This document discusses a collective response to Black Friday called #blockfriday. It encourages people to refrain from shopping on Black Friday and instead support local businesses throughout the year to promote ethical consumerism and community support. The hashtag #blockfriday is used to promote this idea of an alternative to the commercialism of Black Friday.
1) The author describes being a stranger without hope until awakened by God's kindness and love. They are called to come and die with Christ through grace. Sin and death no longer have power.
2) God's love deeply calls the author to follow and take Christ's life as their own. Christ has risen victoriously from the dead. The author runs toward the marvelous light, out of darkness and shame, finding truth and life in Christ.
3) The author's dead heart now beats life, their stains are cleansed by God's breath filling their lungs. They are now free, lifting their hands and spinning, seeing the light they have found.
This document praises God, who saves through the blood of the Lamb that was slain. It highlights the power in God's name, and the love that pours out from Jesus' wounds. It celebrates the truth in Jesus' resurrection on the third day, and the hope that pours from his empty tomb. The main message is that through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, believers can have eternal life and learn to love as He loved.