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<Towards Interoperable Provenance
Publication on the Linked Data Web>


    <Jun Zhao>
    <Olaf Hartig>

           Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   1
<semantic web layered cake 2007>
                          prov:wasAttributedTo <steve bratt> ;
                               <semantic web layered cake 2000> .

                            rdf:type prov:Activity ;
                            prov:used <semantic web layered cake 2007>;
                            prov:startedAtTime ¡°2007-01-30T00:00:00¡±
                                           ^^xsd:dateTime .

                      <semantic web layered cake 2000>
                          prov:wasAtrributedTo <Berners-Lee> ;
                          prov:wasGeneratedBy [
                               rdf:type prov:Activity ;
                               prov:location <washington d.c> ;

Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France                2
[ ] prov:wasGeneratedBy [
        prov:wasAssociatedWith <http://www.wordle.net/> ;
        prov:endedAtTime ¡°2012-04-12¡±^^xsd:dateTime ;
    prov:wasAttributedTo <jun zhao> .

                                              Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   3
Exchange provenance information among applications
           Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   4

                                     _:b0                               sioc:account_of

                          prov:wasAttributedTo                                       prov:Agent
                               dct:creator                                           foaf:Person
prv:createdBy               prv:DataCreation

                                                            prefix prv:    http://purl.org/net/provenance/ns#
                                                            prefix prov:   http://www.w3.org/ns/prov/
                                                            prefix sioc:   http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#
                                                            prefix opmv:   http://pur.org/net/opmv/ns#
                                                            prefix dct:    http://purl.org/dc/terms/
                                                            prefix foaf:   http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
                       Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France                            5

                                                                to find

                    Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   6
Entity URI
GET //ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/
    slide-ldow-2012 HTTP/1.1                   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Host: ns.slideshare.net                        Content-Type: text/turtle
Accept: text/turtle                            Date: Wed, 10 April 2012 10:58:02 GMT
                                               Link: http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide-
                                               ldow-2012/provnc/; rel="provenance";
                                               Content-Length: 18556

                                                     rdfs:label       ¡°presentation for ldow 2012¡± ;
                                                     sioc:topic       <provenance>, <standard> ;
                   Link: http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide-
                   ldow-2012/provnc/; rel="provenance";

Provenance URI                     Entity URI
                            Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France                7
What is described?

 Who generated
  the forecast
    of Lyon?
                     Unchanged properties                ¡ñ Forecast of Lyon
                                                         ¡ñ Creator of the forecast data

                     Changed properties                  ¡ñ Creation time of the forecast
                                                         ¡ñ Raw data used to generate

Who generated                                            the forecast
 the forecast
  of Lyon on
April 16, 2012?
                    Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France                   8
Provenance Entities
¡ñ   A flexible notion from Provenance WG
    ¡ñ   With a lifetime and some attributes that do not vary
    ¡ñ   Subject to provenance providers / application needs
¡ñ   Firmer notion
    ¡ñ   Something of an immutable piece of state
    ¡ñ   The Provenance Vocabulary
         ¨C   http://purl.org/net/provenance/ns-20120314
    ¡ñ   OPMV
         ¨C   http://purl.org/net/opmv/ns-20101006

                         Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   9

                                prov:Activity                            prov:Entity
        Forecast                  _:b0               <http://ns.forecast.net/data-x>
         Lyon    prov:wasGeneratedBy                         " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 11 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^

                                Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France             10

                             prv:DataCreation                                           prov:Entity
         Forecast                        prv:usedData
            Of                      _:b0                                     " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 10 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^
       Lyon at 10am                         prv:completedAt

                                        <http://ns.forecast.net/sat> prov:Agent

                             prv:DataCreation                                           prov:Entity
         Forecast                        prv:usedData
                                                                             " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 11 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^
            Of                      _:b1                                     ^xsd:dateTime
       Lyon at 11am                         prv:completedAt
                            Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France                                   11

 Provenance   Provenance
               Provenance            Provenance
                                      Provenance                   Provenance
 Vocabulary     Access
                 Access             Representation
                                     Representation                 Semantics

                Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France             12
Take-home Messages
¡ñ   Provenance publisher:
    ¡ñ   Think again about what is described in your provenance
    ¡ñ   Make sure ¡°sufficient¡± historical records can be accessed
    ¡ñ   Make sure your provenance is made accessible
¡ñ   Provenance consumer:
    ¡ñ   Think again what you are accessing
         ¨C   Does it talk about the same thing you think it does?
         ¨C   Will it stay there forever if you don't cache it locally?

