16 03-2015 актуальные направления развития онлайн-обучения-модели_ инструмент...Александр МолчановПрезентация к пленарному докладу. II Международная научно-практическая конференция «Электронное обучение в непрерывном образовании 2015»
электронное и дистанционное обучение: интернет-образованиеNatalia.Электронное и дистанционное обучение. Новая нормативная база дистанционного обучения и использования ЭОР в образовательном процессе
. Интернет-образование
ИКТ-компетентность педагогов в условиях реализации ФГОС общего образования (Н...Наталья ВознякИКТ-компетентность педагогов в условиях реализации ФГОС общего образования (Надежда Шпарута)
Формирование ИКТ-компетентности педагогов в условиях реализации ФГОС общего о...Наталья ВознякФормирование ИКТ-компетентности педагогов в условиях реализации ФГОС общего образования (Дударева, Тележинская)
Смарт-университет как клиенто-ориентированная модель университетаАлександр МолчановПрезентация к форуму "Университете будущего" и к совещанию по проекту "Tempus Ecommis"
Комплексное предложение для системы общего и средне специального образования ...Наталья ВознякКомплексное предложение для системы общего и средне специального образования РФ (Михаил Калачинский)
вебинар вводный Светлана ПанюковаСтоит ли безучастно наблюдать за растущей популярностью социальных сетей в молодежной среде?
А может быть педагогам стоит присмотреться к этим необычным инструментам?
Какие социальные сети можно использовать в учебном процессе?
Что такое OpenBadges? Как вставить свой бейдж в портфолио? Проведем мастер-класс.
Электронное обучение и ДОТ в ДПО: потребности и перспективыPhilippovich AndreyДоклад на круглом столе / секции "Российский и международный опыт реализации дополнительных профессиональных образовательных программ с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий и электронного обучения" в рамках конференции «Актуальные вопросы развития непрерывного образования: проблемы, пути решения», проводимой Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. http://spo-edu.ru/conference
Tarifas camping l´amfora 2011campingsdeespanaThis document provides pricing information for camping sites and accommodations at Camping L'Àmfora in Catalonia, Spain from April to September 2011. Camping site prices range from €4.50-€42.30 per night depending on the facilities and season. Accommodation prices for apartments, bungalows, and mobile homes range from €52-€165 per night. The document also describes the facilities and activities available on site such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and children's clubs.
Drupal 7x Installation - Introduction to Drupal ConceptsMicky MettsThis document provides an overview of a presentation on installing and configuring Drupal 7. It discusses downloading and installing Drupal, creating a database, enabling modules, and navigating the administrative screens. It also recommends modules helpful for administrators and provides resources for learning more about Drupal. The presentation includes labs for attendees to complete hands-on activities like installing modules and enables questions throughout.
OpenERP - Lift maintenance, bi-derectional interface between OpenERP & Androi...OdooThis document discusses developing an Android app for a lift maintenance company to improve their maintenance processes. [1] The app would automate assigning technicians to calls, reduce time spent recording tasks, and allow technicians and managers to check lift status and technician activities from their devices. [2] The presentation shows the app has sections for incidents, maintenance, and checklists that would interface bidirectionally with the company's Open ERP system. [3] Future enhancements discussed include tracking technician time on site, allowing technicians to transfer incidents, monitoring technician locations, and providing maps with lift and direction information.
An Introduction to The Big Lunch CampaignNCVO - National Council for Voluntary OrganisationsThe Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project. The aim is to get as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours annually on the first Sunday in June in a simple act of community, friendship and fun. Since starting in 2009, thousands of Big Lunches have taken place in all types of communities. In 2013, 3.65 million people took to their streets, gardens and community spaces for the fifth annual Big Lunch.
The Big Lunch takes place annually on the first Sunday in June. In 2014 it was held on Sunday 1st June, in 2015 it will be Sunday 7th June.
Find out more about the Evolve Conference from NCVO: http://www.ncvo.org.uk/training-and-events/evolve-conference
IMGS Presentation: AGI Belfast - Geo Big 5 - Open Geospatial - Transforming G...IMGSWith Solutions that:
- Reduce time from capture to end-use
- Increase efficiency
- Reduce cost/labour
- Reduce barriers between data collection
- Link end use applications to data
Смарт-университет как клиенто-ориентированная модель университетаАлександр МолчановПрезентация к форуму "Университете будущего" и к совещанию по проекту "Tempus Ecommis"
Комплексное предложение для системы общего и средне специального образования ...Наталья ВознякКомплексное предложение для системы общего и средне специального образования РФ (Михаил Калачинский)
вебинар вводный Светлана ПанюковаСтоит ли безучастно наблюдать за растущей популярностью социальных сетей в молодежной среде?
А может быть педагогам стоит присмотреться к этим необычным инструментам?
Какие социальные сети можно использовать в учебном процессе?
Что такое OpenBadges? Как вставить свой бейдж в портфолио? Проведем мастер-класс.
