1) O documento apresenta um modelo para definir e gerenciar indicadores de desempenho para PMOs (Project Management Offices) que foi desenvolvido por 19 l┴deres de PMOs brasileiros.
2) O modelo prop?e 7 etapas: entender a miss?o e vis?o do PMO, identificar clientes e necessidades, identificar servi?os, definir indicadores, detalhar indicadores, selecionar os mais representativos e acompanhar/melhorar.
3) O modelo utiliza 27 servi?os comuns de PMOs e o m└todo AHP para selec
The document provides information about time management. It begins with an agenda for a time management lesson that will help students organize their time to increase effectiveness when studying and working in a call center. It then defines time management and lists benefits such as stress relief, having more time and opportunities, and achieving goals. The document also provides tips for effective time management, such as setting goals, prioritizing tasks, taking breaks, and removing non-essential tasks. It discusses implications of poor time management like poor workflow, wasted time, loss of control, and poor quality work. Finally, it introduces new vocabulary related to time management.
Holacracy is a management system that replaces traditional hierarchical structures with distributed authority and decision-making through self-organizing teams called circles. Circles operate through different types of regular meetings focused on tactical operations, governance, and strategy. Roles rather than individuals are the main organizing principle, with each role having a purpose, domains of authority, and accountabilities. The system aims to make organizations more adaptive, productive, and empowering for employees.
Task management involves planning, tracking, and reporting tasks to help ensure they are completed on time. It focuses on managing individual tasks rather than full projects. Key aspects of task management include identifying the most important tasks (MITs) to focus on each day, achieving "inbox zero" by processing all emails as they come in, and using tools like Wunderlist to organize tasks, share lists with others, and mark items as complete. Wunderlist is a popular task management app that makes it easy to create and prioritize to-do lists across devices.
1? CONAGILE | Inicie Business Agility com StrategicMayra de Souza
Este documento descreve uma t└cnica de planejamento e alinhamento estrat└gico colaborativo chamada Strategic Inception. Ele apresenta os objetivos, participantes, agenda e din?micas da abordagem, que └ inspirada em modelos como os Tr┷s Horizontes de Crescimento da McKinsey e a organiza??o ambidestra de Steve Blank. A Strategic Inception visa promover o alinhamento organizacional por meio da defini??o colaborativa do prop┏sito, identidade e posicionamento estrat└gico da empresa.
1. O documento descreve o m└todo │gil Kanban para desenvolvimento de software.
2. Kanban utiliza um quadro visual para limitar o trabalho em andamento e medir o tempo total de resposta.
3. O objetivo do Kanban └ manter um fluxo de trabalho cont┴nuo atrav└s da visualiza??o e limita??o do trabalho em progresso.
O documento descreve os princ┴pios do 5S Jap?o, que incluem Seiton, o senso de organiza??o. Seiton visa estabelecer locais claros para armazenar itens de acordo com sua frequ┷ncia de uso, de modo a economizar tempo e espa?o e facilitar a localiza??o de itens. Itens usados com frequ┷ncia devem ficar pr┏ximos ao local de trabalho, enquanto itens usados raramente devem ficar mais distantes.
Falar de Agilidade nos negocios significa expandir o pensamento agil de forma organizacional e estrutural, comecando pela forma como falamos e desenvolvemos Estrategia.
The document discusses strategies for achieving work-life balance. It begins by outlining common signs of an imbalance like working late hours, feeling stressed or tired due to work responsibilities. It then describes five "dying stages" that can result from being "married to your work", including exhaustion, suffering family and friends, and increased expectations. Several solutions are proposed, such as making lists, being flexible, learning to say no, leaving work at the office, managing time, communicating clearly, and setting aside time for recreation and self-care. The key message is that creating balance is an ongoing process that requires periodically reassessing one's priorities and routines.
O World Caf└ └ um m└todo para promover conversas em grupo sobre assuntos relevantes, onde os participantes se dividem em mesas e discutem os temas por alguns minutos, depois um membro fica na mesa enquanto os outros mudam, para compartilhar as descobertas. O objetivo └ permitir que um grande n┣mero de pessoas participe de conversas paralelas que se conectam, gerando novas ideias e possibilidades.
The document discusses the concept of "deep work", which refers to professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These deep work efforts can create new value, improve skills, and are difficult to replicate. The document outlines that deep work is valuable for quickly learning hard things and producing at an elite level. However, deep work has become rare due to always-on connectivity from devices, the use of busyness as a proxy for productivity, and people's tendency toward behaviors that require the least effort. It then provides rules for practicing deep work, such as working deeply without distraction, embracing boredom, quitting social media, and draining shallow work.
This document discusses effective time management. It defines time management as organizing and planning how to divide time between activities. Good time management enables working smarter by getting more done in less time. The document outlines why time management is important, such as saving time, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. It provides tips for improving time management skills, including setting goals, prioritizing tasks, managing calendars, and delegating work. The conclusion emphasizes that time management is an important skill that allows for better lifestyle, less stress, and higher quality work completed on time.
