media campaign then encourages students to get involved through a website, celebrity endorsements, TV/print ads, and a musical event. The goal is to turn student interest into a united effort through interactive activities to stop school violence.
3. Background
Current situation
Violence in schools is becoming a common occurrence in
Vietnam, resulting in mental and physical damages for its
victims in long term.
The current countermeasure is expelling these gangs from
school, which is not effective since they can always come
back to bully their old fellow students; and which can push
them to criminal life, where there is no education and
The common reaction of people is just keeping silent and stay
away from school violence, which accidentally encourages its
Campaign objective
Alert people from the fact and incorporate these individuals into
an integrated strength to stop the violence.
4. Target audience (TA)
Target segmentation Why we chose this segment?
School students, M&F, aging from 11 They are directly suffering from the
to 18 years old, studying in issue.
secondary and high schools in 4
key cities: Hanoi, HCM, Da Nang, They are the only one that can create
Can Tho. the momentum for the change.
They are internet savvy, new trend They are receptive to new things
followers, easily being influenced and receiving a big concern from
by their celebrities, and self- the society.
5. Insight and Idea
Insight Big ambient campaign to create word of mouth,
followed by an integrated media campaign.
I dont want to get into trouble.
Its someone elses mess!
Key communication visual
Broken school stuffs left unintentionally, which
Campaign idea immediately associates with a remnant from a
Hit TA by the fact that, the next school violence case, intriguing the viewer with a
school violence victim can story behind it.
be themselves if they dont
act on it. The stuffs selected should be typical and will be
used consistently as campaign icons. The
suggestion is:
- Cell phone
- School bag
- Short-sighted glasses
Key communication message
The next victim might be you.
Stop school violence!
6. Integrated Media
Ambient Print
PR Target
articles audience
Event Radio
Channel selection:
Digital: campaign website
TVC: Yan, Yeah1
Celebrity Digital
endorse Press (PR Article and Print Ad):
ment HHT, VTM magazines
Online PR article : zing, kenh14
Radio: Xonefm
Social network: Y!M
8. Teaser | Drawing Attention
School violence issue is shown in a manner that TA cannot ignore.
Copy on notice
Log onto this website
to prevent it
Ambient Ad appearing in selected secondary and high schools in 4 key cities at the same day (5
Sep - new school year opening day in Vietnam).
Basically, the campaign icons will be displayed in big size objects at the school site to bring in the
association with school violence, which creates a stopping power & newsworthy factor.
9. Launch| Raising Interest
Touch their heart by serious fact, THE NEXT VICTIM MIGHT BE YOU, by:
Make them aware that it is THEIR PROBLEM
Show them HOW TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM by joining further STOP
SCHOOL VIOLENCE activities to create a united power to fight it.
Media vehicles:
Website : update TA on the fact and campaign
progress, and get them involved by interactive functions on the website.
TAs celebrities endorsement: Selecting 3 Vietnamese popular teenage stars who
are key influencers among the TA. They will be the ambassadors for the entire
TVC/ Print Ad/ Radio Ad will communicate the key message: The next victim might
be you.
10. Post launch| Turn into Desire
Turn into Desire: STOP SCHOOL VIOLENCE through engaging activities and event
Iconic wave: Musical Event with branded content
During launching period, encourage
TA to replace their Yahoo! messenger
avatar with the campaigns logo.
Execution: Create a Y!M account for
the campaign, TA will be encouraged
to add this account to their friend list To announce establishing hotline number
and display the campaigns logo . 1000 24/7 of local school guards incorporated
first add will get the free tickets for with local police. This event also marks the
the Musical Event held in the 4 cities. opening of Stop School Violence (SSV) Fund
with the initial budget from the Vietnam
STOP Parent Teachers Association. SSV Fund
welcomes the donation from other
sponsors to establish platform for future
Y! avatar Campaign logo action.
11. Budget allocation & timeline
Teaser Launch Post launch
Timeline 5 Sep - 30 Sep. 2011 1 Oct 30 Nov. 2011 1 Dec 29 Feb. 2012
Communication 80% awareness 60% interest 40% intention
Media objective Reach 90% at the level of Reach 70% at the level of efficient Reach 50 % at the level of
efficient frequency 1+ frequency 3+ efficient frequency 3+
Activities Drawing attention Raising interest Turn into desire through
Ambient Ad 3 versions of TVC, Print, Radio Ad engaging activities and event
PR articles spreading the in turn on air in 3 weeks. (1 Iconic wave
strange phenomenon in well- version/week) Event
known TA paper and online Website officially launched
magazines days after . Celebrities endorsement
Budget (*) USD 200,000 USD 1,000,000 USD 800,000
Media vehicles Ambient: 70% budget Website: 1% budget Website: 0.5% (continue from
PR article: 30% budget Print: 20% budget the last phase)
TVC: 74% budget PR article:2.5 % budget
Radio: 1% budget Celebrity: 2% budget
PR article: 2.5% budget Event: 95 %budget
Celebrity: 1.5% budget SSV Fund Foundation:12.5%
(*) including all cost related. Eg: agency fee, creative, production, media booking
12. Campaign summary
Stop school violence!
The problem: School violence in
Vietnam is increasing while there is no
serious action against it was taken.
Our solution: Hit TA by the fact that, the
next school violence victim can be
themselves if they dont act on it.
Creative execution: We make a big
ambient campaign to create word of
mouth, followed by an integrated SOMEDAY, IT MIGHT BE YOURS
media campaign aiming at the Log onto this website to prevent it
teenagers who are directly suffering
from the issue. Media vehicles
The whole campaign lasts in 6 months.
New school year opening is chosen to Magazines
be the ambience launch day, since this
is the time the TA is most receptive to
Social network