Электронное обучение и ДОТ в ДПО: потребности и перспективыPhilippovich AndreyДоклад на круглом столе / секции "Российский и международный опыт реализации дополнительных профессиональных образовательных программ с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий и электронного обучения" в рамках конференции «Актуальные вопросы развития непрерывного образования: проблемы, пути решения», проводимой Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. http://spo-edu.ru/conference
Tarifas camping l´amfora 2011campingsdeespanaThis document provides pricing information for camping sites and accommodations at Camping L'Àmfora in Catalonia, Spain from April to September 2011. Camping site prices range from €4.50-€42.30 per night depending on the facilities and season. Accommodation prices for apartments, bungalows, and mobile homes range from €52-€165 per night. The document also describes the facilities and activities available on site such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and children's clubs.
Drupal 7x Installation - Introduction to Drupal ConceptsMicky MettsThis document provides an overview of a presentation on installing and configuring Drupal 7. It discusses downloading and installing Drupal, creating a database, enabling modules, and navigating the administrative screens. It also recommends modules helpful for administrators and provides resources for learning more about Drupal. The presentation includes labs for attendees to complete hands-on activities like installing modules and enables questions throughout.
OpenERP - Lift maintenance, bi-derectional interface between OpenERP & Androi...OdooThis document discusses developing an Android app for a lift maintenance company to improve their maintenance processes. [1] The app would automate assigning technicians to calls, reduce time spent recording tasks, and allow technicians and managers to check lift status and technician activities from their devices. [2] The presentation shows the app has sections for incidents, maintenance, and checklists that would interface bidirectionally with the company's Open ERP system. [3] Future enhancements discussed include tracking technician time on site, allowing technicians to transfer incidents, monitoring technician locations, and providing maps with lift and direction information.
An Introduction to The Big Lunch CampaignNCVO - National Council for Voluntary OrganisationsThe Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project. The aim is to get as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours annually on the first Sunday in June in a simple act of community, friendship and fun. Since starting in 2009, thousands of Big Lunches have taken place in all types of communities. In 2013, 3.65 million people took to their streets, gardens and community spaces for the fifth annual Big Lunch.
The Big Lunch takes place annually on the first Sunday in June. In 2014 it was held on Sunday 1st June, in 2015 it will be Sunday 7th June.
Find out more about the Evolve Conference from NCVO: http://www.ncvo.org.uk/training-and-events/evolve-conference
IMGS Presentation: AGI Belfast - Geo Big 5 - Open Geospatial - Transforming G...IMGSWith Solutions that:
- Reduce time from capture to end-use
- Increase efficiency
- Reduce cost/labour
- Reduce barriers between data collection
- Link end use applications to data
XML con J de JDOM12345678aExamples of how to validate a XML document with local DTD or XSD Schema in Java
ejemplo de como validar un docpumento xml contra un dtd o un xsd esquema local en Java
Advertisers: Take Your Lead Gen Beyond the DesktopAffiliate SummitThis presentation is from Affiliate Summit West 2014 (January 12-14, 2014 in Las Vegas, NV). Session description: Advertisers: it’s time to take your lead-gen campaigns beyond the desktop and onto mobile and tablet devices. Discover strategies on how to mobilize your offers and track across various mobile traffic.
Azbox mini-meTELE-audiovision engThe AZBox miniMe is a small Linux-based HDTV receiver. It has an attractive compact design that allows it to integrate well into a home entertainment system. It offers connectivity options like HDMI, S/PDIF, LAN and supports common video formats. The receiver can be controlled remotely using an optional infrared receiver and has a simple intuitive on-screen menu.
Maiyalagan, Components of pem fuel cells an overviewkutty79Fuel cells, as devices for direct conversion of the chemical energy of a fuel into
electricity by electrochemical reactions, are among the key enabling technologies for the transition
to a hydrogen-based economy. Among the various types of fuel cells, polymer electrolyte
membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are considered to be at the forefront for commercialization for
portable and transportation applications because of their high energy conversion efficiency and low
pollutant emission. Cost and durability of PEMFCs are the two major challenges that need to be
addressed to facilitate their commercialization. The properties of the membrane electrode assembly
(MEA) have a direct impact on both cost and durability of a PEMFC.
An overview is presented on the key components of the PEMFC MEA. The success of the MEA
and thereby PEMFC technology is believed to depend largely on two key materials: the membrane
and the electro-catalyst. These two key materials are directly linked to the major challenges faced in
PEMFC, namely, the performance, and cost. Concerted efforts are conducted globally for the past
couple of decades to address these challenges. This chapter aims to provide the reader an overview
of the major research findings to date on the key components of a PEMFC MEA.
Oil Seeds World Markets And TradeVasu Chithiravelu- U.S. soybean prices have fallen 15% since early January due to a slowdown in demand as buyers focus on the upcoming large South American soybean crop.
- U.S. soybean export bids reached their lowest level since 2009 as prospects of record South American crops and a seasonal shift in China's buying lowered export prices.
- Total U.S. soybean sales commitments to China were up significantly from the same period last year while commitments to the world were also higher year-over-year.