O documento discute os custos associados ao equipamento de constru??o civil. Explica que equipamentos representam um custo relevante nas obras e como calcular o custo hor│rio dos equipamentos, incluindo custos de propriedade, opera??o, manuten??o, horas produtivas e improdutivas. Tamb└m compara os custos de se comprar equipamentos versus alug│-los.
This presentation of this model will show how you can implement a PMO using model Canvas easily.
Est│ apresenta??o ir│ mostrar como voc┷ poder│ utilizar o modelo Canvas na implementa??o de um PMO.
Falar de Agilidade nos negocios significa expandir o pensamento agil de forma organizacional e estrutural, comecando pela forma como falamos e desenvolvemos Estrategia.
The document discusses strategies for achieving work-life balance. It begins by outlining common signs of an imbalance like working late hours, feeling stressed or tired due to work responsibilities. It then describes five "dying stages" that can result from being "married to your work", including exhaustion, suffering family and friends, and increased expectations. Several solutions are proposed, such as making lists, being flexible, learning to say no, leaving work at the office, managing time, communicating clearly, and setting aside time for recreation and self-care. The key message is that creating balance is an ongoing process that requires periodically reassessing one's priorities and routines.
O World Caf└ └ um m└todo para promover conversas em grupo sobre assuntos relevantes, onde os participantes se dividem em mesas e discutem os temas por alguns minutos, depois um membro fica na mesa enquanto os outros mudam, para compartilhar as descobertas. O objetivo └ permitir que um grande n┣mero de pessoas participe de conversas paralelas que se conectam, gerando novas ideias e possibilidades.
The document discusses the concept of "deep work", which refers to professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These deep work efforts can create new value, improve skills, and are difficult to replicate. The document outlines that deep work is valuable for quickly learning hard things and producing at an elite level. However, deep work has become rare due to always-on connectivity from devices, the use of busyness as a proxy for productivity, and people's tendency toward behaviors that require the least effort. It then provides rules for practicing deep work, such as working deeply without distraction, embracing boredom, quitting social media, and draining shallow work.
This document discusses effective time management. It defines time management as organizing and planning how to divide time between activities. Good time management enables working smarter by getting more done in less time. The document outlines why time management is important, such as saving time, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. It provides tips for improving time management skills, including setting goals, prioritizing tasks, managing calendars, and delegating work. The conclusion emphasizes that time management is an important skill that allows for better lifestyle, less stress, and higher quality work completed on time.
O documento discute os custos associados ao equipamento de constru??o civil. Explica que equipamentos representam um custo relevante nas obras e como calcular o custo hor│rio dos equipamentos, incluindo custos de propriedade, opera??o, manuten??o, horas produtivas e improdutivas. Tamb└m compara os custos de se comprar equipamentos versus alug│-los.
This presentation of this model will show how you can implement a PMO using model Canvas easily.
Est│ apresenta??o ir│ mostrar como voc┷ poder│ utilizar o modelo Canvas na implementa??o de um PMO.
The document discusses GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) networks. It provides an overview of the evolution of mobile network generations from 1G to 4G. It then describes the key components and protocols of GPRS networks, including the GPRS architecture, interfaces, radio interface protocols, protocol stacks, and functions of network elements like the SGSN and GGSN.
This document provides an introduction to Agile software development. It discusses the origins and evolution of Agile methods from the 1970s onwards. Key characteristics of Agile include iterative development, emphasis on individuals and interactions over processes, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Specific Agile methodologies like Scrum and Extreme Programming are described. The document also outlines 10 key principles of Agile development such as active user involvement, empowered self-organizing teams, frequent delivery of working software, and collaboration between all stakeholders.
ATAM is an architecture evaluation method that assesses architectural decisions based on quality attribute requirements. It identifies risks, tradeoffs, and sensitivity points. The ATAM process has 3 phases - introduction, analysis and investigation, and follow up. It involves stakeholders generating scenarios, analyzing how architectural approaches address quality attributes, and identifying risks. The results include documented architectural approaches, utility trees, scenarios, and risks/tradeoffs to improve the architecture.
The document discusses sustainable software development practices that allow teams to respond to changing requirements over time with low cost of change. Key aspects of sustainable development include having a working product at all times, emphasizing defect prevention through rigorous testing, continual refinement of the product and development practices, and focusing on design to support flexibility and change. Sustainable practices help teams balance short-term needs with long-term maintainability through iterative development and continual learning and improvement.
The document discusses different types of comments in code including:
- Explanatory comments that explain the intent or purpose of code where the code alone does not make it clear.
- Informative comments that provide basic information but the code should still be written clearly without needing the comments.
- Legal comments required for things like copyright notices.
- TODO comments can be used temporarily to explain known issues but should be removed once addressed.
- Comments should not duplicate the meaning or intent of the code, or be used to justify poor code. The code itself should be clean without needing extra comments.