The document provides notices for an Anglican church parish. It announces upcoming events like a spring fete, luncheon, and excursion. It also includes notices about key audits, ordering Christmas cards, and weekly service times. Parishioners are asked to volunteer and donate items for events. The document aims to inform the congregation about community activities and gatherings.
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Parish Bulletin for 28th August 2011
Sunday 28th August 2011
11th Sunday after Pentecost
We welcome any visitors who have joined us for worship today,
and invite you to stay for refreshments after the service.
Parish Notices: St John’s Spring Fete: Sat 17th Sept 8am - 1pm.
Donations of garage sale items; eg. books, plants, kids
Springfield Luncheon Club: Thurs 1 st
clothing etc, gratefully accepted up to this day.
September 12noon at 57 Springfield Rd, Springfield. Enq to Bob 43255695 or Margaret 43401785.
Pam Browne will join us to help finalise this year’s
Christmas Shoe Boxes for Overseas needy children. Food, Fun, Families, Friends
Enquiries to Ruth 43244368 Let’s Celebrate Spring & Farewell Winter with a
Family and Friends Lunch…
Sunday 18th September 11am in St Mary’s
Library Group: Monday 5th Sept 11am in BYO plate to share and drinks.
C/Church. ‘Bush Tucker demonstration & tasting.’ It’s been a while since our last successful Parish
get-together so pencil this date in your diaries.
Activities for the kids including a Wii challenge.
AW Spring Celebration: Frid 9th Sept at This is an open invitation so all are welcome.
St James Anglican Church Wyong. Look forward to seeing you there.
10am morning tea - 10.30am Eucharist.
Speaker: Michael Hanna from Lakes Anglican Key Audit: Attention all Key Holders
Grammar School. Unfortunately, we do not have a bus Please call Shirley in the church office to confirm the
driver on this occasion, therefore the Parish bus will keys you have on hand by Mon 29th August.
not run. Drivers are needed to arrange car-pooling if
possible. Please call the office and specify if you are MU Xmas Cards & Diaries: If you ordered
able to drive on the day or if you would like to be a Mothers' Union Xmas cards & Diaries, it is now time to
passenger. Please bring your pink money-boxes to pay and collect your order from Elizabeth 43231476.
Alex in the Parish office or leave them in the offertory
plate in church by no later than Mon 5th Sept. Parish Contact Details:
Office Hours: 9am to 3pm (Mon – Fri)
Ph: 43232312 Fax: 43222149 PO Box 4255, E/Gosford 2250
Fish n’ Ships Excursion
Email: Web:
Thursday 15th September – meet at Christ Church
car park to board Parish Bus at 7.30am. Rector: Fr Rod Bower (0419 016453)
Cost: $28 per person for the tour and travel Vicar: Fr Richard Loh (0438 148111 or email
(lunch is at your expense)
A unique experience visiting the Sydney Heritage Office Manager: Alex Nouragas
Fleet, plus a cruise on the harbour and a stop off for Children’s Ministry: Julie Reynolds is available Monday’s
lunch at the Sydney Fish Markets. (9:30am to 11am) Wednesday’s (9am - 12noon), & Sunday’s for
Bookings essential by Wed 31st August. Parish Ministry. Contact Julie on email;
Numbers are limited with a maximum of 22.
To book, please call Peter Cane 43654350.
Weekly Service Times:
Christ Church:
Saturday - 6pm Vigil Eucharist
Sunday - 8am Traditional Eucharist
Diocesan Convention - ‘Focusing on the - 10am Family Eucharist with Children’s Program
Scriptures’ Sat 17th Sept 10am – 3.30pm at St John’s:
Newcastle University. Cost: FREE incl lunch & Friday - 5pm Youth Service
refreshments. RSVP: by Monday 12th September. Sunday - 10am Eucharist
Please call the office & place your name on the list. Mangrove Mtn:
(see noticeboards for further details) Sunday - 8am Eucharist
Readings for Next Week Year A – 4 September (12th Sunday after Pentecost)
Romans 13:1-10 Psalm 149 Matthew 18:10-20