The document provides Darryl Black's professional references. It lists his various professional roles and positions held at organizations like the NC General Assembly, NC Office of State Auditor, Veterans Freedom Park Foundation, Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks, and on the TECH-know project. For each position, it provides the name and title of the reference source and type of reference (e.g. letter of recommendation).
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2011.Reference Summary.Optomized
300 Wyatts Pond Lane (919) 481-2345
Cary, NC 27513
Professional References
Position Source Type
Legislative Assistant/Analyst Rep. Paul Stam Letter of Recommendation
NC General Assembly NC House Minority Leader
Technical Program Auditor Lorrie Dollar Letter of Recommendation
NC Office of State Auditor Chief Deputy
NC Office of State Auditor
NGO Consultant Dick Ladd Letter of Recommendation
Development Director Chairman
Veterans Freedom Park Foundation VFP Foundation Board
NGO Consultant Tom Shown Letter of Recommendation
Business and Industry Advisor CoPrincipal Investigator
TECHknow TECHknow
Program Manager Victoria Deaton Letter of Recommendation
NGO Fellowship Program Chief Operating Office
Cisco Systems, Inc. ExplorNet, Inc.
Project Manager Joe Freddoso Letter of Recommendation
Cisco Systems, Inc. RTP Site Director
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Associate Project Manager Ross Price Letter of Recommendation
Nortel Networks Sr. Manager, Operations
Nortel Networks
Engineering Project Manager Hugh McCullen Letter of Recommendation
Nortel Networks Director, NortelVision
Nortel Networks
Engineering Project Manager, Nortel Networks Bill Holtz, Award of Merit
VP, Global Power Networks
Nortel Networks
Sr. Network Applications Analyst, Nortel Wes Wong Letter of Recommendation
Networks Director, Project Delivery
Svcs Nortel Networks
Marketing Analyst, Nortel Networks Ann Neely Letter of Appreciation
Assistant Manager
Marketing Analyst, Nortel Networks Bill Shank Letter of Appreciation
Sales Manager
Nortel Networks
Marketing Analyst, Nortel Networks Monty Moree Letter of Recommendation
Manager, Systems
Nortel Networks
Marketing Analyst, Nortel Networks Pete Predon Award of Merit
Team Leader
Nortel Networks
2. 油
North Carolina General Assembly
House of Representatives
House Republican Leader
Education/PreSchool, Elementary and Secondary
Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform
Office: 613 Legislative Office Building Finance
300 N Salisbury Street Judiciary I
Raleigh, NC 276035925 Local Government 2
Phone: (919) 7332962 Legislative Ethics Committee (Joint)
Fax: (919) 7543175
District: Southern Wake County (37)
3. 油
Lorrie L Dollar
Mediator and Attorney at Law
PO Box 1447
Cary, NC 27512
Phone 919.622.1301 fax 91 9.233.8399
June 28,2010
To Whom lt May Concern:
Darryl Black was hired at the NC Office of the State Auditor in October of 2005 as a
technical Program Auditor. He was initially considered for a position in the section reviewing
non-profit agency reporting. At that time, I served as the Chief Deputy State Auditor, where I
was responsible for the day to day management of the Office. The Deputy State Auditor
recommended Mr. Black for consideration in the Performance Audit section, following his
interview for the non-profit review team position.
Upon joining the Auditor's Office, Mr. Black quickly began making positive contributions
to improve office efficiency in developing and presenting training materials. He also
investigated the possibility of having performance auditors to take Six Sigma training at NC
State University, to improve their program evaluation skills. However, due to funding shortfalls,
the agency was unable to pursue this project. Mr. Black has always demonstrated a positive
and enthusiastic work attitude, and he has performed all duties in an ethical manner.
Mr. Black was valuable in identifying items in performance audits to which he was
assigned which resulted in savings to the agency under review. He has solid writing skills, and
takes the extra effort to investigate and recommend items which will benefit taxpayers, state
agencies, and the legislature in his conclusions. Mr. Black is able to work in difficult situations
to ascertain the relevant facts and make useful recommendations for resolution of audit issues.
I commend Darryl Black to you for employment. He is an employee who works diligently
on projects, develops creative solutions to problems, and goes above and beyond the call of
duty to bring projects in to completion. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further
Cio^" ,dfl.!A^-
Lorrie L Dollar
5. 油
January 3, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
As co-principal investigator, I had the pleasure of working with Darryl Black on the NSF TECH-
know project. The TECH-know project was funded with a $1.1 million National Science
Foundation (NSF # 0095726) grant to NC State University. This project developed effective
instructional materials for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) studies.
It was a collaborative effort between selected state departments of education, universities,
businesses, and the national TSA (Technology Student Association). From 2001-2004, more than
140 technology education teachers, technology teacher educators, Technology Student
Association (TSA) Curriculum Resource Committee members, and business representatives
from across the country worked together to develop quality, standards-based units of
instruction based on the Standards for Technological Literacy, National Science Education
Standards, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, and TSA activities.
My involvement with the TECH-know program consisted of ensuring that TECH-know
instructional modules adhered to stringent NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
technology education standards. As the Industry and Business Advisor for TECH-know, Darryl
Black selected and recruited industry partners including NASA, Solectron, Progress Energy,
Kimbley-Horn, Mulkey Engineering, CC Mangum, Caterpillar, and Quintiles. These business
partners evaluated and provided a current real-world perspective of engineering and medical
instructional units for the classroom. Darryl also worked with TSA.
Darryl performed his work diligently and with a high degree of competence. He worked well
with all and was a fine team player. If I can assist him in securing the position he is seeking,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thomas W. Shown
Educational Consultant
6114 Westglen Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina 27612