Autonomous Vehicle impact on insurance: presentation made in Beijing in May 2017. The slides analyse the key trends affecting the insurance market from Telematics, to ADAS and Automation. A quantitative forecast of the adoption and volumes of automation by level is also included.
The document describes Chrome's release cycle, which aims for predictable, regular releases by adopting an overlapping development model. Key aspects include releasing every 6 weeks on 3 channels, addressing all work on a central trunk before branching for stabilization, and controlling scope by disabling unfinished features at branch points. This approach improved flow by making releases less draining and more predictable compared to long-lived branches and unpredictable cycles under the previous model.
The document describes Chrome's release cycle, which aims for predictable, regular releases by adopting an overlapping development model. Key aspects include releasing every 6 weeks on 3 channels, addressing all work on a central trunk before branching for stabilization, and controlling scope by disabling unfinished features at branch points. This approach improved flow by making releases less draining and more predictable compared to long-lived branches and unpredictable cycles under the previous model.
Este documento describe cuatro principios fundamentales de enfermería: 1) respetar la individualidad de las personas, 2) satisfacer las necesidades fisiológicas, 3) proteger al paciente de agentes externos que causan enfermedades, y 4) contribuir a la restitución pronta de la salud para que el paciente pueda reincorporarse a la sociedad. Los principios guían la práctica de enfermería a través de la investigación científica y conocimientos de diversas ciencias para identificar problemas y tomar decisiones que resuelvan dich