RefrigeratorPrakhar PandeyThe document discusses the history and basic principles of refrigeration. It describes how William Cullen conducted early experiments in artificial refrigeration and how Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration machine. The basic principle is explained as passing a colder liquid around an object to continuously remove heat from it. The key components of a refrigerator - compressor, condenser, evaporator, and throttling device - are outlined. The document also provides details on how each component functions within the refrigeration cycle and explains the concept of refrigerants. Common refrigerants like R12, R290, R134a, and R600a are mentioned.
Ip атс grand stream ucm6102 functional overview and testing-engVladimir DudchenkoGrandstream UCM6102 is an Aterisk based IP PBX appliance. Perfect solution for SMB heaving affordable price ($440 or so), it supports up to 30 concurrent calls.
But you should check carefully if it really fits to your needs, to avoid disappointments and unjustified money spending.
5 Strategies For Effectively Integrating SMS, IVR and SocialWaterfall MobileWaterfall Mobile and Angel's presentation of the top strategies for effective cross-channel integration of SMS, IVR and social. Gain a clear understanding how:
- SMS text messaging services can integrate into IVR systems to form a key facet of businesses' customer care strategy
- Business intelligence, customer analytics and reporting can help deliver better customer engagement
OMNITRACKER IT Service Management CenterOMNINET USAThe document describes OMNITRACKER ITSM Center, a certified IT service management tool. It enables organizations to implement key IT service management processes like incident, problem, change, and request management. The tool combines these processes into a single application and allows organizations to customize workflows. It also provides reporting and monitoring to help improve service quality and reduce costs over time.
Half City Pitching DeckStellaXingJuݺߣ showcases the highlights of Half City, the city-focused social platform (web and mobile) where users share their urban lives
with beatified pictures associated with a specific location(marked by double *).
In a nutshell: HalfCity is a much more social, picture-focused and prettier Yelp with an elegant twist. Visit HalfCity at www.thehalfcity.com
Old photos of the first generation of computersIvan ConsiglioThe document provides an overview of early computer history through photos of some of the first computers ever built. It describes computers like the ENIAC, which took up an entire room and weighed 30 tons, and AVIDAC, the first digital computer built by Argonne National Laboratory in 1953. The photos show how early computers used thousands of vacuum tubes and filled entire rooms, in contrast to today's portable devices. They highlight the massive size and limited capabilities of the earliest computers compared to modern PCs and phones.
Instruction set summary janicetiongThis document provides an overview of the instruction set for the 8051 microcontroller. It describes the 8 addressing modes - register, direct, indirect, immediate, relative, absolute, long, and indexed. It provides examples of instructions using each addressing mode, including their opcodes, machine code encoding, operations performed, and examples of usage. Common instructions for moving data, logical operations, and arithmetic are demonstrated for each addressing mode. The relative jumps, absolute jumps, and subroutine calls are also detailed.
Mindex: Your Thinking Style ProfileDr. Karl AlbrechtMindex is a self-scoring self-assessment questionnaire, in the form of a self-contained educational booklet, that enables people to understand the way they and others process information.
вебинар овСветлана ПанюковаПерспективные интернет-технологии в школе и вузе. Новые инструменты и сервисы для формирования информационно-образовательной среды. OpenBadges
Стратегия внедрения e-learning в ВУЗеElena TikhomirovaПрезентация подготовлена для выступления на пленарном заседании конференции Новые Образовательные Технологии 2010 в г. Екатеринбурге 8 февраля 2010 года
1. И пока на земле продолжается
жизнь, продолжаются учителя
Баженов Илья Иванович,
Сыктывкарский государственный
5. Подходы и модули Применение Освоение Производство
ICT-CFT ИКТ знаний знаний
Понимание роли Знакомство с Понимание Инициация
ИКТ в образовании образовательной образовательной инноваций
политикой политики
Учебная программа Базовые знания Применение Умения жителя
и оценивание знаний общества знаний
Педагогические Использование Решение Способность к
практики ИКТ комплексных самообразованию
Технические и Базовые Сложные Распространяющи
программные инструменты инструменты еся технологии
средства ИКТ
Организация и Традиционные Группы Обучающаяся
управление формы учебной сотрудничества организация
образовательным работы
Профессиональное Компьютерная Помощь и Учитель как
развитие грамотность наставничество мастер учения
7. Двадцать лет с начала широкого внедрения компьютеров в
образование, что мы узнали?
Проблема информатизации образования –
трудно решаемая проблема!
• стремительное развитие технологий
• необходимость крупных финансовых вложений
• отсутствие ясного видения роли учителей,
использующих ИКТ для трансформирования
• отставание педагогических ВУЗов в реализации
ИКТ-компетентностной подготовки будущих
11. Соотношение форм обучения очного, дистанционного (только через
Интернет) и комплексного (смешанного)
Страна Очное обучение Дистанционное Смешанное
обучение обучение
Россия 54.7% 13.7% 31.6%.
США 20% 20% 60%.
24. Спасибо!
Баженов Илья Иванович,
заведующий кафедрой математики и информационных технологий в
образовании СыктГУ,
доцент кафедры естественнонаучного и математического образования
ГАОУДПО (пк)С РК «Коми республиканский институт развития образования»,
к.ф.м.н., доцент
E-mail: iibazhenov@gmail.com
Сайт: iibazhenov.ucoz.ru