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Vēja ģeneratori
1. Vēja ģenerātoru kāta un pamata konstrukciju aprēķini RTU BF Civilo ēku būvniecības katedras vadītājs, docents, Dr.sc.ing. Kaspars Bondars
2. Vēja ģenerātoru attīstība Attīstība – proporcionāla kompetences līmenim, spējai radīt racionālas un ekonomiskas balsta konstrukcijas
3. Vēja ģenerātoru aprēķinu attīstība Analīzes attīstība – no analītiskiem pieņēmumiem līdz pilna mēroga testiem un rezultātu apstrādi Normatīvi / standarti: Pamatnostādnes: ISO 2394:1998, General principles on reliability for structures. EN 1990 Eirokodekss 0. Konstrukciju projektēšanas pamatprincipi. Slodzes: DS DS 472 E: External conditions in Denmark for the design of wind turbines . DS 410 (1998), Norm for last på konstruktioner, Dansk Standard. EN 1991-1-4 Eirokodekss 1. Iedarbes uz konstrukcijām, 1- 4 daļa, Vispārīgās iedarbes. Vēja iedarbes. ASCE 7 Wind load. American Society of Civil Engineers . Projektēšanas normatīvi: IEC 61400-1 Wind turbines – Part 1: Design requirements .
5. Vēja ģenerātoru aprēķinu attīstība Analīzes attīstība – no statiskiem līdz dinamiskiem modeļiem Aprēķina pieņēmumi, rotora pretestībai: DS 410 (1982. gads) T d = ½* ρ *v 2 *A t *c r * γ f = =½*1.28*25 2 *(12.5 2 *3.14)*1.3*1.3= =332kN EN 1990; EN 1991-1-4 (2005. gads) = ... = 55kN+30% (no dinamikas)= = ~71.5kN+drošības faktori = ~107kN Vienlāršots pieņēmums (2011. gads) T d = q w *A netto *k z = = 0.48*(3*9)*1.55= =20.1kN*1.5(drošības koeficients)= =30.2kN
6. Vēja ģenerātoru aprēķinu attīstība Analīzes attīstība – no statiskiem līdz dinamiskiem modeļiem Momentu atšķirība – 3.5 reizes!
7. Vēja ģenerātoru aprēķinu attīstība Problemātiskie punkti: Tērauda torņa piemērotība LV vēja slodzes klasei. Tērauda torņa savienojums ar dzelzsbetona kātu, nestspēja. Neuzspriegta dzelzsbetona kāta nestspēja cikliskā slogojumā. Dzelzsbetona stiegrojuma ilgmūžība plaisu atvēršanās iespaidā. Dzelzsbetona kāta enkurojuma nestspēja pamatu pēdā. Grunts izpētes piemērotība vēja ģenerātoru projektēšanai. Pamata pēdas noturība pret apgāšanos. Pamatnes noturība pret izpiešanu.
Editor's Notes
#3: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
#4: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
#5: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
#6: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
#7: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.
#8: The deep foundations of a major bridge in Europe have been designed by interpreting the results of full scale pile tests under both axial and transverse loadings. The present example only with the axial compressive resistance of the piles and aims to show how the results of static compression load tests should be interpreted following Eurocode 7. The foundations on open-ended driven piles have to be designed in order to carry vertical compressive loads. In the following design calculations, only ultimate limit states in persistent and transient situations are considered. The permanent vertical compressive load is 31 MN and the vertical accidental load is 16 MN . The purpose of the design is to determine the number of driven piles of length 55.5m required to carry this load. It is assumed that there is no need to take into account any group effect for the pile foundation. The full design of the foundation would also require the serviceability limit states to be checked, e.g. a check that the settlement of the foundation is acceptable. A typical soil profile consists of 20-30 m of very soft clay (mud), muddy sands, sands and clays and, finally, sands and gravels at the level of the expected location of the base of the piles.