                           Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   13
WG release expected April 19

            Look out to:


     Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   14
Provenance Tutorial
International Provenance and Annotation
         Workshop (IPAW 2012)
        Santa Barbara, California
              June 19, 2012

         WG Updates
   SWPM Workshop at ESWC2012
       Heraklion, Greece
         May 27, 2012

            Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   15
These slides have been created by
             Jun Zhao and Olaf Hartig

              This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

                Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France   16

More Related Content

2012 04-ldow-prov

  • 1. <Towards Interoperable Provenance Publication on the Linked Data Web> prov:wasAttributedTo <Jun Zhao> <Olaf Hartig> Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 1
  • 2. <semantic web layered cake 2007> prov:wasAttributedTo <steve bratt> ; prov:wasDerivedFrom <semantic web layered cake 2000> . <> rdf:type prov:Activity ; prov:used <semantic web layered cake 2007>; prov:startedAtTime ¡°2007-01-30T00:00:00¡± ^^xsd:dateTime . <semantic web layered cake 2000> prov:wasAtrributedTo <Berners-Lee> ; prov:wasGeneratedBy [ rdf:type prov:Activity ; prov:startedAtTime ¡°2000-12-06T00:00:00¡±^^xsd:dateTime; prov:location <washington d.c> ; ]. Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 2
  • 3. [ ] prov:wasGeneratedBy [ prov:wasAssociatedWith <http://www.wordle.net/> ; prov:endedAtTime ¡°2012-04-12¡±^^xsd:dateTime ; ]; prov:wasAttributedTo <jun zhao> . Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 3
  • 4. Exchange provenance information among applications Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 4
  • 5. sioc:UserAccount _:b0 sioc:account_of sioc:has_creator prov:wasAttributedTo prov:Agent prov:Person foaf:Agent dct:creator foaf:Person prv:HumanActor opmv:Agent ..... prv:createdBy prv:DataCreation prv:performedBy _:b1 prefix prv: http://purl.org/net/provenance/ns# prefix prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov/ prefix sioc: http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns# prefix opmv: http://pur.org/net/opmv/ns# prefix dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ prefix foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 5
  • 6. http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide-ldow-2012 WHERE to find PROVENANCE? Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 6
  • 7. Entity URI http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide-ldow-2012 GET //ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/ slide-ldow-2012 HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Host: ns.slideshare.net Content-Type: text/turtle Accept: text/turtle Date: Wed, 10 April 2012 10:58:02 GMT Link: http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide- ldow-2012/provnc/; rel="provenance"; anchor="http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide- ldow-2012" Content-Length: 18556 [] rdfs:label ¡°presentation for ldow 2012¡± ; sioc:topic <provenance>, <standard> ; Link: http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slide- .. ldow-2012/provnc/; rel="provenance"; anchor="http://ns.slideshare.net/junzhao/slid e-ldow-2012" Provenance URI Entity URI (optional) Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 7
  • 8. What is described? Who generated the forecast of Lyon? Unchanged properties ¡ñ Forecast of Lyon ¡ñ Creator of the forecast data Changed properties ¡ñ Creation time of the forecast ¡ñ Raw data used to generate Who generated the forecast the forecast of Lyon on April 16, 2012? Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 8
  • 9. Provenance Entities ¡ñ A flexible notion from Provenance WG ¡ñ With a lifetime and some attributes that do not vary ¡ñ Subject to provenance providers / application needs ¡ñ Firmer notion ¡ñ Something of an immutable piece of state ¡ñ The Provenance Vocabulary ¨C http://purl.org/net/provenance/ns-20120314 ¡ñ OPMV ¨C http://purl.org/net/opmv/ns-20101006 Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 9
  • 10. prov:Agent <http://ns.forecast.net/sat> prov:wasAttributedTo <http://ns.forecast.net/lyon> prov:Activity prov:Entity prov:used Forecast _:b0 <http://ns.forecast.net/data-x> Of prov:startedAt Lyon prov:wasGeneratedBy " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 11 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^ ^xsd:dateTime Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 10
  • 11. prov:Agent <http://ns.forecast.net/sat> prov:wasAttributedTo <http://ns.forecast.net/lyon-10am> <http://ns.forecast.net/data-x> prv:Immutable prv:DataCreation prov:Entity Forecast prv:usedData Of _:b0 " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 10 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^ ^xsd:dateTime Lyon at 10am prv:completedAt prv:createdBy <http://ns.forecast.net/sat> prov:Agent prov:wasAttributedTo <http://ns.forecast.net/lyon-11am> <http://ns.forecast.net/data-y> prv:Immutable prv:DataCreation prov:Entity Forecast prv:usedData " 2 0 1 2 - 0 4 - 10 T 11 : 0 0 : 0 0 " ^ Of _:b1 ^xsd:dateTime Lyon at 11am prv:completedAt prv:createdBy Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 11
  • 12. Trust Trust Provenance Provenance Provenance Provenance Provenance Provenance Provenance Provenance Vocabulary Vocabulary Access Access Representation Representation Semantics Semantics Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 12
  • 13. Take-home Messages ¡ñ Provenance publisher: ¡ñ Think again about what is described in your provenance ¡ñ Make sure ¡°sufficient¡± historical records can be accessed ¡ñ Make sure your provenance is made accessible ¡ñ Provenance consumer: ¡ñ Think again what you are accessing ¨C Does it talk about the same thing you think it does? ¨C Will it stay there forever if you don't cache it locally? Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 13
  • 14. WG release expected April 19 Look out to: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/ Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 14
  • 15. Provenance Tutorial International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW 2012) Santa Barbara, California June 19, 2012 http://ipaw2012.bren.ucsb.edu/ WG Updates SWPM Workshop at ESWC2012 Heraklion, Greece May 27, 2012 http://sites.google.com/site/swpm2012/ Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 15
  • 16. These slides have been created by Jun Zhao and Olaf Hartig This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) Linked Data on the Web. April 16, 2012. Lyon, France 16